Magi Craft Meister

43-27 Remainder

320 Continental Calendar = 3899, Duchy of Mercana.

"Gin's guy, I don't know what to do"

I stopped my hands on the work and Eira Ciata shrugged.

"I hope you're well"

Stop filling in the books at hand and the kachair responds.

"... I knew working efficiencies would be different without him."


The two look out the window.

Far beyond that, there should have been the Principality of Jags, where Jen was taken.

"Yes, what the hell happened!!

In its Duchy of Jags, it is a fuss to be fled by a roadtoss who was under house arrest in the tower.

Buried in that noise, little is on the table about Jen, who escaped with me.

"It looks like all the golems we sent in were destroyed, too."

"Ugh, was the automatic doll I had (Automata) that high performance!

"You should have taken it and analyzed it."

"Hmm, don't talk about things you can't even do, Carrion"

"Oh my God!

"Aren't we alone able to satisfactorily analyze even a generation ago's golem"


There was still crap going on in some parts of the Principality of Jags.

"Dear Paellova, we have discovered an iron ore mineral vein. It also appears to produce a few Magic Crystals."

"Oh well. So, what's the depth?

"will be 1,800 meters underground"


In the northern part of the Duchy of Mercana, new mineral veins have been discovered using the magic machine (Magi machine) that Jen left behind.

Nevertheless, the excavation will be a little further away because everything exists deep underground.

"Dear Jin, you're gone..."


"After all, I miss you..."


In the Nord Federation, Theon and Malika were talking about loneliness.

"I don't know what caused you to say goodbye twice."

"Right...... He's a sinner."

And Penglai.

A full day after sending Jen out, there was an immobile golem and automatic doll (Automata) standing around the lab.

Old man didn't just summon Golem and Automata to drop Jen off.

They also needed their possession to secure the free magic (ether) and magic (mana) needed to 'exceed time'.

For this reason, even the old man was temporarily dysfunctional, leaving some functions behind.


Meanwhile, Reiko.

Consciousness was awake, but it took half a day to save enough magic (mana) to move the body.

"... Father"

Wake up, whining lonely.

What was in its eyes was hard to believe.

"... Your father?

A figure lying in a front yard with a one-time metamorphosis magic formation gone. It undoubtedly belonged to Nido Jen.


Running over, Reiko.

I hold Jen in fear that the time transfer has failed.


There is no response to the call.

"... you're alive"

My heart is moving, and I'm breathing.

"... can't stay like this"

Reiko lifted Jen up and brought her into the 'house'.

I can lay the futon down and lay there.

"... Father... why the hell?

On the other hand, I'm glad I didn't have to break up, and I honestly can't be happy when I think of Jen's grief that I couldn't go back to the original times.

And Jen kept sleeping for three days and three nights.

In the meantime, you and the Golems restarted and scattered to their respective holding areas.

"Old man, what the hell happened to your father?

"Reiko, time transfer should definitely be a success. I remember your husband (Mylord) returning 400 years ago, and his husband (Mylord) said the transfer was successful in one go. '

"Then why is your father here?


At that time, Jen, who had fallen asleep, wandered off. Reiko finds out about it.

"Your father?

"Ugh, yeah......"

"Have you noticed!?

"Rei... son?

Yes, it's me.

Jen raised her upper body from the futon and shook her head gently two or three times.

"Is this... Penglai Island house, or...?

"Yes, it is"

"So, 3899, right?

"………………… Yes"

"Well... you couldn't go back..."

"……………………… Yes"

When I think of Jen's heart, I am Reiko, who could not reply immediately.


Eventually, Jen opened his mouth again.


"For some reason, you don't really feel like going home."


"If you can't go home, don't go home. I can only be a man of our time from now on."

"It's about your husband (My Road)"

There, old man, you're pinching my mouth.

"My lord?

"My Lord is probably a complex."

"Do you want to fudge?

"Yes. Earlier, when I used Analyze for medical examinations, all of your bodies were made of Magyatom."

Magyatom, an atom made up of protons, electrons and magic (Magyatrons) (= demon neutrons), or just demon particles.

It is more stable than normal atoms.

'For the transfer of time… hyperspace… hypothetically, I would call it… when you make a hole in…, some effect occurs, and we presume that your body has been replaced by a demonic atom, just as it was during a transworld transition'

There is a hypothesis that the demon atom (Maggiatom) will compensate for the defect of the flesh when traveling between worlds, but it will have the same effect, said Lao.

"But this time, I wasn't hurt anywhere, was I?

'There it is. … all of your body has been replaced, which means only your spirit has left your original body'


Old man says, didn't 'reflexes' happen in hyperspace? I wonder if that 'reflex' has brought some of my spirit back to this timeline.

"Because of the existence of the" spiritual life-form, "doesn't it mean that the spirit… or something like" soul "is at its core and has reconstituted the body of your master (My Lord)?"

I can't prove it, but when I think about it, Tsuji fits.

"When you do that, 400 years ago...?

"Yes, I believe your husband (My Lord), with the flesh as before, has been transferred."

Because of the unusual phenomenon of jumping time, Old Master said the mental body may have caused multiple phenomena.

"So, 400 years ago, I'm back, right?

"It is only a guess that we have seen (Kan) in view of the current situation. There's no way to be sure. '


Jen leaned silently for a while but eventually looked up and smiled with a blown out look.

"Yeah, definitely. The other one..." The Original "I'm back 400 years ago. Because right now I'm almost out of my desire to 'go home'"


"I'm here. That's all right."


"Yes, Master (My Lord)"

I pity the spiciness of Reiko and the fate of the name coincidence (no) may have just smiled at me a little.

Or did such Jen's thoughts work miracles, wanting to go back, but also untrained in this day and age?

Either way, the magic engineer Magicraft Jazz Nido Jen decided to live in this era again.

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