Magi Craft Meister

45-18, Marcia, part 4.

"Does the killer sea snake (Death Cesar Pent) cruise at about 30 km/h..."

In "Conlon 3" tracking from above, Marcia was observing the murderer Sea Serpent.

"As I thought, small circles don't seem to work."

"Yeah, but when they're dying, they use the Great Tsunami (Tidal Wave), so if they're gonna take it down, they need to do it all at once."

While Jen gave such an explanation, 'Conlon 3' came directly above the murderer Sea Serpent (Death Cesar Pent).

"They are vulnerable to lightning attributes. But in the ocean, the effect is weakened, so you need to choose between intermediate and higher magic or pinpoint it."

Yeah, put it forward.

Reiko, it's Thunder Javelin.

"Yes, Father."

Keiko, who opened the emergency hatch on the "Conlon 3" cabin (cabin) floor, fired a thunderbolt (Thunder Javelin) in the wake of the murderer Sea Serpent (Death Cesar Pent) directly below.

"Thunder Javelin", "Thunder Javelin"

Thunder Javelin is among the advanced Thunder Attribute Magic. It's magic that releases thunder straight to the subject. Its speed is approximately 200 kilometers per second. This is an actual Thunder step reader level.

It hit the killer sea snake (Death Cesar Pent) without aiming. Two people shot by high voltage stop moving.

Stun or paralyzed, but does not lead to death.

Because the majority of electric shocks escape to a conductor called seawater because they are in the sea. If you call it out to sea with an acoustic bomb (Sonic Bomb) or something, the story will change again.

Nevertheless, if Reiko unleashes a thunderbolt (Thunder Javelin) in "Seriously," he can also blacken the murderer Sea Serpent (Death Cesar Pent), but he usually reduces the output of the Magic Reactor (Magical Reactor) to three percent at Jen's behest, so the magical power just matches it. Let's call it the upper class Mage level.

"But the effect is short. Move out soon. We need to attack before that happens. Oh, and if it's puffy floating, it's fire attribute magic.... Reiko!

"Yes, Father. …" Flame Spear (Flame Lance) "" Flame Spear (Flame Lance) "!"

The Flame Spear (Flame Lance) is below the Fire Attribute Magic Advanced. It is the magic of firing spear-shaped flames. It is more effective to let go close because the power becomes weaker in inverse proportion to the distance. So "Conlon 3" had dropped altitude to 30 meters.

"As you can see, if the opponent doesn't move," Flame Spear "will suffice. Thank you, Reiko."


"Jin, that was helpful. Thanks."


Drussen seemed speechless, to say the least, to be too handy.

"Come on, Edgar, let's go help"

"Yes, Master Jin"

"Conlon 3" goes around. Right. I went for the island of True again.

The floating Murderer Sea Serpent is behind us. Rescue takes precedence now that sunset is imminent.

Before sunset, 'Conlon 3' arrived on the island of True.

"Oh, there!

Marcia pointed her finger at the ship's fragments.

"If the ship was hit here, the escaped crew would be around here."

The majority of True Island is stunningly densely wooded.

The evacuees won't get to the back, but I don't even think they're staying on the coast.

"You should call me here."

Jen decided so and activated the Loud Magic Instrument (Loudspeaker).

"Mr. Drussen, please call from you.... Mr. Drussen?

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry. I was relieved."

Scratching his head, Drussen put his mouth closer to the input side to the loud magic guide (loudspeaker).

This is the Potlock Coast Guard! The threat of the murderer Sea Serpent is gone! I'm gonna rescue you, so come out!

When I repeated the same thing three times, I said I would wait a while and put my face away from the input side.

"Father, it's a man."

About five minutes later, four figures appeared on the dimmed coast.

"Okay, 'Ball of Light (Lightball)'"

When Jen lit up the lights, the shadow lit up clearly and I could even see the look on his face.

"It doesn't seem to be a mistake. But why the four of us?

"No, there's one more."

To Drussen's words, Reiko spoke differently.

"The other one is carried by the one in the middle"

"Did you even get hurt?

Even while I'm saying that, 'Conlon 3' lowers altitude.

"The coast is narrow. I don't know if I can even land... I don't know what to do"

"Conlon 3" is not for rescue, so there are no rescue devices, such as winches or hoists, loaded.

"All right, let's drape the rope and pull it up"

After thinking about it, Jen's conclusion was that.

Since there are many other applications for mooring, ropes are standard equipment.

Jen machined it a little and circled the tip.

"Edgar, drop altitude as much as you can. Then use the force field generator Force Generator to secure the position.


Jen and Edgar interact with each other to such an extent that Drussen doesn't hear them.

Ultimately, Edgar descended 'Conlon 3' to an altitude of three meters.

"All right, enough"

Jen opens the emergency hatch on the floor from which he drips the earlier rope.

It's Reiko manipulating the rope.

"One at a time, hang your feet on it and grab it!

At this distance, the flesh could be heard. The four of them reacted immediately.



Reiko easily pulls up a man who puts his foot on the part of the wheel and grabs the rope.

Four times. The fourth time, he was the man responsible for the injured.

"It's like a fragment hit my head when I was destroyed."

A colleague gave an explanation.

"Reiko, please"

"Yes, Father. …" Diagnosis ""

Reiko examines with a shouro imperial chant used by Elsa.

"It's okay. No brain or visceral damage. I'm just passing out."

"Well, good for you.... All right, Edgar, we're going back to Potlock!

"Yes, Master Jin"

"Conlon 3" raises the altitude to 30 meters and aims to potlock. The four helped circle their eyes at that speed.

"Shh, wow!

"You can fly the sky at this speed!

"What the hell is this ride?

It was Marcia who explained that to them.

"Mr. Godnoff, he is only one magic engineer in the world, Magicraft Jazz, and he is Lord Jin Nido. This vehicle is the airship he built, Conlon 3."

"Oh, if you think it's someone, isn't it Marcia?" Magic Engineer: Magicraft Jazz "? That famous one? Did someone like that help us..."

Jen had also become quite a celebrity now.

"We were lucky, Mr. Godnoff and the others. I'm glad Jin happened to be here."

"Oh, not at all. Thank you, Jin."

Godnoff bowed his head on behalf of the five people who were helped.

"Let me also thank you, Lord Jin"

"No, I did what I could."

Jen took it while scratching his head.

As a result, the two exorcised murderer sea snakes (Death Cesarpent) were recovered the next day, and Jen relinquished his rights, thus helping the town of Potlock as a material.

Also after this time, "Conlon 3" was provided with a rescue hoist (winder).

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