Mage Joan

Chapter 2641: Life is hanging by a thread (Ⅱ)

Excessive blood loss and petrochemical toxins gradually blurred Audrey's consciousness.

She could hardly open her eyes, and could only vaguely hear a man with a rough voice yelling not far from the other side.

"Brother Patrick! Your last shot was outrageous!"

"I deliberately avoided the vital point." Another man with a low voice answered calmly, "Looking at the woman's dress and temperament, she should be an important figure in the rebellious party. She is more valuable to live than to die."


A thousand feet deep below the battlefield where the Continental Army and the Feizhen Army fought fiercely, in a stone tower on the edge of the heart-removing city of Odes, the magic mirror in Qiao'an's hand finally showed a clear picture.

A blood-stained blond female knight in silver armor appeared in the center of the mirror, sitting on a corner of the battlefield with her back leaning on a rock, her face pale, her eyes drooping, her breath weak, and she seemed to have lost consciousness. There were multiple injuries on the body, the gunshot wound on the abdomen was particularly serious, and the body around the wound showed obvious signs of petrification.

After seeing Audrey again after a year, Qiao An didn't expect that she would return to the New World and be involved in the war between the Continental Army and Real Man Fei. For some reason, she was seriously injured, her life was dying, and his haggard appearance made him very distressed.

Qiao An couldn't think about it too much. The top priority was to save Audrey's life and ensure that she left the battlefield safely.

Audrey had been shot at least three times, and one of the bullets was deeply embedded in the internal organs. In addition to petrochemical toxins, conventional treatments would be very troublesome.

Qiao An simply adopted the simplest and most rude therapy, remotely manifesting the "limited wish technique", instantly removing the bullets in Audrey's body, and by the way, he helped her relieve the petrification, stop the bleeding and heal her injuries.

Due to excessive blood loss, Audrey was still in a semi-comatose state after receiving the treatment, but according to the physical examination results of the "Advanced Internal Vision", she was no longer in serious trouble, and after a short rest, her consciousness could be restored to sober.

Qiao An was about to move Audrey to a safe place, when the two figures suddenly broke into the mirror and went straight to Audrey.

Qiao Ann is no stranger to these two guys. Not long ago, they had seen them in the naval battle where the Hunter was hunting down the Herringhorn. They were both voters of the "Virgin" Ekadna.

Among them, the strong-haired man named Enfield Valli, possessed the "bat-wing sacred seal", nicknamed "Flying Bear", and transformed into a raging giant bear whose strength was comparable to that of a giant giant ape.

The gunman behind Enfield is the first sharpshooter in the Feizhen army, Patrick Ferguson, nicknamed "Tunker", and possesses the "Sacred Seal of Fangs".

Seeing Ferguson, Qiao An suddenly realized why the gunshot wound on Audrey's abdomen showed signs of petrification.

Ferguson’s “Sacred Mark of Fangs” can secrete petrochemical toxins. It is said that when he shoots at prey, he occasionally bites the rifle bullet in his mouth to ensure that he will kill the prey in one shot, in order to poison the bullet, and then hit the target. It can add petrification effect, even if it does not hit the key, it can also use toxins to quickly transform the opponent into a cold and stiff stone statue.

Is this person hurting Audrey?

Qiao An stared at Ferguson in the mirror, and his strong killing intent was projected on the opponent through his sight, extracting a piece of "mythical power", and remotely displaying the psionic version of "mythical death finger" through the mirror.


The death spell reverberated in the Understone Tower.

Based on the intuition of a sharpshooter, Ferguson seemed to perceive the danger, and suddenly stopped, clasped his rifle, and looked around vigilantly.

"Patrick, what's the matter with you?"

Enfield turned to look at the strangely behaving partner, confused.

As Patrick Ferguson was about to speak back, a gloomy beam of negative energy emerged out of thin air, before he could react, it hit the chest directly.

Ferguson's face instantly lost its blood, and magical auras appeared all over his body, and then the whole person burned violently. Under Enfield's stunned gaze, it was like a piece of paper thrown into the hearth, which quickly burned from head to toe and turned into a plume of soot. Dissipated in the wind.

"Ah? What's the situation? What happened?!"

Enfield's eyes widened, at a loss.

In the Oedis Tower, Qiao Ann watched Ferguson's rapidly disappearing figure through the "remote mirror". The four tentacles slowly squirmed, and his silver eyes were gloomy and cold.

I don’t know if it’s because of the **** luck or if he blessed the "anti-death enchantment" ahead of time. Ferguson resisted the instant death effect caused by the "mythical death finger" and was only damaged by the 10-level eclipse.

There is also a weird magical device on this person, similar to a "death amulet", which is automatically destroyed the moment he is injured, at the cost of saving his life, and transferred to the outside of the battlefield.

Qiao An was a little sorry for not being able to kill this insidious gunman, but he already knew that he had this kind of life-saving method, and next time he would not be given a chance to escape from suspended animation.

"Flying Bear" Enfield finally recovered at this moment, realizing that most of Ferguson had been secretly attacked just now.

The enemy was dark and I knew that Enfield, fearing that he would become the next victim, quickly turned on "Bear Fury", turned into a huge white bear, and rushed straight to Audrey to rush over, intending to catch this expensive rebel. The female officer then flew back to her position as soon as possible.

Enfield, in the form of a giant bear, is super strong, that is, it is difficult to kill this giant beast with a death spell. Qiao An will remotely display the "mythical maze technique" by means of psychic powers, swinging a golden light and will run wildly. Enfield rolled up and forced him into the alien labyrinth to accompany the troll demon to hide and seek.

After dismissing Ferguson and Enfield, the two guys who were in the way, Qiao An breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of explosions nearby, and the flames lit up the twilight sky.

A group of giant crows hovered over the Continental Army positions and was diving and bombing in an orderly manner.

Qiao An frowned slightly and raised his hand to cast the "Mythical Cloud and Fog Technique". In an instant, a boundless thick fog was evoked, covering the sky above the position, limiting the view of the crow and preventing it from accurately throwing the blasting barrel.

The squadron leader of the group of giant crows in the sky smelled a dangerous breath from the huge mist that suddenly emerged, but was not reconciled to give up the air raid mission. He thought it was just a "cloud technique" cast by the enemy's army mage, so he passed the "transmission" The squadron ordered all members of the squadron to release the “wind-making technique” and continue the bombing mission after the thick fog was blown away.

Twenty-five giant crows together inspire the "wind-making technique" attached to the collar, and work together to create a gust of wind, which blows away the white mist that fills the sky as desired.

However, before the giant crows had time to be happy, they were surprised to find that the mist that had just been dissipated had filled it back again. The result was a waste of energy.

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