Magi Craft Meister

30-32, brother.

The "Elm" of the "Secret Mobile Force (SP)" follows Galik Ash, who popped up.

Galik untied the rope that was stopping his carriage, and as he jumped on it, he hurried him off.

It's night out already. The streetlights using the Magic Guide lamp just stand on their feet, and it's already dark around.

Carriage speeds are a little faster than walking, and I don't have a hard time getting 'elm' to follow them at night.

The carriage ran straight for the suburbs.

When you hit the walls, you run straight along. The direction is south.

The capital of the Kingdom of Celluloa, Esaia, is a city surrounded by quintessential walls.

The deepest, or fifth, wall is the wall that surrounds the royal castle itself, with a fourth wall on its exterior that acts as a fence, during which it is the town of Esaia.

Outside the fourth wall, the area surrounded by the third wall is large, with a squad yard. Also there is a town and people live there.

It is along its third wall that Galik is now running his carriage.

The castle gate is closed at night, so no one can go out without permission.

(Guess how far you're willing to go)

The carriage stopped in the unpopular darkness when the 'elm' that followed thought so.

"... Shit."

Galik looked up to heaven whining to himself.

"I didn't expect to be named Gunno Asher"

And when he looked around and made sure there was no one to follow him, he moved to the carrier.

"I don't know if I can rendezvous with my brother anymore..."

With that said, I pulled out one of my armors.

Even if you look at the trick, you can see that the armor is light.

"Well, it's not enough yet, but I'll just make one"

Galik pushed his armor inside as he opened the lid of the barrel containing the loaded 'heavy liquid'.

As Jen broke through, the armor proved here to be foamed metal and stained with fluid metal for use.

Through the vision of "Elm," Old Man records how it goes.

One armor absorbed about half the barrel of fluid metal.

The color will be 'dull'.

"That's it." Get up. ""

According to the magic keyword (keyword), the armor moves out and comes out of the barrel on its own.

"I'm off. Keep an eye on the perimeter."

That's all he ordered, Galik wrapped himself around a blanket and fell asleep in the corner of the carrier.

All that remains is silence.

"Elm," he waited still, waiting for tomorrow.

'And then if you know what that' fluid metal 'looks like...'

Already late at night in Penglai due to jet lag. Both Jen and Elsa are asleep.

But you don't sleep. [M] It records and analyzes the information sent to it.

'Is there any way to legally obtain fluid metals...'

Now Garrik Ash is not a criminal. Especially in this Cellular kingdom.

At a time when there are no inter-state organisations such as the 'International Guard', crimes in the Kingdom of Egerea will not be brought to justice unless international nomination arrangements are put in place beyond the border.

It's not even an emergency, so I didn't want to appeal to tough means either as an old man. Mostly in Jen's honor.

"Tomorrow, there will be some movement."

Galik, who seems to have some connection to Jix at the hotel.

Old man decided to expect the next day.

The morning of August 1st came at the dawn of a night of staggering thoughts.

Penglai Island is at dawn for a long time, and both Jen and Elsa have finished their breakfasts and are watching what happens.

For this reason, because I don't know what it is, I decided to leave it to the Doppel in the Kingdom of Cellular.

It was Galik who made the first move.

The time is approximately 6 a.m. Summer days are already quite elevated.

"Oh, morning. Apparently, the chaser didn't come either."

The streets have many cobblestones, and it is difficult to follow the signs of a heavy carriage.

"Well, how do you rendezvous with your brother"

When I get the dried meat out of my baggage, it starts to creep.

"... it was premature to think and see that you escaped. He... he said he had no problem with Lucor, but he had a guy to help him..."

Drinking up the water that was in the water bottle and wiping it around his mouth, Galik thought again.

"... anyway, it's not a good idea to stay in touch with your brother unless you're in a designated location"

And Galik, alone, laid down his hips on your podium alongside the golem as he loosened the rope that had connected the carriage and stopped it.

"Look, remember to drive the carriage."

Not hearing back, Galik let the carriage depart.

Running like that for about ten minutes, the golem decides he has learned how to move, and he moves to the carrier, wearing a blanket from his head.

"Now you don't know who I am."

So the carriage rolled 180 degrees and started moving towards those who came last night. The goal is to park a carriage in the Golem Games (Gompetation).

One, the 'brother' thing at the second reception hotel in the Kingdom of Cellular, Jix.

I was already awake and checking my personal status.

"Well, Gunno guy, I wonder if he's coming according to plan"

Turning down a walk before breakfast, Jix walks outside to the carriage parking lot for the Golem Competition (Gompetation) venue.

"Oh, there you are, Gunno"

"Brother. I don't know. I got into a lot of trouble, but roughly as planned."

"Right. I see.... one, did you make it?

Jix looks at the blunt golem playing you and asks.

"Oh. Didn't I tell you it was trouble? I had to make it in that relationship."

"Hmm, okay. Looks like you could make about ten more."

"Oh, the barrel and the contents are safe."

Galik, called Ganno, slapped the barrel pounding and showed it.

"All right, nothing wrong with that. After this, I'm supposed to talk to the king of this country from 9: 00. Then or later, you'll come and get me."

"Okay. I'll wait till then."

After such a conversation, Galik...... no, Ganno made a remark that drew attention.

"Okay. I'll wait till then.... Oh yeah, watch out for guys like 'Zidane Casey' friends in the example"

"Well. Okay."

Discussing this only, Jix turned his heel back and returned to the Second Reception Hotel.

Breakfast was just ready at the second reception hotel.

Jen and Elsa (Doppel) had already taken their seats and had finished about half of their breakfast. There comes Jix, too.

Good morning.

"Good morning, Mr. Zix"

Exchanging brief greetings, Jix also got to his seat and began eating the breakfast he had been transported to.

(Finally... yes fine)

On his face, some determination was visible.

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