Magi Craft Meister

44-05, in the first castle in a long time.

Since Rhodotos decided to accompany him, Jen remained in the family territory of "Mori Luo" for about half a day.

In the meantime Jen,

"Dear Jin, what's the point of these structures here?

"Dear Jin, what effect is this member aimed at?

"Master Jin, this material isn't just light silver, is it? Could it be the legendary 64 light silver? Ah?

and so on, and were in question attacks from Malika's disciples.

"This is an important part of stability. So..."

"This member has the effect of reducing the torsion of the main wing…"

"What's the legend... 64 Light silver contains 6 percent aluminum and 4 percent vanadium in regular light silver"

Jen also teaches politely.

"Do you know what aluminum or vanadium is?

"Oh, yes!

"It's okay!

"I learned!

"Well, then..."

Seeing such a thing, Malika remembered herself as a young man and was smiling.

Well, Jen, who was able to do the rhodotos and finished his lunch, was finally set to leave.

"Well, then, I'll go"

"Grandma, Lady Malika, I'm going."

"Go away"

"Both of you, be careful"

Jen's wind floater (blow floater) then took off.

The village of Kaina is about 300 km away. Wind floaters flying at 200 km/h (blow floaters) fly in an hour and a half.

In the meantime, Jen had been asked a lot of questions by Rhodotos.

"Why didn't you leave 400 years ago?

Neither Jen can answer this precisely.

Perhaps the other Jen should be home, because he has no help proving it.

So, as a hypothesis, he showed something called 'Back in the past can easily create a lot of contradictions, so two Jens have been created as a by-product of it'.


Are you satisfied or did you not understand?

Since then, Rhodotos had conceived until a wind floater (blowfloater) had crossed the Grand Gorge of Pazdext and the village of Kaina had been seen.

"Oh, is that Kaina Village..."

In Jen's eyes, a nostalgic landscape appeared.

It hasn't changed much. A little more houses, a little more fields, maybe.

"Land me in the front yard of Erdo Castle."

Jen giving instructions to the pilot Hope.

Nido Castle also acts as accommodation for travellers from outside, so Old Master has contacted the castle's administrators "Butler" B and C, and "The Five-Color Golem Maid" on platform 102.

Are these visitors uncommon, or the children of the village are following wind floaters (blow floaters) that have moved to low-altitude flights to land?

And Jen searched for Hannah among the children.

"Welcome, Master, to the village of Kaina"

Butler B picked him up when the wind floater (blow floater) landed in the castle's front yard.

"Long time no see. Keep it coming."

"Yes, sir"

Jen tells Butler B.

"For the time being, in public, as you call me by name"

"Okay, Master Jin."

"As I tell other members"

"Yes, Master Jin"

Butler B was entrusted with the storage of a wind floater (blow floater), and Jen, Reiko, Hope and Rhodotos headed to Nido Castle.

"You haven't changed much."

There is little difference between Jen's know-it-all Nido Castle.

Four hundred years ago Jen herself, I guess she didn't put much hands on it. I guess there's a degradation for 400 years, but due to regular maintenance, even Jen's eyes could barely tell.

"Yes, basically because instructions were given to maintain the status quo"

"Yeah, that's fine"

Even as Jen, I don't like that familiar places are frequently re-modeled.

I go inside with that in mind. Take off your shoes, of course.

Rhodotos also got it, he was pulling out his shoes before Butler told him to. Needless to say, Reiko.

And Hope, but he wore a slipper that was prepared after he used the engineering magic of 'Purification (Cleanup)' on his leg.

For the record, this is what most of Jen's golems do. The exceptions are the golem maids. Because they wear clothes and shoes.

"Uh, just a little more stuff."

I went to the living room on the fifth floor, Jen.

With the work of the golem maids, it was cleaned so beautifully that there was no dust.

And there are about ten books on the bookshelf that I don't recognize.

It is made of wood paper, and one book is about 100 pages. The cover, back cover and back cover are made of leather.

Jen casually pulled out one of those books and opened it.


That was just the album. Besides.

"Elsa... Hannah..."

Photos of nostalgic people.

"Reinhardt...... Berche...... Saki...... Lisia...... Marcia......"

It was filled with photographs they had photographed in the village of Kaina.


"Is this...?

Elsa and Jen holding a little baby.

"This is... my... child"

At that time.

"Ah... let...?

A glimmer from Jen's eyes, tears spilled.

I didn't think there was any untrained, and I don't actually want to go back in time.

But that feeling and nostalgia seemed different again.

"Elsa... you look happy"

Elsa smiles next to Jen. Jen next door, too, was laughing again.

"Me too... I guess I was happy"

If I think so, I can feel something warm spreading through my chest.

Sure, a sign that I lived in those days. Proof of that I was happy.

"Oh well, were you happy? Then... good."

I haven't been sure yet, but I'm sure there's a similar album in the lab's study.

When she calmed down, Jen decided to make sure.

Maybe I'm recording it on video or video. Because it was about me, I laughed so hard at Jen.

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