Mage Joan

Chapter 2649: Thousands of miles to help

After careful consideration, Earl Winthrop finally decided to let the Huai Ya Corps continue to guard the strategic location of Linyuan Fort, and instead dispatched General Johnny Burgoin, who was stationed in Midgard, to lead the Fourth Division of the Feizhen Army. Escorted a hundred heavy cannons, and quickly came to Forge Valley for reinforcements.

At the same time, Earl Winthrop sent a letter to General William Howe, Commander of the Navy, requesting that more naval aviation be sent to Forge Valley to participate in the war.

With a large number of heavy artillery brought by the Fourth Division, Earl Winthrop was able to clear the bunkers built by the dwarves from the periphery one by one. In addition, the four regiments combined a total of more than 400 raven bombings and air raids within a week. Can blast the Continental Army positions outside the city into ruins.

As long as the enemy forces are all driven into Nidavile and they are in a situation where they are exhausted, their morale will collapse before long, and they will raise the white flag and surrender.

"This will be the last battle before the arrival of this winter. After this battle, you will be able to take a vacation, and you will be able to go back to Avalon for the New Year."

In the front-line headquarters of the Feizhen Army, Earl Winthrop optimistically promised his staff.


On the morning of November 5th, General Johnny Burgoyne received the order from the Earl of Winthrop and did not dare to neglect it. It only took a day to gather the troops and **** hundreds of gates led by thousands of horses and mules. The heavy artillery set off from Midgard in the afternoon of November 6, and went south to support the main force of the Earl of Winthrop.

The Midgard colony in early November has generally cooled down. Although the southern part of the Forge Valley is warmer than the northern part, no one can say when the cold current from the Arctic Sea will break through the barrier of the Jotunheim Glacier. The south swept, causing the weather to suddenly turn cold, and sudden heavy snowfall in two or three weeks was normal.

General Bogoin knew that most of his officers and soldiers came from their home country with a humid and mild winter, and lacked snow combat experience. They might not be able to adapt to the cold winter in the Northland of the New World. In the harsh environment of heavy snow and wind, their combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

General Bogoin didn't want to smash the rebels born and raised in the colony on the icy and snowy battlefield. In order to end the war before the arrival of winter, he hurriedly urged the troops to march quickly, and he did not hesitate to toss the officers and soldiers into exhaustion and exhausted.

General Bogoin, who was looking forward to meeting the main force as soon as possible, did not know that the "Goddess of Destiny" had secretly arranged another battlefield for him, and was leading him and his troops to a nightmare.

Just two weeks before Burgoin’s Fourth Infantry Division opened from Midgard, during the outbreak of the "Mildew River Battle", the Continental Army's partial division garrisoned far away in Yodonheim’s Yew Valley received the mainland. A letter from Sir Nichols, chairman of the conference, urged them to go south as soon as possible to support the Vaasa Corps and help defend the Freeport.

Counting the militia recruited in the past six months, the total number of soldiers in the Northern Corps of the Continental Army is nearly 30,000, but there are only 10,000 officers and soldiers with military experience and decent equipment.

Relying on these forces to garrison in Yew Valley, and be responsible for monitoring the Kanghuali Corps in New Avalon City-the main force is the 3rd Division of the Feizhen Army-there is no problem, but the Continental Congress requires them to move thousands of miles and go south to assist the Vassar Corps. It's too hard to avoid.

The nominal highest commander of the Continental Army Northern Corps is General Charles Gates, but the actual commander is General Laval, and most of the high-level officers are Laval's old subordinates, which planted the seeds of contradictions.

General Gates and General Laval had a disagreement on whether to implement the order of the Continental Congress.

General Gates believes that the civil servants of the Continental Congress do not understand military at all and command blindly from a long distance!

"Does the Northern Corps have the ability to fight south now?"

"Sorry, don't you know if you don't have the ability!"

"Implementing such a nonsense order is tantamount to suicide, sending heads at the enemy's gunpoint!"

The journey from Yew Valley to Freeport is too far away. Even if you pack light and march at full speed, it will take at least four to five weeks to hurry along, and you will have to pass through two very dangerous places along the way.

The first is the base camp of the "primitive cult", the "iron forest" with dense forests and monsters rampant. The army can only float along the river by boat, and if it encounters attacks from monsters or monsters on the shore and cultists on the way, it will seriously slow down the marching speed.

Even if the gods bless you and the army will pass through the "Iron Forest" smoothly, do you really think that the Huai Ya Corps garrisoned in Linyuan Fort is a decoration that will let you land calmly?

Just set up two chains and a successful ambush, and the Northern Corps of the Continental Army can be wiped out!

At the time of the Mineral Vein War, General Laval used this trick to deal with Fichen's troops who were on a boat along the river south for reinforcements, and shattered General Kanghuali's final hope of comeback.

Real Fei is neither blind nor stupid. Of course he will follow the prescription and use the same tactics against the Continental Army.

General Laval did not deny the practical difficulties pointed out by General Gates, but believed that the Continental Congress's orders should be executed if he knew the future was dangerous, otherwise it would lead to a serious and irreversible evil result.

In terms of personal perception, General Laval did not have a good impression of George Vassar, and more than once publicly questioned Vassar's military qualities and command capabilities, thinking that he was more qualified to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army than Vassar.

However, leaving aside personal grievances, Laval knew that the main force of the Continental Army under the command of George Vassar was the only hope of all revolutionaries in the colony. Unfortunately, it will be the turn of his own team that is not as powerful as the Vasa Corps, and the independence revolution in the New World will also come to an end.

In order to preserve the fire of the revolution and maintain the hope of victory, General Laval could only take risks and lead his troops south to support the Vasa Corps.

When Gates and Laval were in a dispute, a special visitor came to Yew Valley and brought them unexpectedly good news.

This visitor is the elder "Green King" Offen of the "Primitive Order".

In fact, before the Continental Congress sent a letter to Gates and Laval, the delegates had anticipated that the two generals would likely refuse to carry out the order, and the Northern Corps did have many practical difficulties, and the long-distance marching south was too risky.

Although Mrs. Josephine was not in Freeport, she was still concerned about the current situation in the New World. After learning about the current dilemma from her old friend Sir Nichols, she took the initiative to write to her old club, the "Primitive Order", to the "Magic Wolf". "Mother" Angel Poda asked for help.

This approach of the countess, in the eyes of outsiders, is simply inexplicable!

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