Mage Joan

Chapter 801: Blue Lancer (National Day plus Gagen)

Audrey was born and grew up in the shadow of the royal scandal, which was inevitably influenced by her mother, and she was deeply concerned about her father's lover.

Just listened to the tragic story about love and betrayal. I felt the same and couldn't help but say a few radical remarks, but I didn't take into account my brother's mood.

Holden was also a victim of his parents' extramarital affairs. As an illegitimate child, his situation was far more difficult than that of his half-sister.

Deep down in his heart, I'm afraid it's not as sunny and cheerful as he usually shows, and there are also wounds that are difficult to heal.

I heard Audrey’s criticism of extramarital affairs just now, and it is natural to think that she is insinuating and sarcastic about her biological mother.

With such thoughts, Joan showed more sympathy for Holden.

Stand up and say to Audrey: "I'm going to talk to Holden and persuade him to pass his breath."

Audrey was hesitant and said quietly: "Perhaps I should go to him in person and apologize in person."

Just then, there was a whistle outside the door.

Holden held a handkerchief and wiped his hands as he walked into the dining room, still cynical smiling on his face.

Joan, Audrey and Hailar's eyes immediately focused on his face, but there was no sign of a strong smile.

"Why are you staring at me so strangely?"

Holden shrugged his shoulders in surprise.

"Just now I was just anxious. When I went out to the toilet, wouldn't you think I wanted to escape the bill? My sister treats me for this meal, you can just stare at her!"

Everyone knows he is doing a play, but he is still amused by his funny look.

The atmosphere in the restaurant has become relaxed again.

Joan couldn't help but secretly sigh, Holden's emotional intelligence is really high, and his mind is also really forgiving, no wonder flattering.

Instead of being in his position, he would not only want to show his face to Audrey, I'm afraid he could do it on the spot.

After a small storm, Joanne saw that Audrey was still a little embarrassed, hanged her head in a pretending manner, embarrassed to speak, and took the initiative to revisit the topic about Pelidon.

"Psalms passed down in ancient times are often because of the consequences. According to the characteristics of Pelidong's habits, it is not worth taking seriously the origin of this creature."

"In my opinion, the reason why female Pelly winter needs to eat the human heart during the breeding period is probably due to some special physiological needs."

"It's like a mosquito. Male mosquitoes usually don't need to **** blood, and female mosquitoes only have to **** blood frequently to promote their own ovaries to mature and then lay eggs."

"Understanding this fact, it would be ridiculous to look back at the legends claiming that mosquitoes originated from vampire ashes."

"I'm not a mage, and I don't plan to delve into why female Pelican must devour the heart of humanoids in order to breed offspring, but I'm very worried about one thing. It's the mating period of Pelican in April and May."

Audrey seemed to have gotten rid of her low mood, and then Joan continued.

"During this time, in order to obtain the right to mate, male Pelican had to leave the hilltop nest in clusters and fly to the surrounding area, frequently attacking human settlements and killing people."

"Male Pelican will take the victim’s heart back to the nest after the killing, as a gift to please the female spouse and win the right to mate."

"Female Pelican is mostly picky and only eats fresh hearts."

"In order to ensure that the heart of the prey is fresh, the male Pelidon usually separates the nest at dusk, using his keen vision to penetrate the darkness, under the cover of the night, attacks the human settlement, hunts the heart, and returns before sunrise nest."

"According to the law of Pelidong's activity, it is not difficult to find that they usually don't fly to areas that are formed more than one night away from the nest."

"In other words, the hunting area of ​​Pelly Winter is limited to the distance that can be reached overnight."

"We found the main peak of Bailun Mountain on the map, using this as the center of the circle, drawing a circle with a compass using the flight distance of Pelidong about three hours as a radius, we will find that there are a total of four people in this area. Kind of township."

"Obviously, these four townships are the key disaster areas."

"The government authorities of the Midgard Colony are obliged to maintain the security of the affected towns and villages and protect the personal safety of the local residents."

"In the past few years, at the turn of spring and summer, the military will send troops to the villages and towns around Bailun Mountain to support the local militia against the harassment of Pelidong."

"But over time, people find that this passive defense strategy cannot solve the fundamental problem."

"It is true that during the breeding period of each year, many male Pelidon are destroyed by the defenders during the attack on human towns, but this is not enough to completely destroy the entire Pelidong ethnic group."

"Year after year, the scale of the Peledong ethnic group on the top of Bailun Mountain has been growing, and the threat to the surrounding towns is increasing."

"In order to solve this problem from the roots like snowballing, which is becoming more and more serious, this spring, the Meadgarde military planned a combat plan and decided to take an unprecedented scale of killing in early May to completely wipe out the rampage. The Pelidongs in the Bailun Mountains!"

"The military has mobilized an elite force for this purpose. That is the cavalry battalion commanded by Baron Laval's commander-in-chief Henry James-the famous'Blue Lancers', you should have heard about it?"

Audrey looked at Joan, Holden and Hailar.

All three of Joan nodded.

The "Blue Lancer" is the strongest cavalry battalion in the Midgard colony, and is known as the "guardian deity" of the colony.

The members of this unit are all elite selected from the various township militia security regiments, and Baron Laval himself is responsible for daily training.

300 cavalrymen, all dressed in blue breastplates, equipped with the latest style of magic crystal smooth-bore rifle.

In the entire Meadgard colony, there was only one such cavalry unit equipped with magic crystal rifles.

The military was willing to send a "blue cavalry" to carry out its mission. It can be seen that the high-level leaders of the colonial military and political circles have reached a consensus, and they are determined to wipe out the Pelidongs completely and will never suffer from future troubles!

"'Blue Lancers' is an elite force, but their enemies are more powerful!"

"Pelidon, entrenched in the Bailun Mountains region, has been breeding for decades, and the population has reached an intimidating scale!"

"According to the information provided by the military intelligence department, the number of Pelidon perched on the top of Bailun Mountain is not less than a hundred."

"After all, Pelydon is a powerful magic beast, occupying the air superiority, and possessing mysterious supernatural abilities. Each Pelydon's combat power is worth at least five elite cavalry."

"Comparing the combat power of the enemy and ours, it is not difficult to find that the cavalry battalion of Major James alone is not enough to annihilate the Pelidong family. The military also needs to seek support from other sources-especially the support of the caster!"

Audrey explained the military's intentions to the three friends by pulling the silk and peeling the cocoon.

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