Mage Joan

Chapter 2643: Brewery

"At first, we didn’t even know that there is such a thing as'wine' in the world. Until two months ago, Miss Matryo brought a bottle of cider for us to taste, only to find that this thing is really good. After drinking it, it will make people feel sad. ."

The queen bee replied a little embarrassed.

"But there is something wrong about wine. My daughters got drunk after drinking a little bit more. They slept in the nest all day, and no one would go out to collect honey."

"Drink in moderation, my friend, don't train your daughters into a bunch of little drunks!"

Qiao An imagined how the bees would be drunk when they were drunk, and couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, I suddenly realized that in the past six months of living in seclusion in the gloomy area, I had never laughed so loudly as I am today.

The "Magic Eye Nest City" Udinese and the "Spiritual City" Odes are both suitable for him to stay in. However, in these two places, he can't deal with the local residents sincerely and communicate frankly. There is nothing worth laughing.

Thinking of this, Qiao Ann sighed secretly.

Recalling when I was living in the human world, I always felt incompatible with the people around me and couldn't fully integrate into the human society. Later, I settled in the underground world, and I also had the trouble of not being able to integrate into the collective. This kind of separation was even worse than in human society.

In human society, he has at least a few good friends who sympathize with brothers and feet, as well as teachers who truly love him. In Udinese, he doesn't dare to have the idea of ​​genuinely interacting with people, otherwise he would be too much like a beholder. . In Oedis, he was also a marginalized person in society. He couldn't even take the human brain, and he didn't want to give up his own will in order to integrate into the main brain.

Only in Yunzhong City, perhaps because there are very few residents here, and there are no conventional conventions. Qiao An doesn't need to force himself to join the group here. Instead, he can let go of the pressure and laugh without restraint.

If this is the case, wouldn't it be better to settle in Cloud City in the future and not return to the human world, Udinese or Oedis?

As soon as this idea flashed out of his mind, it was denied by Qiao An.

Although Yunzhong City is good, it is a pity that it is too monotonous and lacks a complex ecological and social system worthy of his observation and study. As a young scholar with endless thirst for knowledge, Qiao An is not afraid of loneliness and loneliness, but can't bear to be wasted in boredom. time.

Living in a place that is too peaceful and peaceful, unable to observe new things, learn new knowledge, and find interesting topics for his own research, he will doubt whether he is alive or not.

If you have been living in Yunzhong City, the ultimate questions Qiao An's heart will never get answered.

Appropriate frustration and pain can reflect the sweetness and preciousness of life. From this perspective, all people who love life have a heart of turmoil, more or less a little bit of "masochism."

After chatting with the queen bee, Qiao An said goodbye to her and took two large pots of honey and left the hive.

Not far away, Qiao An saw an unusual movement coming from Guolin.

When I came closer, I saw that the ripe red apples, all of them as big as pumpkins, all floated in the air, lined up in a long dragon, and slowly flew towards the gate of the castle.

Qiao An saw that these apples were temporarily activated and injected magic power to gain flying ability. It is conceivable that it must be a trick of a doll.

Not far after following the floating apples, Qiao An saw two cute big slimes circling the apple tree. The black one was the "Activated Gravity Well", and the golden one was the "Activated Advanced Activation Technique". "-Matryoshka.

The "Gravity Girl" carefully adjusted the strength of the "gravity well" so that the ripe red apples on the tree were pulled by the enhanced gravity and fell off the branches automatically.

The matryoshka flew back and forth from the tree, using her plump ball-shaped body to catch the falling apple, acting as a cushion to prevent the apple from falling and breaking.

And the moment the apple hits the doll, it is activated by the magical power overflowing her body, and automatically floats into the air, following the doll's command, and line up to the castle.

Qiao Ann walked to the apple tree and greeted the two activation spells.

"Yo! Master is back!"

As soon as the matryoshka saw him, she rolled over in cheers, leaned out the two mated feet and gave a warm hug, and then pouted and tweeted loudly on his face!

"Wow! Apple! Apple!"

The matryoshka heard the exclamation of the fifth sister from behind, turned around in a hurry, and remotely cast the "Advanced Activation Technique" to activate all the apples that fell from the tree, and spared it from being broken.

The "Gravity Girl" jumped around in a huff, and used the pseudo-foot to make a "dimple" on the face of the girl who had left the job without permission, and then ran to hug Qiao'an, looked at him eagerly, and said nothing.

Seeing the careful thinking of "Gravity Sister", Qiao An took out two large handfuls of chocolate candies from the storage bag and distributed them to her and the matryoshka, and then helped the sisters pick apples.

After busying for a while, Qiao An helped the doll and Gravity girl pick all the ripe apples from this woodland, and cast a spell to let the apples fly to the castle.

Qiao An also returned to the Cloud Castle accompanied by the doll and the Gravity Sister, and went up to the fifth floor to have a look. Forbidden Demon Sister, Fireball Brother, Lightning Brother and Hanbing Sister all molded their soft bodies into giant forms and dressed them. Aprons, masks and gloves are busy washing apples, squeezing jam, and brewing cider.

Qiao An didn't interrupt their work, and greeted the sisters and brothers of the activation spell one by one, leaving a pot of honey and leaving, directly sent to the factory area.

On the way to Jinli Castle, Joan suddenly remembered that Udinese’s beholders love to drink. The beholder Queen Ishtar and her Prime Minister Saoirza also built a vineyard in the city for winemaking. .

The apples produced in the Yunzhongcheng Orchard are sweet and delicious. With phase honey as the ingredients, the honey cider produced after fermentation and purification is golden in color like amber, sweet and mellow in the throat, and has an endless aftertaste. Compared with Ishtar and West The wine made by Ersa is too strong.

When you return to the Demon's Eye Nest in the future, you might as well bring more of this wine. It is good to keep it for yourself or entertain guests and reward the servants.

Ascending to the attic of the castle, Qiao Ann was among the piles of ancient books, and finally found the old book father with his own "sneak" special effects in the pile of books, and asked him about the 9th-level spell.

"My god! I haven't seen you for a few days now, your kid has actually been promoted to a 17th-level mage!"

Gu Shu's father was a bit sentimental after exclaiming.

"Since I was created by my master and limited by the magical power of the activation spell, no matter how hard I study, I can't break through the bottleneck and be promoted to a legendary mage."

"Little guy, today I will teach you the last thing I know. As for the legendary spells, I will rely on you to explore in the future!"

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