Mage Lord: The Tech Tree is Skewed by Me

Chapter 17 Chapter 17 18 Bringing a little ancient shock to Antolia

Packs of wild dogs look like running wolves.

Any mercenary from Antolia can easily kill a plateau hound in a duel.


When countless hounds gather together and come like a tide, everyone will feel a fatal threat under the dark and gloomy wave.

At this moment, that is exactly what it is.

The dogs running towards the city wall stirred up damp soil and dry branches on the bumpy ground.

Their innate sense of smell allows these hungry creatures to smell the scent of humans in the city even if they are hundreds of meters away, with a greedy and bloodthirsty light shining in their eyes.

When plateau hounds are running in the wilderness before approaching the city wall, it is when they are most vulnerable.

With Todd's roar,

Countless arrows flashed through the air immediately,

A dense rain of arrows enveloped the sky above the hounds' heads almost instantly.

Some of these arrows were shot by soldiers on the city wall, and some were shot by hunters who spontaneously came to the front line.

Living on the land of Antolia, it is impossible to survive without some force.

Except for mercenaries,

Hunter is the favorite profession of men in Antolia.

Although their actual combat level is difficult to compare with that of mercenaries, and most of the time they just wander in the mountains and forests, fighting prey with bows, arrows and daggers, the tempering of blood and death has also allowed them to be able to fight in times of crisis. Come forward when the time comes.

However, the dense rain of arrows did not cause much damage to the rushing hounds.

The black mane covering their backs, at this moment, became the shield that the hounds relied on most.

Even if it works,

But it is difficult to stop their running footsteps.


As the first hound embedded his claws into the gap in the city wall and began to climb up, what awaited the Antolians would be the most brutal fierce battle.

The combat capabilities of the mercenaries are beyond doubt;

Todd was temporarily appointed by Leon as the commander of the Antolia Fire Volunteer Team.

Raise your shield!

Draw the knife!

As orders were issued one after another, the recruits, who were a little restless at first, seemed to have regained the feeling they had during training in the familiar sounds of orders.

The recruits' palms were already stained with sweat, but they still stood firmly in their positions.

When a low roar reaches my ears,

A huge and ugly gray-black head poked up from the edge of the city wall.

Todd had quick eyes and quick hands. He raised the giant ax in his hand and slashed downward violently.

In an instant,

Splashing blood kicked off the war.

The hearts of all Antolians are filled with hatred for the Highland Hounds.

no matter who,

Almost everyone has experienced the pain of having a loved one killed by a hound.


No hesitation, no hesitation,

Almost everyone entered the fighting state immediately, even the recruits who had only practiced for more than a month.

They used the shields in their hands to push the hounds that had not yet stood firm off the city wall, and used the swords in their hands to protect the city behind them.

Just for a moment,

The soldiers' bodies were all stained with bright red blood.

The originally menacing offensive of the plateau hounds was stalled by the solid city walls and the desperate resistance of the soldiers.


Just when Leon was grateful for his wise decision to form the Antolia Fire Volunteer Team, he finally felt the strong magic wave.

The source of the magic power fluctuation is the mutated monster standing outside the city and surrounded by dogs!

I saw it raising its head,

Let out a hoarse roar,

The originally quite tall body suddenly expanded several times, and then rushed towards the city wall like crazy.


Leon suddenly realized something was wrong.

If the behemoth not far away really collided with it, the city wall of the Thorn Territory would probably suffer a devastating blow.

Lord Viscount!

It's too dangerous here, please return to the lord's castle immediately!

The guard guarding Leon couldn't help but said anxiously.

But Leon turned a deaf ear to this.

He just stood quietly on the top of the city and raised the staff in his hand again.


I saw that fast-moving giant shadow slamming into the city wall.

Leon could clearly feel that the masonry beneath his feet was shaking under the strong impact.

Accompanied by a loud noise like the earth was shattering and the sound of broken masonry, the originally solid city wall finally exposed a gap of about six or seven meters long under the violent impact.

The soldiers who were fighting on that section of the city wall were also knocked off by the violent collision, hitting the ground heavily and becoming silent in an instant.

Clog the gap!

Almost without Leon's order, the surrounding mercenaries jumped down one after another along the broken city wall, trying to block the swarming beasts with their own flesh and blood.

As the commander, Todd also took the lead and was in the front row at this moment.

Row after row,

The soldiers held their wooden shields high, trying to resist the frantic bites of the hounds, but every impact they made would almost leave a deep skid mark in the ground beneath their feet.

The arms of many soldiers holding their shields high had already become numb or even unconscious under the constant impact of the hounds, but they still relied on their own perseverance to hold on.

The heavy and crazy impact sent many soldiers blocking the front line flying backwards, but even though they vomited blood, they still resisted the dizziness in their minds and struggled to fumble for the fallen weapons on the ground.

Whenever a soldier fell, another soldier immediately stepped on top.

at this moment,

They have only one belief in their hearts, which is to block the gap in the city wall and block the hounds in front of them from the city.

They have no choice because behind them are their families.

Lord Viscount...

The guards around him were about to persuade Leon to leave again, but they saw a huge fireball gradually taking shape on the top of Leon's staff.

As a mage, Leon had just watched his soldiers fall into a bloody battle before taking action because he was waiting for this moment to come.

Leon didn't know what was different about the hound that was no different from a monster, so he kept waiting.

This process is painful,

Because he could only watch helplessly as the soldiers who swore allegiance to him died miserably on the city wall and were torn to pieces by the bloodthirsty beasts.

In the final analysis,

Leon is just a mage apprentice.

So facing that monster with unknown strength, he could only choose to go all out.

And now, it's time!

