Magi Craft Meister

At the beginning of 37-17.

"Come on, old man."

As a lord, Jen handed out old balls to the children of Kaina village… children under the age of fifteen.


"Thank you, Jin-chan!

The kids still call Jen 'Jin-chan', and Jen doesn't blame him for that either. I'm rather happy that you can call me that.

Because for Jen, the village of Kaina is his second home.

All the children in my hometown are Jen's 'family'.

It may be a unique feeling for Jen, who grew up in an institution, but Jen thinks that's fine.

It contains beautiful demonic crystals (Magi crystals), not money.

The redemption would probably not bring down 1,000 torres (about 10,000 yen), but the children were not willing to replace it with money.

"Wow, beautiful stone!

"You're a jerk!

Jen stared at such children with a smile.

Girls who came last year, such as Rita and Luu, also seem to be completely familiar with the village.

"Dear Jin, thanks to you, we live happily ever after"

And Barlow and Behre also seem to live peacefully in charge of livestock in the village.

Now, after I finish my New Year's greeting, it's behaving booze from Jen, my lord, to the villagers.


"I'm looking forward to this."

"Oh, I know this booze!

It is decided to save as much money as possible, not as much money, because the use of the funds on the other hand, even as Jen, will also lead to the revitalization of the world economy.

Alcohol is one of those things that buys away high-alcohol, well-preserved, and releases some of it.

Nor do the mundane ladies, who usually drink too much, say anything about New Year's Eve parties.

Also, there are special restorative medicines for Penglai, so hangovers and overdoses can be quickly cured.

Until 11 a.m. Jen enjoyed a New Year's Eve party in the village of Kaina before moving to Roizato. I'll leave the rest to the Doppel.

Elsa went back to the 'Mansion' first and waited for Jen.

"Happy New Year to all of the Mansion. Nice to see you again this year."

And Jen, who spoke to the golem maids, quickly got herself done.

And at 9 a.m. Loizato time, Jen left for Miyagi.

As one of them, the Empress will meet the heavy ministers for the New Year.

"We are all delighted to have successfully celebrated the New Year this year."

The voice of the Empress echoes in the Great Hall.

"Again this year, different problems will stand up. But we have to keep walking for a better future, and we have to move on."

There is the issue of the World Conference, the World Guard.

"… let's do our best to make 3459 a good year…"

And the Empress's greeting ends.

"We're just meeting up today. Feed your English, and work again this year for your country, for your people."

Jen, who returned to the 'Mansion' in the morning, traveled again with Elsa to Penglai Island.

I plan to invite everyone from the "Jen Family" to a New Year's Eve party at night, so to confirm that.

"Oh, you're perfectly in order now"

"Yes, sir"

The five-color golem maid had been stretched out and tailored in the morning, so everything was ready, except for the warm dishes already.

"Hey Jin, Happy Dawn"

"Happy dawn, Jen"

Saki and Goose were the first ones to come.

"We don't have official business, and we're free."

What is Saki's word.

"Happy New Year!

"Happy dawn, Jin"

"Happy dawn, Hannah, Mr. Martha"

Martha and Hannah were the next ones to come.

The greeting in the village of Kaina was addressed to the entire villagers, so I greet them again on this occasion.

Happy dawn, Jin.

And Mirowina from the moon (unique).

"Happy dawn, Jin!

"Happy New Year"

Marcia and Rodrigo's father and daughter.

"Happy dawn, Jin"

Licia did.

"Dear Jin, Happy Dawn"

"Happy dawn, Jin"


Reinhardt and Mr. and Mrs. Berche, with their beloved daughter, Juliana.

Happy dawn, Jin.

"Happy New Year"

Toa and Steer Arena.

"Happy New Year. … this greeting is good."

Vivian did.

"Happy dawn, Jin!

"Happy dawn, Lord Jin"

Beana and Count Louis Ultz Kuzma.

"Dear Jin, Happy Dawn.... Is this okay?

"Happy dawn, Jin!

Malika and Theon.

Of course, Elsa's real mother, Meine, had her New Year's Eve party schedule with her golem maid in Penglai in the morning, so now we're all set.

"Again, everyone, congratulations on the dawn"


The New Year's party began with Jen's greeting.

The main topic is first and foremost about Hale exploration, including 'Vulcan'.

Skipping the technical part, Jen explained only what happened.

"Well, that's what's happening..."

"That's pretty complicated."

Marcia and Beana are the ones most oblivious to the circumstances around here.

"Interesting to see what's going on with Hale."


Theon and Malika are parties in a way, so I'm intrigued by the way things work out.

Then the topic is about Beana and Lewis...... I mean, to talk about II, which is supposed to be born this year.

"Was the appointment around May?

"Boy or girl, which one do you want?

"You're so much older now."

"You have to be careful when it matters. Here, sit down."

With such a bustling group of women sidelined, Jen, Reinhardt and Lewis were drinking in the corner.

"Isn't it time for Jin's?

and Reinhardt.

"There's something emotional about Elsa being a mother, as a cousin."

"You're fast. Elsa didn't say anything."

But I think it's just a matter of time.

That's where Elsa came in.

"Talk about what?

Elsa, they overheard the name mentioned on the subject.

"Yes, no, it's nothing. Chatter."

"Yes, yes. Lord Elsa, don't worry about it."


Elsa tilting her little neck.

Reinhardt and Lewis were deluded that it would be rude to talk about the child face to face.

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