Mage Joan

Chapter 2993: Love life more than the meaning of life

Udinese's referendum resulted in Inanna's release.

Now, she can take off the crown imposed on her head with peace of mind and leave her hometown to pursue freedom and dreams.

However, for Saoirsa, this result is undoubtedly the heaviest blow, making her frustrated, even out of anger, just after the announcement of the voting results, she couldn't help making publicly cursed and extreme remarks:

"Inanna is right. Udinese is a lunatic asylum. Don't expect to find a trace of reason here!"

"I hate this lunatic asylum named Udinese, and I hope it will be destroyed as soon as possible. Without the supreme Udinese, maybe it can speed up the ending of my destruction-this is the ending you want to see!"

When one kind of power is absent, it will be replaced by other powers.

Except for Saoirsa and a few allies who are disappointed and worried about the result of the referendum, more Udinese residents are optimistic.

In particular, the two remaining warlords in the city, Aisha and Amiretta, sang the republican hymn in public in the hall of the council enthusiastically, but in private, they are gearing up to fight for power.

Qiao An was not surprised by this result, nor can it be said to be regretful or gratified. Since everyone has made a choice according to their own wishes, time may be left to judge the merits and demerits, and she just wants to sit on the sidelines.

In the eyes of this young legendary mage, the magic eye nest city far from the outside world is like a natural sociological testing ground, where she can observe many interesting trends and phenomena.

Qiao An could see that the vast majority of beholders yearn for freedom in the absolute sense. This group of natural anarchists are not even willing to sacrifice even one percent of their personal freedom for the establishment of an effective government. Now they have got their wish. , But is it really possible to get rid of chaos and obtain permanent peace?

His Majesty, the emperor of the Far East, once made an incisive judgment that left a deep impression on Qiao An.

"Human is a social animal, the sum of all social relations."

The "person" as the subject here does not specifically refer to humans, and it is also true to replace it with other highly intelligent creatures including beholders.

As far as individuals are concerned, beholders are obviously much stronger than humans. However, including the variable "social relations", the beholders as the sum of social relations appear so fragile, so thin, and so pitiful.

The value of the "eye of the nest mother" to the nest city of the demon eye is mainly reflected in the strengthening of the social relationship of the beholder family and stimulating the social mobilization potential of the compatriots. It is the least common multiple of this isolated and isolated species.

The liberated Udinese may continue to exist for a while, but without the dominance of the "Nest Mother's Eye", Udinese is no longer a "Nest City", and it is likely to go up and down. Perish in the darkness in the near future.

The beholders have gained freedom and will lose their country.

Is it worth it?

It doesn't matter whether it's worth it or not.

Just as Saoirsa bitterly complained, for the "monsters" who are inherently mentally unsound and self-destructive, such as beholders, who do not love their relatives, friends and compatriots, or their own "monsters", this is what they want The-and only deserved-ending.

After the referendum was over, Qiao Ann returned to his own territory and spent ten days, with the assistance of Saoirsa and Inanna, building a mysterious enchantment, covering the two territories completely within the enchantment, so as not to Invaded by foreign enemies like the Mind Reaver...or hit by the civil war.

On the second day after Misuo was completed, Qiao An took his daughter and said farewell to the servants on the territory, preparing to return to Yunzhong City.

As always, when she and Inanna were away from home, the Territory entrusted Saoirsa to take care of them.

Before the mother and daughter set off, Saoirtha rushed to see them off, and asked Joan full of worry: "Mitra, after you and Inanna leave, I am left alone in the city. I can still What do you do for Udinese?"

"Master Saoirsa, you have done your best, and you don't need to add a burden to yourself." Qiao An said sympathetically.

Your Excellency shook his head and smiled bitterly, with sad eyes.

"I have tried my best, but this is far from enough. Udinese is slipping into ruin, unless a new queen is ushered in."

"Master Saoirse, if Udinese has to have a queen, why can't it be you?" Inana couldn't help but interject.

"Stupid boy, I don't have the supreme bloodline, and I don't have the ‘myth dominance’, how can I sit on the throne?!" Saoirsa asked angrily.

Inanna shook her head repeatedly, her expression childish and serious: "If a nation can live in peace and build a community together only under the compulsion of supernatural forces, then this nation does not deserve to enjoy a community of lasting peace and stability."

"Master Saoirse, you are capable of becoming a wise queen, but it is a pity that the beholders do not deserve to have a wise queen like you. It is not your fault!"

Saoirsa didn't refute Inanna's point of view, but shook her head and sighed.

Inanna seemed to have a foreboding that it would be difficult for her to have a chance to confide her feelings to His Excellency the Prime Minister. She simply put aside all scruples and asked her a sharp question.

"Master Saoirsa! Please forgive my offense. Have you ever thought about it, even for a moment, sorry for being a beholder?"

Your Excellency, the prime minister who has always been happy and angry, may be because he has suffered too many blows recently, and his heart has lost the calmness of the past.

At this moment, the question raised by Inanna seemed to crush the camel's last straw, deeply stinging her soul, and piercing the dam of will that suppressed the torrent of emotions. She couldn't help her emotions lose control, and she burst into tears.

"You asked a good question, tell you, a terrible idea often echoes in my mind recently..."

Saoirsa choked up.

"Being a beholder, living in the world, so painful, so desperate, what is the meaning of such a life, what is the meaning of it?!"

"It's too uncomfortable, it's too uncomfortable... It's better to die than to live in the world like this..."

Saoirsa's emotions were completely out of control, and her depressed sobbing turned into a silent cry. In the end, she just cried and muttered repeatedly:

"Too uncomfortable! Too uncomfortable!"

Qiao An heard a sense of disillusionment from Saoirsa's heart-piercing cry, and a trace of sorrow suddenly appeared in her heart, and she reached out to stroke the tears on her face, trying to comfort her to cheer her up.

"Sorsa, we can't choose to be a beholder, a demon or a human being. As long as there is wisdom, there will be similar pain and confusion."

"You ask what is the meaning of living. I can't answer this question. I can only wish you to get rid of the shackles of vanity and responsibility for the rest of your life and find your own happiness."

"But... what kind of life is considered happy?"

Saoirsa raised her head, staring at the young mage infatuated, whirling tears in her eyes with confusion.

"The so-called happiness..." Qiao An said with deep feeling, "maybe it is to love life more than the meaning of life."

(End of this volume)

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