Mage Joan

Chapter 2534: Eye of the Abyss

The number of kobolds is almost twice that of Kou Tao's murlocs. Two fights against one, but the scene is at a disadvantage.

Kou Tao's murloc's height, weight and physical attributes completely crush the skinny kobold. The mucus secreted by the skin can not only moisturize in the dry air, maintain smooth breathing, and also have a good defense function.

The kobold raised a sword and pierced it on the back of the Kou Tao murloc. The blade was first blocked by the hard fish scales. When he was about to stab, he was slid away by the mucus attached to the scales. Instead, he took a elbow and screamed and fell on his back. .

The special shield made by Kou Tao's murlocs also has a miraculous effect in close combat. It can block the kobold's attacks while also sticking to the opponent's weapon, seizing the dagger, brandishing torches and harpoons, and chasing the bare-handed kobold with a grinning smile.

If it were just the Kou Tao murloc and the kobold fighting, the victory would undoubtedly belong to the former, but the kobold also had Tisitaia and Shar sitting in town. When they joined the battle, the situation on the battlefield was immediately reversed.

Suddenly mud and sand flew up on the flat lake beach, and a triangular head covered with hard scales and resembling a shark came out of the mud, opening a big mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth, and biting all around. Kou Tao's murloc was bitten off his legs and feet before he could react, and his flesh and blood flew around, screaming repeatedly.

Shar crawled out of the hole, shook off the mud and sand on his body, and leaped up with all his strength, like a meteorite hitting the densest area of ​​the enemy.


The giant beast descended from the sky, and the crackling bones shattered and the horrified screams of Kou Tao murlocs came along with the tremors of the earthquake.

The strong land shark is like an armored chariot, rampaging on the battlefield, wantonly crushing the Kou Tao murloc.

At this time, there was the sound of hitting the water beside the trestle bridge, and several Kou Tao murlocs emerged from the lake, quickly swam to the shore, and rushed to support them.

Tisitaia sneered and floated over, stopping the group of idiots who were rushing to die. The main eye suddenly glowed with golden magical light, and first shot out a "shock cone" to stop all the Kou Tao murlocs within 60 feet ahead. Then raised four eye stalks, respectively stimulating "sleeping rays", "paralysis rays", "scorching rays" and "desolate rays", one by one shot at the deadly live target.

The "scorching" and "eclipse" rays of Tizitaia are both at 12 levels of lethality. Kou Tao's murlocs are basically killed in seconds when they hit a shot, and Kou Tao, who is "paralyzed" or "hypnotized" Murlocs can only wait to die.

The Kou Tao murlocs who came afterwards were already shocked by the "Eye of Gauss" blocked in front. They turned around and jumped back into the lake, trying to escape by diving.

Tisitaia floated over the lake, turned back and rushed to the shore and shouted: "Shar, the next thing is your performance, don't waste the magic potion the master gave!"

The shark lizard had already taken the "water breathing" potion before he arrived. Hearing Tisitea's urging, he shook the huge triangular skull, like a crazy hippo, rushing straight to the lake and falling into the water with a plop.

The originally impenetrable land shark, under the protection of the magic potion, is like a real shark breathing freely in the water, swimming fast, and soon overtakes a Kou Tao murloc, snapping a bite, biting the legs of the prey, and the lake surface The waves churned, and turbid blood appeared.

Shar tossed around in the water, biting wildly, Kou Tao murloc realized that hiding underwater was more unsafe, so they had to surface one after another.

The "Eye of Gauss" had been waiting for them in mid-air, staring at the main eye and six stalked eyes, and seeing the sneaky fat fish head emerging from the water, it blasted a deadly ray without thinking.

Tisitea and Shar, working in harmony on the lake surface, took less than ten minutes to slaughter all the Kou Tao murlocs in this water area.

Shar had a full meal of murloc meat, his belly stretched round, and he hiccuped on the lake backstroke comfortably.

Tisitaia flew back to the shore, and no longer saw the stubborn Kou Tao murloc.

No one sacrificed on his side, only four kobolds were seriously injured, and the results were satisfactory. They ordered the slaves to treat the wounded, clean the battlefield, and count the corpses. They found that the Kou Tao murloc had not died. Remember to make up the knife.

"Pray for mercy? Don't pay attention, you can kill it!"

Tisitea knew very well that the orders given by the master must be implemented without compromise.

"Today we don't accept surrender. The master said that if you want to slaughter these fish head bastards, you must kill none of them!"

Qiao An observed the situation by the lake through the mirror and saw the **** and messy murloc corpse everywhere. She felt a little bit intolerable. However, she restrained the mercy derived from humanity and did not change the order given before, silently watching Tisitea. Command his subordinates to massacre the captured Kou Tao murlocs and abandon the corpse at the dock.

"Okay, there is no fish head **** here that can breathe! Untie the rope and row back the master's boat!"

Just as Tisitaia ordered a retreat, the calm lake suddenly raised waves, and four huge spherical shadows surfaced one after another, quickly blocking the front of Tisitaia and the others to prevent them from approaching the two fishing boats.

At the same time, Qiao An, who was in the den’s secret room, also noticed the abnormality of the lake, and quickly locked the "remote mirror" to the fishing boat. After zooming in and taking a closer look, it turned out that the four that just flew out of the sea were almost exactly the same. The subspecies beholder.

The size of these four monsters is similar to the true beholder. The outer shell of the spherical body is bright purple. The main eyes are staring viciously at Tisitea and the kobold slaves, and their pupils are sparkling with lightning-like glaring light and wide mouth cloth. Full of sharp teeth like sharks.

Different from other subspecies of beholders, they only have two eye stalks, a pair of thick arms stretched out from the bottom of the body, and the ends are specialized into large pincers like crab claws.

Seeing these characteristics, Qiao An immediately recognized that they all belonged to a kind of weird called "Eye of the Abyss". They are actually the aquatic subspecies of Beholder. Although they can also fly in the air, they are more accustomed to living in waters. .

The two eye stalks of the "Eye of the Abyss" can release the "paralysis ray" and the "frigid ray" respectively. The central main eye can excite magical electric light, which can make people temporarily blind or even dizzy.

It is said that the "Eye of the Abyss" also has the ability to create illusions. It is especially good at using illusions to lure prey into the bait, first stun the prey with the main eye discharge, and then tear it to pieces with powerful claws.

Qiao An once saw these four "eyes of the abyss" in Mitra's memory. These four sisters are well-known in the triangle lake area, and they are all the favored confidants of the beholder noble Vayu.

Now that the four sisters of the "Eye of the Abyss" have gone, will Wayu himself peep in secret?

Qiao An raised an eye stalk and touched the mirror to remotely display the power of detection, but he did not find other invisible beholders or subspecies of beholders. It seems that Vayu had not personally visited the dock.

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