Mage Joan

Chapter 2988: Countdown to execution

Since he and Inana are reluctant to manage this lunatic asylum, and the residents of Udinos are reluctant to act as slaves bound by spiritual shackles, why not simply disband the Demon Eye Nest City and let the beholders live according to their own wishes. Wouldn’t it be better for each other to be liberated?

If you really do this, Qiao An feels that only Saoirsa will be sad in the entire Demon Eye Nest.

If the mental state of a normal person is used as the standard, Saoirsa is the most sound mentally among the beholders in the city.

However, with the mental state of the beholder as a frame of reference, Saoirsa is the number one "lunatic" in this lunatic asylum.

The poor Prime Minister is like a slave who fell in love with a concentration camp, and a lunatic who loves a lunatic asylum. Other beholders want to break free from the shackles and escape from the lunatic asylum, but she refuses to accept a life without shackles.

Even Ishtar, the "lunatic chief" had gone, she insisted on staying, like a knight rushing towards a windmill, stubbornly trying to maintain order in the lunatic asylum.

Qiao An sighed, and temporarily suppressed his worries about Udinese's prospects, first to solve the immediate problem.

"Master Saoirse, ring the alarm bell again, calling for the Warlord and the nobles to come to the Council Square to gather."

"Mitra, do you want to give them another chance?" Saoirsa asked knowingly.

"This is the last chance. If they still refuse to recognize the reality, they can't blame me." Qiao An turned to look at his adopted daughter and said lightly, "Inanna, start timing."

"Okay, father... uh, my mother!"

Inanna changed her mouth temporarily, sticking out her tongue with a shy smile, sticking out a stubborn eye, and took out her small alarm clock made of iron and wood from the storage bag, twisted the clockwork a few times, and set it for an hour.

The pendulum ticked and the hands turned slowly.

In a short while, half an hour passed. During this period, many beholder nobles rushed to the Council Square to gather from their respective territories.

After waiting for another moment, "Perfect Commandment" Aixia and "Indestructible Amiretta" showed up. Each of the two warlords had more than a dozen beholder nobles, rushing to gather together.

The time limit of one hour expired, and there were three warlords and the beholder nobles under their control.

"Mother, the time limit is up!" Inanna put away the clock.

Saoirsa took out the communication crystal from her storage bag and asked Qiao An: "Hawada, Mana, and Ksandra have not responded yet. Would you like to send them an inquiry?"

Qiao An gently shook his head, turned and floated towards the stone table displayed in the center of the council hall.

On the stone table is a crystal ball with a gold pedestal. When Joan saw Ishtar for the first time, the Beholder Queen used this crystal ball as a magic weapon to perform the legendary magic "Eye of Heaven". Casting spells from a long distance, killed many Mind Reavers hiding outside the city of Udinese in one fell swoop.

Qiao An hovered above the throne belonging to Ishtar, stuck out an eye stalk, touched the smooth and cold crystal ball, injected 40 degrees of legendary magic power, and activated the "eye of heaven" amidst the exclamation of the beholders.

Immediately afterwards, Qiao An publicly demonstrated the investigative skills that even Ishtar had never demonstrated. He split the mirror image of the crystal ball projected on the table into three equal parts and locked them on the three warlords who refused to respond to the assembly order. One by one, his gaze swept over the three smug and ugly faces that didn't know the imminent death.


In the silent hall, only the spell declaring "destruction" reverberated, like an invisible heavy hammer hitting the hearts of the beholders, scaring them to gasp.

Qiao An calmly completed the 9th ring "implosion technique" casting ceremony, stretched out three eye stalks, and cast an X on the heads of the three warlords mapped out by the crystal ball.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The three warlords who had been sentenced to death by Qiao An had their heads blown up by the magic power surging into their bodies one after another, and the splash of blood flooded the vision of "Eye of Heaven".

"Flawless Hovada", die!

"Mana of Philosophy", die!

"Ksandra of Authority", die!

The dull roar from the moment of the headshot passed into the council hall through the crystal ball, reverberating for a long time in the empty room.

After the execution of the three warlords, Joan said to Saoirsa and Inanna without changing his face:

"Ring the bell, timing."

Inanna's hand-made small alarm clock ticked again.

After waiting less than half an hour this time, the rest of the beholders in the city rushed to the council hall.

The beholder nobles under Hawada, Mana and Ksandra witnessed the brutal execution of the warlords they followed. The horrible scene of bursting heads reminded them of Ishtar's usual methods, and thought that Her Majesty returned to Udi. North, all scared out of his mind, rushed to meet him in a hurry.

When they came to the council hall, they realized that it was not Ishtar who was on the throne, but Mitra, the "Magic Eye Arcanist" who had been missing for a long time. The fear in their eyes was replaced by confusion.

Qiao An was too lazy to be long-winded, counted the number of people, confirmed that the nobles in the city had arrived, then turned around and flew out the door, retracted the "Branch of Ilminthul", and called the colossus of fine gold to come and wait for orders.

Saoirsa and Inanna followed her closely.

The other warlords and beholders looked at each other, but did not dare to delay, and floated out one after another.

Witnessing Mitra executed Hawada, Mana, and Ksandra in the way of Ishtar, all the beholder nobles present regarded this magic-eye arcanist as Udinese’s new appointment. Her Majesty.

Although Mitra does not have the "mythical dominance" that directly governs their will, the psychological deterrence caused to them is no less than that of Ishtar.

Qiao An ordered the Adamantite Colossus to open the chest hatch, turned around and said to Saoirsa and others:

"The riot in the city caused by the traitor Elmedy in collusion with the Mind Reaver shows that Udinese has fallen into a situation of domestic and foreign difficulties."

"The execution of Elmedi, Hawada, Mana, and Ksandra is just to eliminate Udinos’ internal worries. Now I’m going to Oedius to deal with external troubles. Who would like to go with me? Welcome to join tonight. hunting."

"Mother, you must take me!"

Inanna flew up excitedly, and got into the colossus hatch first.

"Count me as well." Saoirsa smiled and floated into the cabin.

The other beholders hesitated for a while, followed behind the prime minister, and entered the cabin one after another, including the two remaining warlords in the city-Aixia and Amiretta.

All the beholders entered the cabin of the colossus. Qiao Ann waved his eye stems to signal Inanna to close the hatch and land on the broad shoulders of the Adamantite Colossus alone. The remote control colossus started the "mythical teleportation", and a beam of light rose into the sky.

Three seconds later, the Adamantite Colossus carried the owner and the beholder group to Ordes, the city of absorption.

This is the beginning of the hunt tonight!

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