Magi Craft Meister

29-17 Bread and Variations

It was just lunch time when the murderous Sea Serpent (Death Cesar Pent) noise subsided.

With thin clouds spreading in the sky, less sunlight and weak sea breezes, Jen decided to have a luncheon in the 'Emerald Hall' vestibule.

Tables and chairs are arranged, sunset parasols and tarps are stretched out by the golem maids.

"No, it's spectacular."

"Absolutely right"

With such a voice heard, the seating order ends.

Jen is surrounding the table with three people, Elsa and Makina.

This time, we set up a round table for about 20 people so that each country could sit down.

And the key lunch is.

"... Is this bread,"

"Bread, right?"

The sliced bread was carried in a cage.

Jen began to explain as he heard a slightly clapped voice.

"This bread is not just bread. It has its own ingenuity. Please try it."

"Hmm, Lord Jin says, let's try it."


And pick one up,

"Oh? This is..."


with that said, take that to your mouth.

"This is it!

"There's an indescribable scent!

And a surprised voice goes up.

"Here, there's something in this bread... sweet and slightly sour..."

Mixed voices saying, etc.

"Why is it so delicious when you don't put anything on it!

Let's just say that the voice had spoken for everyone's feelings.

"Uh, there are three types of bread this time"

Jen started explaining.

"Basically, I think it's plump baked because I used East, but those breads should taste good without anything on them"

The row attendants nod in silence.

"Based on those breads, I made bread that was aromatic with 'maple syrup' and a mixture of dried bitis, or pasa"

"Ho, is this Passa?"

"Maple syrup is a sweetener that can be picked from maple...... is that okay?

Jen answers them too.

"Yes, so the method itself is not difficult"

"... each and every one is sophisticated and the combination is novel, right?


To bake the bread plump, the baker had a lot of ideas.

One of them was commonly cooked using water that has been drawn in certain areas.

In fact, there was a slight cadet blend into such water, which served as an inflator.

Heavy Cao… Sodium bicarbonate is broken down into sodium carbonate, gas carbonate, and water by being applied heat, and its carbonate gas inflates the bread fabric.

It is also known that baking varies depending on the type of flour.

This is the difference in the content of a protein called gluten, which changes the plumpness.

So far, bread baked using 'East' is only present in Penglai (including Koh Chang), so there was no reason to be surprised.

There was also bread that produced aroma by mixing nuts very similar to the walnut called 'Ornat', but it is also true that there is no bread other than here with less popular 'Passa' (dried grapes) in itself.

As far as maple syrup is concerned, production has finally begun in Randall territory, where Reinhardt's home is located, and the reality is that it is not distributed to the public.

Against this background, this time the 'bread' was also entertaining enough of the customers' tongues.

"Well, after you enjoy the bread, I'll accompany you"

On Jen's instructions, several bottles were carried.

"They are citran and lamon marmalade, wiley (wild rice), blueberry (blueberry), flape (cokemo) and lambel (tulkokemo) jams, respectively. The blues and flapes are in the mountainous areas of the Kingdom of Areas. Wiley is well fed in the north of the Klein kingdom."

"Oh, this tastes like I've never eaten"

"You feel somewhat nostalgic"

"Hmm, Wiley, I didn't think it was just sour and delicious, but this way it's surprisingly delicious."

The taste of my home country, the taste of the exotic, seems to be enjoyed by each of them, and Jen is reassured.

"Jam seems to taste better when the original fruit has acidity. Because sweetness can be adjusted with sugar."

"I see. The sweeter the better, the better."

The bread prepared has been eaten up 90% of the time, and you'll see how popular it is.

As a beverage, I prepared various fruit juices, but this one is also well received.

The most popular was citran juice with microcarbonated drinks, and the second was air veil juice.

"Well, now, I know some of you are slightly short, so if that's the case, take this one."

When Jen signaled, the five-color golem maids came with something to put on the tray.

"What's this?

"There's something in the bread. Vegetables and... meat?

"Enjoy it as it is."

Faces that bump into Jen's description, albeit slightly.


"This is!

"It's not just meat! What softness, and gravy!

What Jen prepared was a 'hamburger'. That, too, is a bite size.

In a size familiar to modern Japan, Elsa advised that nobility and royalty would say they behaved badly, so even women tried to make it a size that they could eat in two bites.

"No, I enjoyed it"

"Really. Food is deep enough to make such variations on bread alone."

"I think I saw the end of your prowess."

"Not at all. … Food, I hope, represents culture, but I don't know the bottom of it."

The last line was Prince Arthur of the Kingdom of Klein.

"Brother, what does that mean?

It was my sister Princess, Princess Reeschen, who asked the question.

"Um, there are aspects of food that are hard to target for improvement unless you can afford to live. Given that, I don't know where you're from, but because of your diversity, I thought that cultural civilization was developing considerably."

"I see, you'll learn"

Prince Arthur is sharp inside. Ruby 34, the golem maid who was listening to the conversation, told the old man.

"There's nothing wrong with knowing the origin of your husband (My Lord) in itself, but the confusion and extra prying involved is annoying."

It was an old man who thought that you might want to pay more attention to Prince Arthur's words and actions than ever before.

Heads of State relaxing their afternoon time.

Jen had a further plan after this.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, after this, we're going to have a little fun enjoying the island."


"What is the afterlife of" Mr. "?


"Yes, that's..."

And Jen began to explain it.

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