Mage Joan

Chapter 664: White dove in the fog

People's expectations did not fall through, and the magic net around Ryan was shaken again. A flashing summoning pattern emerged from the floor directly beneath the humanoid steam, and a beam of light was raised, penetrating Ryan's gaseous body and rushing towards the ceiling, illuminating the original hazy mist. The gas particles refract the light and form a beautiful rainbow!

Just when people couldn't help but want to express their admiration, a group of white pigeons suddenly flew out of the summoning array, followed the rainbow beam of light successively through Ryan's gaseous body, flapping wings and circling around him, whispering cheerfully.

The magnificent scene in front of us made all witnesses have the illusion of dreams and dreams, as if they were in a fairy tale world.

After a short silence, warm applause rang out around the examination room, expressing heartfelt appreciation for the excellent performance of the Ryan classmates.

Joan was applauding. Ryan's presentation is not only good-looking, but also shows extremely superb casting skills.

Take the group of white pigeons he summoned, at first glance, it seems to be a very simple "level 1 monster summoning technique".

Wouldn't it be boring to show this 1st-level spell in the examination room of Austrian graduate students?

That's right, the 1st-level spells are only "Pediatrics" for candidates with a Master Level of at least 5 on the spot, but considering the restrictions imposed by Ryan when casting spells, the difficulty is quite different.

When Ryan transformed into a steam form, his vocal cords also transformed into a mass of gas, unable to vibrate normally, and the contour of the palm of the gas became blurred, and all five fingers merged into a mass, unable to make complex gestures at all.

Casting in this state means that Ryan can neither chant spell spells nor cast spell gestures, and must add two super-magic skills, "Spell Enemy" and "Spell Set", to "Level 1 Monster Summoning". In order to successfully summon the sky full of white pigeons.

The additional super-magic skills will inevitably occupy a large amount of magic energy levels, resulting in the original "1st monster summoning technique" with only 1 ring, which has been upgraded two levels in a row and turned into a 3 ring spell. The difficulty can be imagined.

Who else can complete the same operation?

Joanne had to admit that he couldn't do it-he hadn't learned the super magic technique of "fixing spells".

Excluding these difficult casting details, Ryan's overall casting effect is also quite aesthetic.

Contrary to Angel's gorgeous and unrestrained performance style, this thin young man melted himself in the fog, hidden in a rainbow, and finally flew the sky full of white pigeons, the mood was more subtle and the aftertaste was long, leaving Qiao An Impressed.

The candidates who followed Ryan's appearance were obviously affected by Ryan's wonderful performance just now, and played very well.

Next came Joan's turn. When the examiner pronounced his name, Dean Franklin, who was originally in a relaxed position, suddenly straightened his waist, turned sideways, and whispered to the middle-aged professor beside him:

"Just this Joan Vida?"

"Yes, candidates who invented "Aphasia"."


Joan walked to the examiner's seat and bowed to pay tribute. He overheard the examiners talking about himself, and only a few words fell into his ears. He vaguely mentioned that he was a student of Robert Rawls. The youngest of all candidates this year. In addition, the "Aphasia technique" is frequently mentioned. It seems that this original 2 ring spell submitted by myself has caused quite a stir in the Austrian Academy of Law.

Including Dean Franklin, all the examiners cheered up and looked forward to Joan’s eyes.

The appetite of the professors has been held high by the wonderful performances of Angel and Lane. Among all the remaining candidates, the only one who may surprise them is the genius who invented the "aphasia" Teenager.

Under the intense gaze of the professors, Joan calmly chanted the mantra and waved a fireball into the sky.

and many more! This is... what? ?

The professors looked at each other, all with the expression of eating flies.

Not to say that "fireball" is not good, of course, Joan has the freedom to demonstrate any spell, but as the most promising freshman of this year, he is the only genius boy who really comes up with original and practical spells with practical value. "Fireball" on the main street gives back to the professors' earnest expectations?

A common fireball technique is exhibited by ordinary candidates, and the examiners can understand it, but Joan also plays this cliché, how to cast imagination? Where is creativity?

This vulgar style of casting spells made examiners dare not compliment.

As much as you expect, so much as disappointment!

Seeing Joan use "fireball", even Dean Franklin could not help frowning, wondering if he was the only inventor of "aphasia" as claimed in his resume.

Will there be a scandal that plagiarizes the academic achievements of others?

Although the examiners have not expressed their doubts publicly, the huge sense of loss has prompted them to come up with such ideas.

Joan focused on his spells, did not care about the appearance of the examiners around him, looked up at the huge fireball erupting in the sky, clasped a dark agate bead in his left hand, and cast a spellcasting gesture in his right hand.


When Joan poured out a start spell representing "Soul", the black agate in his palm burst, and the magic wire in front of him twitched in a frenzy and woven into a black giant palm full of rich negative energy.

The noise around the examination room suddenly disappeared!

Candidates looked at each other with confusion in their eyes, and could not recognize what spell Joan had just cast, and actually created a huge magic palm with the dual attributes of "force field" and "dead spirit" out of thin air.

In this day and age, especially in a peaceful human society, learning and disseminating necromantic spells is restricted by both law and public opinion, and there are very few opportunities to get in touch in colleges.

It’s not only these young students who don’t understand what Joan’s tricks are, even the professors feel very strange, and after careful identification, he guessed that he was performing an extremely rare three-ring necromantic arcane—“Mage Ghost Palm!"

From the unintentional "fireball technique" to the rare "Master's Nether Palm", this change is like a 180-degree turn, and it is like a sudden summer rainstorm, so that the onlookers and professors We were caught flat-footed and my appetite was hung up. I became more and more curious about what kind of good show Joan was going to stage next.

Under the focus of everyone's eyes, Joan remotely spread the five fingers of the black magic palm, spreading his palms upwards, just to catch the big fireball in the air while violently burning while slowly falling.

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