Mage Lord: The Tech Tree is Skewed by Me

Chapter 54 God said, let there be light! (superior)

Leon actually felt a little baffled by this sudden night attack.

When Juan hurriedly knocked on the door and brought him news of the appearance of enemy troops outside the city, Leon was studying at night with Fast.

Ancient magic was a thing, and Leon was a night owl.

Although the fireball technique is easy to use, now that I am a mage, if I only know this kind of magic, it is somewhat unjustifiable.

How to combine ancient magic with today's simplified magic is an important topic that Leon is currently studying.

Ancient magic is indeed powerful, but it is the result of the unique magical environment and lengthy magic spells thousands of years ago.

Although today's magic is streamlined and less powerful, it has significant advantages in spell casting speed and chanting time.

Take the best and discard the dross.

This is the awareness Leon should have as a time traveler.

So much so that during these days, Leon sometimes didn't even bother to eat, and spent most of the day soaking in the collection of books provided by the Ancient Archives.

Night attack? Who is attacking us?

Leon frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice.

Logically speaking, with the retreat of the plateau hounds, Antolia should have ushered in a period of stable and peaceful development, at least in the next few years.

Although it cannot be said that Leon was caught off guard by today's sudden night attack, he was still somewhat confused.

have no idea.

Juan shook his head in embarrassment, and couldn't help but glance at Fast, who was sitting and writing quickly: But it looks like he should be a mountain man from Antolia.

Mountain people?

At this time, Fast finally couldn't sit still. He raised his head and asked, Do you know which tribe the men and horses are from? What patterns are painted on their bodies?

Juan continued to shake his head.

Although the Jimena family has been rooted in Antolia for many years, they don't know much about the mountain people living in Antolia.

Seeing this, Fast could only analyze it silently:

The tribes that are relatively close to each other should be selected to attack the Thorns Territory at this time. Because only they can detect the current situation of Antolia's mercenaries being exhausted, and only they can store food for the Thorns Territory. Quite a lot of information is available.”

And if you consider the distance, then... it can only be the Sami tribe in the northeast of the black pine forest, and the Wafna tribe at the foot of the western mountain.

Fast looked at his lord and gave two possibilities for the identity of the night raider.

Let's go! Go out and take a look!

Leon closed the book on the desk, stood up and shouted in a deep voice.

He wanted to see which tribe of mountain people dared to sneak attack on the Thorn Territory at night.

Although Leon led the army and the people to defeat the invasion of the plateau hounds, perhaps because the Jimena family has never had a direct conflict with the mountain people, even the mountain people dared to provoke him!

Leon was angry.

He felt that he needed to establish his authority!

Otherwise, if the surrounding mountain people come to harass from time to time, although the foundation of the Jimena family's rule will not be shaken, the several major plans he has made may be greatly affected.

Thorn Territory, military camp in the city.

When the low sound of the horn pierced the lonely night sky, a commotion broke out in the military camp almost instantly.

Enemy attack! Enemy attack!

Not only the militiamen of Antolia and the warriors of the Lapruk tribe, but also most of the people living in the city took out their respective weapons from unknown places.

Todd didn't even have time to put on his armor with the help of his personal guards before he picked up his giant ax and knocked open the door.

Everyone, gather immediately!

The militiamen guard the west and south, and the Lapruk people guard the east and north!

Each team is led by a captain, and the defense line is arranged in units of ten people!

After the fierce battle with the plateau hounds, the gap in the wall of the Thorn Territory has not yet been repaired. If the defense line cannot be set up immediately, the enemies outside the city can drive straight in.

Fortunately, the Thorn Territory never relaxed its patrols at night. Seeing the enemies outside the city swarming towards the gap in the city wall, the militiamen on duty at night were almost driven by instinct and deployed shields and swords in the blink of an eye. Formation.

At the same time, under the illumination of countless firelights, earth walls and mud ditches suddenly appeared, causing many mountain people who rushed towards the city to fall over.

It's Collins.

When Leon hurriedly walked up the city wall, he immediately realized the reason for the appearance of those earthen walls and saw Collins' figure not far away.

During the previous process of mage certification, Collins also used similar magic in an attempt to block the fire that penetrated the backyard.

But now, his opponent is no longer Leon, but those enemies who have evil intentions towards the Thorn Territory.

Raise your shield!

Draw the knife!

Familiar orders echoed in the ears of the militiamen.

Only this time, their opponent was no longer a ferocious hound, and the shield they raised would no longer be shattered by the hound's violent collision.

They have already experienced the tempering of blood. At this time, the militiamen are no longer the ambitious recruits in the past, but a fearless warrior!

As the order was issued, shields formed a solid shield wall at the gap in the city wall, blocking the enemies outside the city from entering.

Damn it! Didn't I say that all the mercenaries in Antolia have left?!

Seeing the strong defense line that the Antorians quickly assembled, Ramon couldn't help but cursed angrily.

He couldn't help but have the idea of ​​retreating in his mind, but when he saw the old man with white beard standing on the city wall, Ramon's eyes suddenly turned red, and he actually roared, and the brothers and sisters around him, who he personally led, joined in. to the battle situation.

It's the Sami tribe!

Seeing the familiar figure joining the battle, Fast finally recognized the enemy attacking the city in front of him.

Sami tribe?

As the lord of Antolia and the object of allegiance to the Lapruk people, Leon had already heard about the century-long grudges and grudges between the Sami people and the Lapluk people from Fast's mouth. .

In that case, let's take this opportunity to bring the Sami tribe back into the arms of the Lapruk people.

After Leon pondered for a moment, he made a decision immediately.

What the Viscount means is...

Leon turned back, looked at all the soldiers who had assembled in the city, and gave an order to Todd on the side:

Send the order!

Let the soldiers fight and retreat, leaving a gap, and wait for the enemies to pour into the city and then kill them all!

The Jimena family needs a battle that can shock the mountain people!

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