The moment a gap appeared in the city wall, countless hounds turned around and swarmed towards the gap in the city wall, which in turn greatly reduced the defensive pressure on the city wall.

Leon tapped his staff lightly, and a fireball about forty to fifty centimeters in diameter instantly shot towards the mutant hound in the center of the dog group.


A violent explosion sounded, and five or six hounds were thrown into the sky in the explosion, and then fell heavily.

It seems that because the previous collision with the city wall exhausted the power of the monster, the mutated hound, which had expanded several times in size, was also blown away.

???That's it??

Looking at the scene in front of him, Leon was somewhat confused.


This also allowed Leon to use magic more unscrupulously.

Time to give these damn things a little ancient shock!

With the study of ancient magic during this period, although it is impossible for Leon to reproduce the ancient magic that is like a forbidden spell, after fully combining it with ancient magic, Leon has considerable experience in the use of fireball.

At least……

Let him learn something a little different.

Since a single fireball is not powerful enough, Leon chooses to win with quantity.

Fireballs appeared one after another on the top of Leon's staff, and then shot towards the gathering hounds one after another.

The diameter of these fireballs is very short, no more than a dozen centimeters, but they are just at the threshold where they can explode and kill hounds.


At this moment,

The young lord standing on the city wall was like a turret that could continuously fire fireballs. Every few seconds, a fireball of sufficient power would be formed on the top of the staff.

On the battlefield, fires were everywhere.

The successive explosions greatly disrupted the attacking rhythm of the hounds, and also allowed the soldiers who were fighting bloody battles to get a moment of respite.

Todd, who had just killed the hound, took advantage of a brief moment to look blankly at his lord who was standing on the city wall and killing people, and his mind was a little hard to turn around for a while.

Is this really the strength a mage apprentice should have? !

Leon didn't know what others were thinking.

At this time, he just kept chanting spells and releasing fireballs one after another.

He did not find the method of using forbidden spells in ancient magic, but he understood how to release magic at a faster speed while saving his own consumption to the greatest extent!

But even so,

The continuous magic spells gradually bottomed out the magic power that Leon could use.


Under the stunned gazes of the guards on both sides,

The young lord took out a fat shadow monster from somewhere and held it in his hand.

That's a shadow monster!

Everyone present knew the existence of shadow monsters. This special creature that existed in this world was extremely difficult to see, let alone touch, on ordinary days.

Only under certain circumstances or around a dying person will the form gradually appear.

And once this kind of creature manifests itself, it will easily kill people, which is terrifying.


Not only did his own lord hold the shadow monster in his hands with such arrogance, he even squeezed the shadow monster's plump and round belly with his left hand from time to time, as if he was squeezing out a steady stream of magic power from the shadow monster's body.

With the shadow monster in hand, in an instant, the mage apprentice who was supposed to be depleted of magic power was instantly resurrected with full health.

Even the speed of releasing magic was far faster and faster than before, like a tireless machine gun, which brought an indescribable shock to everyone present.

The dense fireball covered the fan-shaped area centered on Leon almost instantly, and the bodies of the hounds were ignited with strange-colored flames.

The shadow monster in the left hand, the staff in the right hand,

With his ordinary fireball technique,

The young lord is working tirelessly to kill everyone.

At this time, Leon had no time to think about how to explain the existence of the shadow monster after the war, nor did he have the mind to think about these trivial matters in the future. He only knew that behind him was the family's territory, and the people who were attached to the Jimena family. .

If the gap in the city wall cannot be defended, Antolia will suffer a very heavy blow, and his plans for the future of Antolia may also be unsustainable.

And at the same time,

The recruits had already formed a formation at the gap in the city wall. They may have fear and panic in their hearts, but they never hesitated with the swords in their hands.

When people face the threat of death, the power they can unleash will be endless.

With the surge of adrenaline hormones, the soldiers' eyes were already red with blood, and they could not think about whether their physical strength could support them.

The soldiers fought bloody battles and unleashed fireball spells continuously.

The most difficult and fierce battle lasted for nearly half a day, and the corpses of plateau hounds were almost piled on the ground.


When more and more hounds fell outside the Thorn Territory City,

Those bloodthirsty and ferocious beasts finally felt the strength of this city.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the battlefield filled with pools of blood, leaving only the mess on the ground and the hounds' backs escaping in haste.

Even Leon, who was wielding the staff, felt the pain and swelling in his forearm, not to mention the soldiers who used shields, swords and guns to fight the beasts from beginning to end.

After a highly tense and fierce battle, intense fatigue followed.

Seeing the ferocious beasts leaving in embarrassment, most of the soldiers who had been fighting for several hours collapsed on the ground, ignoring the red blood all over the ground.

They no longer had the energy to cheer, or even the energy to gather the bodies of their fallen comrades.

Lord Viscount! We win!

The soldiers who had been guarding Leon cheered loudly.

Previously, they also wanted to fight against the enemy with their comrades.

But they also know clearly that only by protecting the Viscount, who has been acting as a human fort, can they pose a greater threat to the hounds.

But now, the fierce battle is over, and the Antolians have won the war.

Finally won...

Leon supported his equally tired body with his arms and looked down across the battlements.

The corpses of countless hounds were piled together, and dark red blood stained the city wall and seeped into the gaps between the bricks and stones.

Go back first, Lord Viscount.

Aaron carefully supported Leon, who was slightly exhausted, and asked softly.

go back.

This time, Leon did not refuse.

Although it was only the evening, the continuous magic releases had already made Leon extremely tired. After just a few words with Aaron, Leon fell asleep.

The fire in the fireplace burned brightly, driving away the winter frost and snow, leaving only a rare warmth.

I’m running out of chapters, so today’s two chapters will be posted together.

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