Mage Joan

Chapter 2711: The emperor's vision

The fact is just as Qiao An had foreboding, "but" may be late, but will not be absent.

"However, this colonial tradition also has negative effects. The most prominent point is that it is difficult to establish a stable regime with long-term planning and efficient execution."

Roland took a sip of tea, and then said: "Take your hometown of Delin as an example, a small town council has more than a dozen members, forming many small factions and small groups, each with its own interests. The partisan struggle is full of joy. How can the long-term planning and concentration of resources that the Gudi Village model rely on to carry out major tasks in such a political ecology?"

"Dr. Vader, if I talk about you in such general terms, you may be unconvinced, so let's be practical. To build a community like Gudi Village, you must first raise a large amount of public funds and acquire land to confirm rights. This is precisely the two aspects of rural governance. The big question is, can your colony be able to acquire land smoothly, or can you actively pay taxes and raise funds?"

"Both things are difficult to accomplish."

Qiao Ann shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"If you can get the land from the owner of the big manor, why bother to drag the new immigrants to flock to the desolate Great West and compete for land with the brave and wary natives?"

"As for taxation and fundraising... it's shameful that our colony wants to become independent because it doesn't want to pay taxes."

"The township government has no money and no land, so it can only seek support from the central government. However, your Continental Congress itself has to rely on local government donations. I don't think it can be counted on."

Roland smiled sarcastically, and then said: "These problems may be gradually improved, but another deep-rooted tradition in your New World is the worst evil!"

"Scourge?" Qiao An raised his brows. "What do you mean?"

"The economic model of a plantation based on squeezing the blood and sweat of slaves."

His majesty the emperor of the Far East turned cold, and his words revealed a sense of contempt.

"The state-controlled collective farm management model in Gudi Village, where the villagers hold shares, is precisely the opposite of slavery plantations. In a country where large plantation owners and slave owners hold public power, how can the vested interests tolerate it? There are competitors like Gudi Village?"

"Dr. Vader, I don’t want to criticize your hometown and compatriots, but I really don’t understand how you did it while proclaiming that'everyone is born free and equal,' while not treating slaves and natives as human beings, and at the same time Can you still maintain a straightforward and confident attitude? Don't you really think this is a symptom of schizophrenia? Don't you really think this kind of inconsistent behavior is hypocritical?"

"Your Majesty, to tell you the truth, some of my compatriots really don’t think there is anything wrong with doing this. In their eyes, slaves, natives and heretics, and even all people of color, are not “humans” and are not worthy of being enjoyed. They have equal rights."

Qiao An told the truth first, and later regretted it, lest his Majesty Roland's good impression of the revolutionaries of the New World would be ruined, so he quickly asked for a few more words.

"Your Majesty, what I'm talking about is only a small part of the colonial concept, which is not necessarily the mainstream. On the whole, the plantation economy prevails in the south of the New World. For example, my hometown Alfheim, the tradition of slavery is more deeply rooted, and In the northern regions with more developed industries and a more enlightened atmosphere, such as Midgard, the call for abolition of slavery is increasing. One day the South will respond to the call for civilization and progress. This is the general trend!"

"It can be seen, Dr. Vinda, you love your country and hometown deeply, and sincerely hope that the compatriots in the north and south will reach a consensus and promote the abolitionist movement together. However, the ideal returns to the ideal. Do you feel this reality?" Roland calmly Asked rhetorically.

"In the short term...unrealistic." Qiao An sighed. "The southern manor treats slaves as private property. Abolishing slaves is tantamount to robbing their property. Who is willing to buy slaves, and who should do it? A sum of money? Anyway, the Continental Congress can't spend any money."

"So, the world is too unfriendly to idealists, forcing us to become cheap and tacky."

His Majesty the emperor's words seemed to be sent out with emotion.

"Dr. Vader, let's put aside our ideals and visions first, and talk about them practically."

"Since the colony’s southern and northern views are at odds, instead of trying to get together and quarreling all day long, it is better to set up two independent states on the border between the North and the South, demarcating autonomy, and each has its own borders, and good-neighborly friendship. Healthy competition is not beautiful!"

"But in this way, both the South and the North will face the dilemma of resource shortages."

Qiao An quickly persuaded the Far Eastern Emperor to dispel this self-righteous idea.

"There are many mines in the north but the climate is cold, and agriculture is underdeveloped. The south is rich in cotton, tobacco, corn and fruit, but lacks minerals. The industrial foundation is weak. Only when the north and the south are united can it be possible to build a strong and self-sufficient country."

"Why do we have to pursue'self-sufficiency'? This kind of small peasant thinking that goes against the principle of comparative advantage is bad, Dr. Vinda!"

His Majesty the Emperor laughed, and started to move forward.

"The crops and fruits produced in the southern part of the New World do not necessarily have to be sold to the Yankees. In the international community, whoever bids higher will be sold to whomever! The same goes for the ore in the North!"

"Dr. Vinda, I suddenly thought of a good idea. The Far East has short summers and long winters. Fresh fruits are especially scarce. They can always be sold at high prices. Why don't we co-found a trading company... The plantation in Wolfheim has signed a bulk fruit futures contract, which includes collection and underwriting. Agricultural products such as cotton, tobacco and corn, as well as the magic crystal ore abundant in the north, can also be distributed according to this model."

"If this big business can be done, the agricultural products in the south and the minerals in the north will have no worries about selling!"

"Dr. Vader, we have joined forces to build Alfheim into a simple folklore'Banana Republic' and Midgard into a peaceful and prosperous'Mineral Republic', benefiting countless people in the New World!"

"My friend, with this performance, you will be sure to run for the president of the'Banana Republic' or the'Mineral Republic' in the future! What do you think?"

If it hadn't been for discussing this topic with Mr. Franklin before, Qiao An would really be a "telescope-like philanthropist" as His Majesty Roland, who had broken his heart for the national economy, people's livelihood and economic development on the other side of the ocean!

However, I had been "vaccinated" in advance, and I felt a bit wrong to hear him say this today.

"But what about the industry?" Qiao An couldn't help but confronted the Emperor, "Our compatriots also need all kinds of industrial products, and our country also needs to be industrialized!"

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