Mage Joan

Chapter 697: Vault of Shadows

Joan raised an eye stem and twisted the searchlight-like eyeball at the top to scan the suspicious area.

It didn't take long for him to find a quietly crouching creature in the crack above his head.

The monster is about two feet tall, with gray skin dotted with countless dark spots, and its smooth body exhibits a rubber-like texture, which looks like a dysplasia.

This strange creature has not yet discovered that it has been exposed. Hiding in the cracks of the rock, glaring a pair of eyes with night vision ability, peeping down the four travelers walking through the stalactite cave.

After watching it quietly for about two minutes, the monster suddenly stood up, drilled a rock crack, and clasped the stalactites at the top of the grotto with his arms, silently approaching Joan and others.

Joan remained silent, closely watching the monster's every move.

When it started to move, Joanne was surprised to find that its arm length was almost three times its height, just like two flexible and slender living snakes, and the palm was covered with sharp barbs, no wonder it could be firmly grasped smooth Stalactite, hanging upside down like a big spider, moves quickly.

The long-armed monster stopped, holding a thick stone stalactite in his hands and feet, and the probe peered down.

Neither Hailar nor Holden noticed that this monster lurking in the dome of the cave, led the ground lizard to walk under it, and his back disappeared at the corner of the tunnel.

The monster stretched his neck, motionless, as if waiting patiently for something.

Soon after, Joan's "eye of insight" drifted under it.

The long-armed monster widened its eyes, silently staring at the huge eyeballs waving four streamer-like stalks below, and a gloomy color appeared on the gray face, seeming to mistake the "eye of insight" as a giant-eyed tyrant The atmosphere is too dare to come out.

It wasn't until Joan floated underneath him that the figure disappeared at the corner of the tunnel, he took a breath and leaned down to stare at the female knight who landed at the end of the line.

Audrey seemed to perceive something and looked up at the cave.

The miner's lamp mounted in front of the helmet projected a straight beam of light, sweeping back and forth towards the dome.

The long-armed monster knew he couldn't wait any longer, and suddenly jumped down, protruding his claws and grabbing the girl's slender white neck.

However, at the same time when it launched the attack, the girl's figure suddenly disappeared. At the place where she originally stood, a huge eyeball dragging four tentacles appeared, staring coldly at the long-armed monster.

The long-armed monster suddenly felt bad things!

However, in the air, it had no retreat, only to daringly slammed at the gloomy eye demons.


Qiao An's huge main eye gleamed a pale beam of light, hitting the long-armed monster falling down in the middle of the sky.

The cold negative energy instantly flowed all over the body, evacuating physical energy, making it feel weak, and the claws became soft and weak.

Joan flicked out his eyes, like four whistling leather whips, beating **** the long-armed monster who had just been deprived of his strength by the "debilitating rays".

In the scream, the long-armed monster rolled and flew out, hit the rock wall, and rebounded to the ground.

It moaned and climbed, dragging its weak legs, trying to escape from Joan's vision as quickly as possible.

At this time, a beautiful shadow flashed around the corner of the tunnel.

Audrey flew over, and silver gleam appeared in the depth of her sapphire eyes.

A strange spiritual energy, using her sight as a carrier, quietly slammed into the long-armed monster!

As soon as a thunder blew in my mind, the long-armed monster shook, stopped, and stood still. His eyes were dull, as if he had become a statue that lost his ability to think.

Audrey narrowed her eyes and continued to output psychic abilities. Her eyes were firmly locked on the long-armed monster's brain, and she stepped towards it with light steps. Her right hand slowly pulled out the saber, and the blade shone cold and brilliant.

"Don't kill it first."

Joan returned to human form and waved to Audrey.

Audrey frowned slightly, and although she didn't understand Joan's approach, she accepted his request and closed the sword.

Joan touched the storage bag, took out a black agate, chanted a chant of poems in a low voice, and the magic in the air stirred up, and a black giant palm full of negative energy emerged.

Joan remotely controlled "Mage Nether Palm", grabbed the long-armed monster firmly, turned around and nodded to Audrey.

Audrey smiled knowingly and closed her eyes, the dazzling silver psionic glory disappeared.

After that, another six seconds passed before the long-armed monster woke up like a dream and regained its ability to think.

However, it immediately found out how bad its situation was, and it might as well stay in a state of sluggishness.

Joan gripped the long-armed monster with the "Mage Nether Palm" and dragged it to Audrey.

"Did you just cast a psionic power?"

Audrey nodded with a smile.

"I've seen Holden show psychic powers, but it's not the same as the one you just showed."

"Holton will only have a psychic power, that is, "manipulate the airflow", and in addition to "manipulating the airflow", I will also "brain lock"-this is a "psychic enchantment" level 2 ability, locked Creatures are unable to perform any mental activities, and they seem to be in a daze." Audrey explained.

"There is a clear gap between the performance levels of your sisters and brothers. Is it because of the different bloodlines of one parent?" Qiao An tentatively asked.

"You guessed it! My mother was born in an ancient psionic family. The "brain lock" is the lineage of this family. "Controlling the airflow" is the lineage of my father. As for Holden... he 'S mother is not a psionicist."

Seemingly afraid of Joan misunderstanding, Audrey quickly added:

"I don't mean to disparage Holden's mother. In fact, she is a very powerful lady. The blood power that Holden inherited from her is no worse than my psionic blood, or even stronger. "

After hearing her suggestion, Joan couldn't help thinking of Holden's special aura that could tame the lizard tamely. If he didn't guess wrong, this should be one of the bloodline forces that Holden inherited from his mother.

"Joan, what monster was attacking us just now?"

Audrey supported the miner's lamp on the helmet and hit the beam on the long-armed monster in order to see its appearance.

The strong light made the monster panic and uneasy. However, under the grip of "Mage Nether Palm", it could not hide into the area where it was avoiding light, so it had to turn its head to close its eyes and groan painfully.

Joan controlled the giant palm remotely, grabbed the monster and handed it to Audrey, so that she could see clearly.

"This guy looks like a ‘lock throat monster’."

Joan recalled the related illustrations and text on the "Vares Monster Book", and then said:

"The lock throat monster is a low-level strange monster that is relatively common in dark areas. It is good at sneaking prey under the cover of darkness. Once it succeeds, it will use strong claws to twist the neck of the prey."

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