Mage Lord: The Tech Tree is Skewed by Me

Chapter 74 Imperial Meeting (on sale at 0:00 on the 71st!)

Chapter 74 Imperial Meeting (released at 0:00 on July 1st!)

Malakand Palace, Essex.

On this very special day, as the center of power of the Andal Kingdom, the Malakand Palace located in the center of the city is heavily guarded.

This is the royal palace of the Tyrol family, and it is also where the upcoming royal meeting will be held.

In this era of extremely low productivity, the decoration in the palace showed a kind of luxury and magnificence that was extremely disproportionate to this era.

On both sides of the gate, there is a gilt statue of the hero symbolizing the Tyrol family. Each of the pupils of the hero's eyes is inlaid with an extremely precious ruby, which looks fierce and flamboyant, as if watching everyone who steps into the palace. soldiers and nobles.

Several pure gold candlesticks weighing a hundred kilograms were placed at the four corners of the meeting hall. The midday sun shone through the bronze windows and shone on these heavy candlesticks, shining with a bright pale golden light.

Countless thin curtains and fabrics hang from the ceiling. These thin curtains are painted with the emblem of the Tyrol family's golden shield and sun, highlighting the identity of the owner of this palace.

At this moment, Wilbert I, who had just inherited the throne, was sitting on his throne inlaid with various gems and decorated with precious ornaments.

However, the face of the king, who was only in his forties, no longer showed the joy and excitement he had when he inherited the throne.

His heart is heavy and the situation is serious.

So much so that the atmosphere in the meeting hall was so solemn that even a short breath seemed like a sin.

Wilbert I closed his eyes tightly, leaned on the solid and cold back of the chair, and involuntarily clenched the gilded armrests on both sides of the throne with his hands.

After a brief period of silence, the bronze door of the chamber was slowly pushed open by the guards, and Yubel Harlin, Duke of Eagle Beak Cliff and Minister of Military Affairs, stepped into the chamber with a heavy heart.

Dear King of Andal, His Majesty Wilbert I.

The Duke of Eagle Beak Cliff knelt down on one knee and extended his most sincere greetings to the king who had just succeeded to the throne.


The king finally opened his closed eyes and asked with a hint of expectation: How is the current situation? What is the situation in the northern border of the kingdom now?!

You know, ever since the Duke of Sadwind Castle raised his troops and went south, rumors have been spreading in the royal capital. From the ignorant citizens to the quick-thinking nobles, everyone is talking about it.

There were even rumors that Wilbert I was actually a hybrid without Tyrol blood!

If the previous monarch was a man, it might make sense, but the previous monarch of the Andal Kingdom was Mary I! It's the queen!

Such outrageous rumors made the new king itch with hatred!

In addition to the rumors about the king's life experience, there is also the current location of the Sadwind Castle army.

Some people say that they are still stationed in northern Xinjiang, some say that they are almost arriving at the royal capital, and some even say that the Duke of Sorrow Castle has bypassed the royal capital and arrived at Parma City. Each one is more outrageous than the last!

His Majesty……

Hearing this, the Duke's face became even more ugly. As the military minister of the Andal Kingdom, Yubel Harin once thought that he knew the kingdom's current armament level better than anyone else.

However, the cruel reality slapped him hard:

Duke Perel of Sorrowwind Castle has integrated the troops of the nobles of Northern Xinjiang. Earl Langdon and Earl Revell adjacent to Northern Xinjiang have surrendered one after another. At this moment, Perel's army is moving south along the Hom River. In about three days, we will arrive at Brundik, the important northern town of the Andal Kingdom.

In an instant, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Count Franz, who was the steward of the palace, looked even more flustered, as if he would be hanged in the next moment.


It wasn't until the furious King Wilbert I let out an extremely dissatisfied roar that the meeting hall finally became quiet.

When he heard the answer given by Yubel Haring, Wilbert I's face suddenly became more and more ugly.

Although he also knew that most of the nobles adjacent to the northern border could not resist the Duke of Sorrow Castle's attack, he did not expect that these guys were like grass on the wall and surrendered without a fight.

How many troops does Perel have under his command?! Wilbert I asked in hot pursuit.


The military minister pondered for a long time before giving an uncertain answer: Maybe there are nearly 40,000 people...


At this moment, there was an explosion in the meeting hall.

Why are there so many!

Since the northern border of the kingdom is adjacent to the Kingdom of Walras, the kingdom's army stationed in that land has always been large in number. In addition, the Duke of Sorrow Castle has the support of many northern nobles, and then mobilizes militiamen from all over the north, and recruits Many mercenaries...

The military minister replied rather bitterly.

You know, even when the Reconquista broke out twenty years ago, the entire Andal Kingdom mobilized less than 70,000 troops.

But now, the Duke of Sadwind Castle has gathered nearly 40,000 troops at once.

For both Wilbert I and the many nobles who supported him in the capital, this was a blow to the head.

What's more, according to the reply given by Yubel Harin, this also includes a large number of mercenaries!

Northland mercenaries!

That is the largest mercenary group in the Andal Kingdom, and its strength far exceeds those crooked levies and militia!

Damn it! Damn it!

Perel is a traitor, a traitor to the Tyrol family!

King Wilbert I pointed at the ceiling and cursed angrily: How can he be worthy of the successive kings of the Andal Kingdom! How can he be worthy of the successive patriarchs of the Tyrol family?!

On the ceiling above the king's head, through the thin curtains, the most skilled stonemasons of the Andal Kingdom carved patterns on the top of the hall of the Andal Kingdom's previous kings fighting in all directions. Those lifelike carvings have always been Tyrol A testament to the family's dominance over this land.

But at this moment, it seems that he has become a witness to the civil strife in the kingdom.

Conscription! Conscription!

If you don't have enough knights, recruit civilian men and mobilize mercenary groups from various places to go to Brundick City!

Perel's rebels must be held back at Brundik City! No matter what the cost!

Wilbert I’s eyes widened and he said in a deep voice.

You know, the distance between Brundick City and the royal capital of Essex is less than 300 kilometers.

Although there were more than a dozen earldoms and subcounties acting as a barrier between the two places, Wilbert I was really not sure how much will these noble vassals had to resist.


Perel's army must be stopped under Brundik City!


Thanks to Still Unknown Flower for the reward of 600 Andal silver coins, and to For the Untouchable Realm for the reward of 500 Andal silver coins. Mr. Lai is deeply grateful for this, and decided to give two readers each one Only Grum~

I will update a chapter after midnight, and then I will continue typing, without the pain of saving the manuscript...

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