Mage Joan

Chapter 2955: Invitation to join

There is no need to appraise Qiao An to know that the core enchantment process of this belt is the "Legendary Bull Power" and other six kinds of magic that enhance physical attributes.

Qiao An thought for a moment, untied his belt, removed the diamond belt buckle with various magics, installed it on the "Legendary Gorgeous Belt", and wrapped it around his waist.

As for the replaced "high-end ornate belt", Qiao An put it in a storage bag and plans to keep it for later use or give it to relatives and friends.

Putting away the piles of bottles and cans on the desk, Qiao An looked at the dawning sky outside the window, lost in thought.

The figure of Benedict Laval emerged from his mind, and the desperate man finally made a decision similar to Professor Moriarty.

Compared to surviving as a "traitor", Laval chose to drink the "wine of immortality" and transform into a death knight. This ending is certainly not satisfactory, at least it can free him from the suffering of life.

Qiao Ann had a brief conversation with Laval on the battlefield. It is not difficult to know from the words of the opponent that Laval embracing death on this road was obviously influenced by Professor Moriarty, even the cup" "The Wine of Eternal Life" was also brewed by Professor Moriarty with the "Holy Grail of Death".

In the memory of the magic eye arcanist Mitra, there are also formulas and techniques for brewing the "Wine of Immortality". The function of the "Grail of Death" is to greatly simplify the brewing process.

The same glass of "wine of eternal life" will have different effects on different drinkers. One of the key variables is the type and level of extraordinary occupation of the drinker.

Ordinary people who do not have extraordinary professions, or whose profession level is too low, taking "the wine of immortality" is tantamount to suicide, and they will die immediately.

Professional spellcasters such as mages, warlocks, priests, and druids, including Psionic Warlocks, have a professional level of quasi-legendary level, and prepare a phylactery in advance, and drink the "Wine of Immortality" to turn into a lich.

As for high-ranking warriors, paladins, and spiritual warriors, they have the opportunity to transform into death knights by taking "Brew of Immortality", basically retaining their professional abilities during their lifetime, and gaining "Death Flames", "Fear Auras" and "High Desecration Auras" "And other supernatural abilities.

Joan can understand Laval taking this glass of poisoned wine, but he can't figure out why Professor Moriarty should give Laval this glass of poisoned wine?

It was Professor Moriarty who was hired by the "Wood Destroyer" to rescue Laval. Later, he was also entrusted to **** Laval to the Noose Head Forest to be recruited by the "Wood Destroyer". He secretly persuaded Laval to fight passively and lead the conquest of the Order. It was he who embarked on the path of self-destruction.

The practice of Mr. Professor jumping sideways reminded Qiao An of his relationship with the "Brotherhood of the Virgin" at the beginning. He also jumped back after joining the group. Familiar formula and familiar taste.

Professor Moriarty did this, what on earth did it do, is it an enemy or a friend?

If a person's position is always vacillating, is it purely profit-seeking and does not matter loyalty, and wherever the bid is high, it will fall to which side, or is it something else?

Qiao An doesn’t believe that his mentor is a kind of "unfamiliar white-eyed wolf", and that he is a mother if he has milk. Therefore, he would rather think that the reason why Professor Moriarty jumped repeatedly between various camps is that he is in the next big game. chess.

With such complex emotions, Qiao An took out the communication crystal, sent a letter to Professor Moriarty, and asked his tutor frankly: how to treat the various forces in the New World, including the opposing Continental Army and the Fijian Army. , Colonists and aboriginals.

"Who are you supporting and against, can you give me a word of truth?"

Soon after, Qiao An received a reply from his instructor.

Professor Moriarty said frankly in the letter that he neither supports nor opposes the various forces listed by Qiao An. In fact, he is more willing to maintain the balance of the major forces, so as to get benefits from both sides.

Conversely, if one faction completely overwhelms the other faction, then Professor Moriarty and his like-minded partners will have no room to fish in troubled waters.

In his reply, Professor Moriarty carefully packaged the above ideas and summarized them into two high-sounding programs-rational neutrality and opposition to extremes.

It is based on this creed that Professor Moriarty participated in the creation of an organization called the "Battle Club".

According to the position stated by the professor in the letter, the purpose of the "Battle Club" is to maintain the balance of the Valais world and "always stand on the opposite side of the extreme forces."

Whether it’s frenzied cult groups, or those extreme fundamentalist conservative forces that insist on “the immutability of the ancestral law” under the banner of “maintaining traditions”, or those who carry the banner of “revolution” and pursue indiscriminately killing innocent idealism. Fanatics, in the eyes of the "Shen Ping Hui", are all enemies that disrupt the balance of the world.

In order to ensure that one's own position is not affected by interests, the "Battle Club" requires members to transform into undead or obtain other forms of "immortality", so as to get rid of the drag of life and family, and devote themselves to the cause of maintaining world balance.

Professor Moriarty also revealed to his students in the letter that Samael, the founder of the "Battle Club", is a heart-catching lich who has rebelled against the spiritual city of Odius.

Professor Moriarty himself was also influenced by this old friend before he made up his mind to transform into a lich, and formally joined the "Battle Club" a year ago.

In addition to Sameer and Moriarty, there was originally a veteran named Cain in the Tianpinghui, who was also a heart-sever, who later transformed into a vampire and became Samer's right-hand man.

It's a pity that the Cain brother was out of luck. It is said that he was killed not long ago by the mind-savers of Odius who came to seek revenge.

The balance club, which originally had only three members, became weaker after losing Cain. Both Sameer and Moriarty felt that it was necessary to add newcomers.

In fact, Benedict Laval was one of the "newcomers" in Moriarty's phase, and he persuaded Laval to transform into a death knight, and formally joined the "Battle Club" after the Battle of Stone Pillars Town.

At the end of this reply, Professor Moriarty also attached an "Invitation Letter", as long as Qiao An is willing, he can join the "Balance Club" at any time.

Professor Moriarty knew very well that his students were unlikely to follow the same path as himself, and did not try to persuade Qiao Ann to transform into a Lich.

"Members of the Tianping Club must have undead, but they don't have to be undead. I have to make this clear in advance."

"My dear student, when you receive this letter, you must have successfully killed the evil **** Teresis, promoted to the 9th rank mythical creature, and even entered the ranks of legendary spellcasters like me."

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