Thorn Territory, Lord's Castle.

Looking at the young lord in front of him, one word suddenly came to Danielsson's mind, handsome.

Leon's appearance is basically that of the male protagonist in the bard's story, with a tall nose and deep eyes.

Although he was only wearing a simple aristocratic robe, his every move and gesture showed the aura of nobility.

Long awaited, Knight Danielson.

Leon sat down on the main seat and looked curiously at the bloodstained knight in front of him.

Danielsson's figure is quite strong. Although his appearance is just beginning to take shape, he is obviously a capable fighter, otherwise he would not be able to break out among the hounds on the plateau.

The noble Viscount Antolia.

Viscount Danielson gave Leon a very standard knightly salute.

Leon nodded, and then got straight to the point:

How is Greywater Castle?

The situation is very bad.

Knight Danielsson smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said:

The knights of Greywater Castle have never seen those ferocious monsters before. On the first night when the hounds attacked the city, the plateau hounds were like no one in the city of Greywater Castle.


Although he had expected it, Leon still showed a rather sad expression.


Todd on the side couldn't help but show a shocked face:

It fell in just one day?! The population of Greywater Castle is so large, even if the plateau hounds bite them one by one, it will take two or three days...

Hearing this, Knight Danielson couldn't help but look a little embarrassed.

But this is indeed an irrefutable fact.

You know, the total population of Gray Water Castle is close to ten thousand.

According to the laws of the Kingdom of Andal, all free people in the territory have the obligation to serve their lord.

Every adult male freeman was required to provide his own padded armor, a helmet, and a spear, and to serve his lord for two to three months each year.

Even if serfs make up the vast majority of the tens of thousands of people in the territory, if they want to raise an army, they can still gather nearly a thousand people.

But even so, Gray Water Castle couldn't survive even one day.

We didn't expect that the plateau hounds would launch a sneak attack at night...

Danielsson looked a little lonely when he was knighting:

However, although the walls of Gray Water Castle have been breached, the Earl has always defended the Lord's Castle together with the knights and guards.

The civilians in the city are miserable...

There was a hint of yin and yang in Todd's words, but Leon was not surprised by this.

The mercenaries of Antolia looked down upon those knights who only knew how to have fun all day long. If Danielsson's body was not covered in blood and he had obviously experienced a fierce battle, Todd would not even look at him.

However, having said that, Leon still needs to sell some face.

Noble lords have the responsibility to defend their territory. Count Eli Wayne will never escape alone even if the city wall is breached. He is really a role model for our generation.

Leon said looking quite sincere.

Lord, lord, if you can't even defend your own noble realm, then what kind of lord do you think you are?

After all, Eli Wayne is a nobleman who knows the seriousness of the matter. If he abandons his territory and runs away alone, not to mention him, even the descendants of the Wayne family will never be able to hold their heads up.

The war situation in Greywater Castle is really tight. I hope the Viscount can lend a helping hand.

After saying that, Danielson knelt down on one knee and spoke sincerely.

It was not that he couldn't hear the sarcasm in Todd's words before, but that was the fact, so how could he refute it?

Not only the Gray Water Castle, but also the nobles of the entire Andal Kingdom are bear-like, and Antolia is the outlier among them.

Sending troops...

Leon muttered symbolically.

But Antolia was also attacked by the plateau hounds before, and more than 500 people died in the process of resisting the plateau hounds...

Originally, Leon wanted to increase the claimed number of casualties to 800, but the entire Thorn Territory, if not counting the Lapruk people who had just joined, had only more than 3,000 people in total, which was a bit too exaggerated.

Only then did he reluctantly give a figure of five hundred casualties.

But even so, Danielson's face couldn't help but twitch.

The Earl of Graywater Castle is willing to provide all the food and grass for your army, and pay double the price for commissions and introduction fees.

Danielsson said solemnly.

The mercenaries of the Andal Kingdom can be divided into two main types.

One is the common free mercenary group, which can be hired only by paying a commission.

The other type of mercenary is a mercenary legion loyal to a certain noble like the Antolian mercenaries.

Antoria mercenaries are all members of the Territory of Thorns, and they usually act as family guards.

Therefore, if you want to hire these people, in addition to paying commissions, you must also pay a valuable introduction fee to the nobles to whom the mercenaries are loyal, which means you need to pay Leon an additional payment.

Although the first type of mercenary is cheaper, since there is no restriction by the nobles, they usually only take small jobs.

According to the market price of mercenaries, the cost of hiring a mercenary for a day is usually two to three Andal silver coins.

Antolian mercenaries who are brave and good at fighting can get a high price of four to five Andal silver coins every day.

The Earl of Graywater Castle is willing to double the price, which means that each mercenary can get at least eight Andal silver coins every day. This is actually a pretty good price.

However, Leon was not satisfied with the price.

Are you kidding me? Why didn't the Earl of Graywater Castle give me a discount when I bought food?

Now that Gray Water Castle is in danger, doubling the price is obviously not appropriate.

It must be killed!

Three times, and after this crisis is over, Antolia's army has the right to capture those serfs who escaped when the city was breached on the land of Gray Water Castle.

Leon made his own conditions.

make a deal!

Danielsson said quickly.

At this time, he had no choice but to bargain, and before going to the Thorn Territory to ask for help, the Earl of Gray Water Castle had already asked him to act as he saw fit.

Although he was a little confused about the second condition mentioned by Leon, which was to allow Antolia's army to capture serfs on the land of Gray Water Castle, he agreed immediately.

I wonder how many mercenaries the Earl of Graywater Castle wants to hire?

The more, the merrier.

Danielsson gritted his teeth and said.

Now is not the time to search and search. The more people there, the greater the chance of survival.

Hearing this, Leon suddenly became happy:

In that case, in three days, I will personally lead the mercenaries of Antolia to rescue Gray Water Castle.

Please read and read, 嘘嘤嘤~

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