Mage Joan

Chapter 2958: Violent modification

"Sorry, it's all my fault!"

"The Iron Rose of Shizhu Town" was ashamed.

"There is no need to take this kind of thing to your heart. If you don't ruin things, how can you fix it if you learn it."

Qiao An tried to comfort Slude, and found that her face turned from cloudy to sunny, and couldn't help being complacent, feeling that her EQ had improved a lot.

Knowing the cause of the malfunction of the ice barrier colossus, Qiao An began to repair it, first restarting the "Ice Lord", so that the body temperature of the colossus fell, so as not to be exposed to the sun.

The radiation radius of the "Ice Lord" is too large, and the cold current that it emits will have a negative impact on the residents, livestock and crops in Shizhu Town and the surrounding area. Qiao An established a spiritual connection with the colossus and ordered it to "Ice of Ice". The radiation radius of "Domination" shrinks to 5 feet outside the body to ensure that it maintains a low temperature.

Then, Joan cast a spell to create a powerful hand, grabbed the head of the colossus, and placed it above the neck.

In accordance with the regular repair process, the next step is to perform the 2-ring "complete repair technique" to reconnect the head and torso of the colossus and repair the scars.

However, the magical energy level of "Complete Restoration" is too low. When used on a huge legendary colossus, it is like using a spoon to scoop water into a bathtub, casting it ten times or eight times in a row, and no obvious repair results can be seen.

In the past, Qiao Ann could only use this stupid method of "ant moving" to repair the colossus bit by bit.

However, this is not what it used to be. The young mage has opened the "legendary magic pool" ahead of time, and has mastered the skill of using legendary magic to strengthen conventional spells, and things will be easier.

The 2nd-level spell slot occupied by "Complete Repair" is equivalent to 7.5 energy level magic power. Qiao An added "Spell Power" and "Spell Power" to it, and then repeated 4 times of "Spell Expansion", super magic cost A total of 9 rings, equivalent to 22.5 energy level magic.

The body of the spell plus the super magic cost requires a total of 30 energy levels of magic power, and it just raises a small 2-level spell to the level of legendary magic.

Qiao An draws 30 degrees of magic power from the legendary magic pool, and casts this "complete restoration technique" that has been super magic many times on the ice barrier colossus.

The surging golden brilliance burst out from the palm of the young mage, illuminating the huge colossus in front of him.

The ice barrier colossus bathes in legendary magic power, the whole body shines with fluorescence, and the broken scars are automatically healed. The defective parts are reborn at a speed visible to the human eye, and they are restored as new after just a few seconds.

Slude himself is also an expert at repairing constructs, watching Qiao Ann cast a spell to repair the colossus, closing his mouth in surprise.

It wasn't until the colossus came back to revolve and a deep roar was heard in the body that Slud came back to his senses, and asked Qiaoan with a face full of disbelief, "What kind of magic did you use to fix the ice barrier colossus so quickly? It's incredible!"

"Complete restoration." Qiao An answered calmly.

"Complete restoration?!" Slude's eyes widened, suspecting Qiao An was playing her for fun.

She herself would use this 2nd-level spell. Of course, she knew that this thing, let alone repairing the colossus, even if the mechanical armor was repaired, it could not be done with one spell.

"Yes, it is the literal'complete repair technique'." Qiao An added nonchalantly, "I just added a few super magic special effects to this spell, and upgraded it to the level of legendary magic, making it even more Worthy of the name."

"Ah... You have been promoted to a legendary mage after only a few days of absence?!" After the shock, Slude sighed and said with a look of impenetrable expression: "Congratulations on becoming the youngest in the world of Vares. Legendary spellcaster, compared to this, what is the redefinition of what is "complete restoration", anyway, you are the best, you are right in everything!"

"Don't be it, don't be it!"

Qiao An was embarrassed by her praise, and felt that this kind of small repair work was not worthy of Slude's kind praise, and she could not show her true ability.

Looking up and down at the giant ice base, Qiao Ann frowned, and the more he looked at it, the more dissatisfied it became.

"Slud, have you noticed that the design and manufacturing process of this ice barrier colossus have serious defects, and there is still much room for improvement."

"Sorry, only you dare to say this, I am a little rookie, how can I dare to point fingers at the legendary colossus!"

"Don't be so humble. Let me remind you that there are at least three flaws in the Colossus of Ice. You can try to find out all of these flaws. To be reasonable, these contents do not exceed the textbook of basic construction."

"Oh, are you taking the test for me?" As soon as he said about the test, Slude's "tester" gene became active, pacing around the giant ice barrier, thinking hard.

"Well, the first defect of the Ice Barrier Colossus is that it uses ice cubes as the construction material, which is brittle and fragile and vulnerable to high temperature damage. If the temperature in the environment is high, you have to continue to turn on the'Ice Master' To avoid self-dissolution, this will make the internal compartment as cold as an ice cave. The frost giant doesn't matter. If you change to a human driving this giant statue, you will suffer a lot."

Slud stopped and breathed a sigh at the giant ice barrier. As soon as the water vapor approached the surface of the giant, it condensed into a thin white ice crystal.

Qiao An nodded approvingly.

"The low temperature can also be resisted by spells or cotton clothes. The fragile ice armor is indeed a major flaw of this colossus."

"So, do you have a way to increase the armor strength of the Ice Barrier Colossus?" Slude looked over eagerly.

"Try it."

Unless personally verified, Qiao Ann never packs a ticket.

Slude knows his rigorous style very well, knowing that when this genius mage says "try it", it shows that he is at least 90% sure.

"What are you going to do next?"

Slud took a notebook and pencil, preparing to record Joan's thoughts and craftsmanship in refitting the ice barrier colossus.

Qiao An was very pleased with her modest and studious attitude, and patiently explained: "I plan to cast the 8th-level spell "Transform All Things" to turn the ice cubes that make up this colossus into blue ice, because the composition of the blue ice is the same as ordinary ice. , This change will take effect permanently."

"When the ice barrier colossus turns into a blue ice colossus, its armor strength and melting point will be increased to the level of steel, and it will become more durable and durable. Even if it is burned by the hot summer sun, it will not melt. Isn't it simple?"

"Speaking lightly, but the use of the 8-level spell alone has blocked most spellcasters from the threshold, not to mention the size of the ice barrier colossus far exceeds the upper limit of the volume that the'transformed things' can change, isn't it? You want to unload the ice barrier colossus into eight pieces, cast them separately into green ice material, and then reassemble it?" Slude couldn't help but question.

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