Kingdom of Iderit, Loris City.

As one of the oldest royal capitals in the history of the Northern Continent, Loris City can always give people a sense of history.

The church built during the Holy Brun Empire seems to have retained traces of erosion over time, and the melodious bells are heard from time to time on the spire towers in the city.

Between the streets and alleys, the ancient stone roads have long been worn down by carriages and horses.

But it is still struggling to hold on on the edge of complete fragmentation.

For nearly a hundred years, Loris City has been the political, economic, cultural and power center of the Kingdom of Idrit, and is the most cherished treasure in the hands of the Francis family.

Based on Loris City, the Francis family established the rule of the Kingdom of Iderit and created the family's glory.


Although rebellions by the remnants of the Idrit Kingdom have emerged in an endless stream a while ago, Loris City and its surrounding areas have not been greatly affected.

The remnants of the restoration of the country are making trouble, but they are mainly making trouble in the western coastal areas of the Idrit Kingdom.

After all, even cultists would understand the principle of picking the weakest persimmons. Naturally, there is no reason to leave the noble vassals scattered throughout the Idrit Kingdom alone and attack the most powerful Francis. The family goes.

That is pure seeking death.

What's more, the Francis family has been working here for a long time.

From the palace guards to the city garrison, as the orthodox royal family of the Iderit Kingdom, the Francis family has always firmly controlled everything in the city.


External factors will not cause chaos in Loris City, but it does not mean that internal factors will not cause this ancient royal capital to be in turmoil.

Just a week ago, the calm of Loris City was finally broken.

This is not due to the rapid expansion of the strength of the remnants of the restoration of the country, nor is it due to the vassals of the Idrit Kingdom asking for help one after another.

after all……

No matter how much trouble the relics of the country make, they are not serious soldiers after all.

No matter how hard the nobles' private armies are mobilized, they are always fully armed and have undergone a certain degree of training. And even if they really can't hold on, they can at least find mercenaries!

But the problem is that the reason why the chaos caused by the survivors of the restoration of the country has become more and more intense is simply because the Francis family did not have time to deal with it for a while.

Or to put it more directly, compared to how many civilians died, the ownership of the throne is what the Idrit nobles are most concerned about right now!

Even before this, the royal family had strictly blocked relevant information.

What can be blocked is blocked, and what is leaked is leaked.

Since the old king had not appeared in public for a week, the news that King Idrit was seriously ill could not be concealed after all.

The news of this news made almost all the nobles of the Idrit Kingdom tense up instantly.

There is only one reason, and that is who will succeed?

Second Prince Mendes?

Or the fourth prince Altus?

Compared with the other candidates for the throne, these two people can be said to have the highest voices.

Prince Mendez has been running the Iderit Kingdom for many years, and with the blessing of military exploits in the Norton War, he is definitely a popular candidate.

The fourth prince, Artus, was the most beloved by the old king, and even once expressed the idea of ​​passing the throne in public, which made Artus also have many supporters.

It is precisely because of the above that Loris City at this time can be said to be undercurrent.

Even the lowest commoners and even serfs can feel an extremely depressing and dignified atmosphere in the air of Loris City.

What's the situation now?

Looking at the waiter who had just returned from the palace, Prince Mendez, who always showed himself calm and calm, asked anxiously.

The doctors are already bleeding His Majesty the King.

The waiter lowered his head and answered clearly:

The current situation is not good. His Majesty the King's body is getting weaker and weaker, and even the time he can stay awake every day is getting less and less.

The doctors performed a blood test yesterday and another one today, but there is still no improvement.

Bloodletting was a common medical practice during this era.

after all……

Although this is a world where magic exists.

But the research on healing magic is almost blank.

If the Antorians hadn't decided to perfect potion research from scratch, to be honest, there wouldn't even be a basic potion like the little red bottle that can boost spirits and boost morale.

How long do the doctors say I can last?

After a moment of silence, Prince Mendes took the initiative and asked.

This is clearly not the time to be sad.

Although his father was still lying on the hospital bed, the manpower of the fourth prince Altus had begun to exert force.

You know, after deploying many men to the garrison in Loris City, the nobles loyal to Altus have even begun to try to touch the palace guards who are directly affiliated with the king!

This series of events left Mendes no time to grieve at all.

At most half a month.

Hearing this, Mendes just waved his hand and asked the waiter in front of him to retreat.

Although it was said to be half a month, he couldn't really prepare in half a month.

According to the current situation, no matter who the old king names as his heir, a conflict in Loris City is definitely inevitable.

On weekdays, he has to attract nobles to strengthen his momentum.

And at this critical moment...

It's obviously useless to have momentum alone, you also need to have soldiers!

The weapon of criticism is never as good as the weapon of criticism.

He has always believed in this.

Thinking of this, Mendes couldn't help but look forward to the letter he sent.

There is one thing to say, as a strong contender for Idrit's throne, Mendez is indeed quite powerful.

But for the nobles who were willing to be loyal to him, most of their fiefdoms were located on the borders of the kingdom, far away from Loris City.

This is also the capital he has accumulated for himself by participating in the external wars of the Kingdom of Idrit all the year round, which gives him the confidence to dare to fight for the throne.

But now, the rebellion of the remnant of the country has left the noble army in the border areas too busy to take care of themselves, and the fourth prince Artus has been running his power in the royal capital all year round, so the current situation can be said to be at the most unfavorable time for him.

Far water cannot quench near thirst!

Fortunately, he had already given himself a backup plan.

In fact, the transaction with the Antolian people was originally just to add an extra layer of insurance to himself.

but now……

Compared to those border garrisons that were held back by the remnants of the restored country and were unable to function in a short period of time.

The Antolians from the Kingdom of Andal might actually be the sharp sword that he stabs out at the critical moment!

Mendes thought with conviction.

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