Magi Craft Meister

44-30 Meeting Begins

Alum, who said he couldn't stop being gone, couldn't care less, had an indescribably complicated face.

"I was out of work, and I was abused."


"Yes, Master Elena.... I don't know what to say, I don't care if you're here or not... Well, all the techs were cold treated."

When Jen heard about it, she embarked on herself.

"More on that there"

"Oh, yes...." The Magic League hates the development of technology, "he said.

We all knew that, but we were both convinced that we were surprised by the words that followed.

"… but some people don't make it good… The Magic League is internally divided"

"Internal division, huh?... then I'm convinced. Because I felt that the policy was out of line."

Elena nodded loudly and showed it too.

"Yes.... since that guy named Gigelmo Marchitas became the Alliance leader, we've been getting together, but I recently lost my fleet and lost my temper"

You must mean the fleet that was besieging Penglai Island, Jen thought.

"Divisions are divided into two factions?

As Rhodotos asked, Arum shook his head to the side.

"No, three."


"Three. Factions led by Gigelmo Marchitas, factions targeting the hegemony of the kingdom of Areas, and… opportunistic factions"

Surprisingly, there are many of these 'opportunistic' factions.


Rhodotos opened his mouth to thought.

"Assuming Gigelmo Marchitas can brainwash in Divieniunschiavo, you can assume that his faction will be empowered in the future."

"Well, when you take in the 'opportunistic' faction by brainwashing,"

"That's what I mean"

"... it seems I was brainwashed..."

The room dropped.

They cut off little by little, so we get our hands on them from those who are uncomfortable and less present even when they are gone.

"You're not important from either... Ugh..."

"Oh, Aroom, be decent."


It was an alum that was on the verge of depression, but I got back on my feet with one word from Elena.

"Even so. Arum, I'm sorry to say this, but it's a treasure trove of information about the Magic League."

Jen also followed.

"Treasure trove, is it..."

"Yes. And information loses value when it gets old. So as soon as possible, we have to get the information."

You understood Jen's phrase, and Arum looked sure.


Elena smiled,

"Yes, that's fine. … Come on, it's an ops meeting."

I said so.

Not so much, both Jen and Rhodotos got familiar, Lilia and Arietta came too. The two looked surprised to see Jen and Rhodotos there, but they didn't manage to put it in their mouths.


"It's not the Arum!

"When did you get back!?

"Uh, uh, Master Jin and Mr. Rhodotos helped me out."

For a little while, the three female partisans were delighted with a safe reunion.

Come on, let's get this meeting started.

When Elena slapped her hand, the three of them looked serious and took their seats.

"We have a small number of people to say executive meetings...... but we have a special guest today. This is a rare opportunity."

The meeting began with faces like Elena, Arum, Lilia, Arietta, Jen, Rhodotos and Reiko.

"First, is it good to recover the loss of land, or is it good to disrupt them"

Jen summed up the agenda and said.

"If we examine the current situation of the 'Magic League' in detail, I think we can draw conclusions"

"Master Jin is right. Specifically, should we recapture the Kashmnore base, or incite confusion among them?"

Elena supplemented.

"It's still a little early for recapture, I believe. Because we don't have this system in place yet."

First Elena expressed her opinion.

"So, Arum, to the best of your knowledge, tell me what's going on with the Magic League."

"Yes, Master Elena"

Arum closed his eyes once to confirm his memory and then opened his mouth again.

"In a nutshell, it's 'confusion'. Alliance lord Guigermo Marchitas only occasionally shows his face, so executives say whatever they want.... Well, a while ago, a lot of ships were out of control and making noise, and I feel like there's been more confusion since then."

"Yeah, that's interesting.... Dear Jin, do you know anything?

"Oh. That ship must have surrounded my base. I caught them all. I don't think I can help but make a fuss."

"That's Jin."

"Oh, really?"

Elena was impressed, but Arum looked incredible.

"... If that's the case, the 'Magic League' will have lost nine tenths of its maritime power"


For Jen, that is useful information. Because I haven't gotten the full picture of the power of the Magic League yet.

"Originally, the headquarters were on the island of Electra. Without a ship or a flying plane, it's hard to get people around."

The Transition Gate (Warp Gate) is basically State-controlled, so they can't use it freely, even though it's the Magic League.

"We're one step further in that."

Lilia smiled, tongue-in-cheek.

The Ancient Party (Nostalgia) has its own transfer gate (Warp Gate). Besides, it's half-world approved.

"I'll get back to it. There must be only about two Battleships and ten Transport Vessels on Electra Island today, and they're building battleships with penetration."

Arum distorted his face here in regret.

"... I remember proposing a cruiser over a battleship, but it came with a smile"

"Yeah...... why would you push a cruiser?

Question from Jen who thought Arum's opinion was interesting.

"Ah, yes. Uh, if it's a cruiser, it'll be completed with about a third of the battleship's materials and due dates. I saw that three cruisers are comparable to two battleships if you try to be an overall force. So…"

Jen nodded.

"I see.... so can you tell me the definition of a battleship and a cruiser?

"Yes, the battleship is over thirty meters long, the cruiser is over twenty meters and under thirty meters in size, the one that weighs on the offensive force is the battleship, and the one that has overall capability is called the cruiser"

"I see, thanks"

The ship that surrounded Penglai definitely seems to hit the battleship from this definition.

"Speaking of which, is there no transfer gate (warp gate) on Elektra Island?

"No, I do"

Elena answered this.

"There are three big ones, one to Avalon, one to Koh Chang and one to Kashmnore base."

"So you can come and go from Avalon?"

"Yes, but right now, Avalon's acceptance has stopped, so it's not transferable."

Let's just call it a natural measure.

Avalon's Transition Gate (Warp Gate) is under very strict control.

Rhodotos also supplemented.

"If that's the case, you need to be unable to get to Koh Chang."

Jen laughed when she thought of something.

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