Magi Craft Meister

30-30. Cheers, two.

'Now, to celebrate the development of technology, cheers!


Meanwhile, the Second Reception Hotel of the Kingdom of Celluloa also had a grand party.

It was Jen (Doppel of) who took the head of the toast.

"No, you're tired."

No, it was an interesting tournament.

It was Rattant, Secretary of the First Ministry of Technology, who has spoken to Jen (the Split Doll of (Doppel)). He is the general director of this one.

"I hear you've also been in the Demon Guided Doll Competition (Gonclenz) in the Shawulo Empire. How about compared to our country's 'Golem Competition'?


At that time, it was a brief event because it was only taking place challenged by Elsa's father, who was going a little crazy. So I'll be honest with you.

"What I came out with was a simple competition, so it's hard to compare, but I think games like this one are good."

Most importantly, I think it would be nice to be able to find the technician who was buried.

"Right. I'm glad you said that. Have you noticed anything?

Rattant who wants to ask only as an informal chat. Jen (Doppel of) also drew his will,

"Right. Not only the battle system. Could there be a competition for a life-support golem?"

I'll say.

"Hmm? I mean, you want me to compete for a golem like your lord's 'Samurai Golem'?

"Yeah. Of course, it's in a completely different frame than it is for combat. I mean, sex competitions, it's like."

"I see. That sounds interesting, most importantly, gorgeous"

Although only as a chat, Rattant seemed to like the idea.

"No, no, Lord Zix, I never thought a technician like you would be buried in the field."

In another corner, Jix is surrounded by regional aristocrats.

The expression doesn't seem to vary, but somewhere the dissatisfaction is visible.

Maybe he wants to be closer to higher nobility.

"Elsa Lady, I heard you. Next up is the wedding."

"... I'm afraid"

It is King César who is speaking to Elsa (the split doll of (Doppel)).

"You'll come to our country later, but we'll have a big feast for you."

"... that's about it, please, I will"

Now that it is Elsa herself who is actually manipulating it, the answer is not uncomfortable either.

I'm sorry to hear that, Lord Yaruidare.

"This is Lord Donald, I'm afraid. I've been shown the strength of Alpha."

In yet another corner, guests from the Kingdom of Egerea, Yaruidale and Donald Currow, are making a mockery.

"Of what. Now that I'm retired, it's not the earliest 'Alpha'."

"Nevertheless, its strength is alive and well. Looks like we still have a lot to learn."

"That's the same as me. It was pretty confident, but I missed the win"

There, Aerich Giffro of the Empire of Shouro was also added.

Two, three, and four are face-to-face shapes.

And even more.

"The Steel Knight was a novel design."

Jen (Doppel of) is also added. Of course, this one is piloted by Jen himself.

"This is Lord Jin, I'm glad you said so."

"That was a good theme on how to use limited output"

He was Jen (a split doll (doppel) of), whom he blurred and expressed, but when he heard it, Erich Giflo was surprised.

"This is Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz."

It was Erich Gifro, who paid tribute to Jen for discerning that he was freely allocating the output.

Donald Cullough is a "once in a while" face-to-face acquaintance because he and Jen face each other when he changes from a "Unity Party (Unifiler)" to a "Nostalgia Party (Nostalgia)".

I don't even know that Deus Ex Makina, who destroyed the Unified Party (Unifiler), is the same person as Jen, or a substitute for Jen's manipulation.

"By the way, the idea of wrapping 'the wind,' but that was great,"

Now Jen speaking to Yaruidale (Doppel of).

"No, it's embarrassing. I can only call it" Zabellar "and so on."

"No, that's not true. It really impressed me."

With extra material and privileged abilities, Jen felt enthusiastic about his attitude, striving to extremes his limitations.

When Jen (Doppel), who made a slight mockery, looked for Elsa (Doppel) with his eyes, he was still talking about something with King César.

As Jen walked slowly there, he noticed both Elsa and King César at the same time.

"Hey," "I was just having a rumor about you with my fiancée."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, on the success of this Golem Competition."

"Um, thanks"

Still further down there, Zix is coming. I guess I was too afraid to get close just to His Majesty the King, but now that I have Jen and Elsa (the Split Dolls of (Doppel)), I guess I stepped on them as easy to talk to.

The regional aristocrats that were entangled got butted in, and only Jix stopped by.

"Excuse me while we talk. Lord Jin... No, should I call you" Mr. Jin "?

It was Jen who was first spoken to.

"" I admire you, "he said. I guess that wasn't all you could do, though, was it? No, so is Phantom."

Respectfully, there appears to be some self-esteem in the content of the story.

"Well, mock warfare is a game, and the true value of 'Phantom' is in combat."

"I wonder if we can limit the role of the Golem."

When Jen lightly disputed, Jix returned the words by trying to stare at Jen.

"Even if we try to fix it, the purpose of the Golem will be to fight. We can fight at a level that humans can't reach.... and sooner or later, the Golem can fight instead of people"

"I agree with you on the point of replacing humans, but that would be nothing limited to combat"

"No, it's during the war that these technologies develop most. It's proven by history."

No, to the confident Jix, Jen, who is manipulating a split doll (Doppel), decided to turn to the water.

"But in" The Magic Wars "300 years ago..."

"That's a stain in history!

Before we all know it, Jix moves in and blocks it.

"Without that, the magic guidance technology would have developed more......!

"No, that's why we can't generally say that war develops technology."

This is a historical fact, so it's hard for Jix to argue with it, too.

"... but...!

Jen folds up so as to still block him from trying to say something.

"Human losses are huge, and supplies are consumed. That reduces national power. Of course, I would not deny fighting in defense. But I don't think we should go to war to fight."


To Jen's words, Jix lost the words to return.

Jen himself, aware that he is not a huge arbiter, but Jix, misinformed by Jen, apparently has a poor bargaining position.

"Jix, did you say"

King César speaks to him like that.

"… is, Your Majesty"

Jix responding with a slightly darker voice.

"Damn, where'd you learn that technology?

"… temporarily attached to the teacher, but mostly self-taught"

"Hmm.... may I ask your teacher's name?

"Ha.... with Fresius..."


"… Zidane, it is"

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