Magi Craft Meister

45-23, Lisia, part two.

"I've noticed the terrain from above and nearby."

At the desk in the office, he arranged the photographs he had copied, and Jen began to explain.

"Notice something, is it?

"Yes.... see, you can see there's a huge amount of water stored in this Shama Great Wetlands?

"Yeah, that's right"

"Where do you think that water comes from?


Lisia stared at the picture Jen spread out and pointed to one of the points.

"Uh, around here, isn't it?

It was part of the flow from the Naud River into the wetlands.

"It's not a mistake, but that's not the main place."

Jen smiled and shook her head.


"Oh. Some of it mixes my guess, so we need to investigate it properly after this, but most of the water in the Shama Great Wetlands is volatile water"

"Volatile water... were you referring to the water flowing underground?

Jen nodded.

"I think that recognition is fine.... so where does that flushing water come from?

Lisia twisted her head.

"That's my guess, but I think it's from the surrounding mountains"

On the eastern and northern sides of the Shama Great Wetlands are mountains.

In the mountains on the east side, wet winds blowing from the sea further east of the former Kingdom of Leonard are clouding and raining.

Also, the mountains on the north side are not the mountains just north of Toka village, but the tall mountains that can be found north of Kaina village.

"There are glaciers hanging on that mountain, and the mountains just south of it have a lot of precipitation. Not all of that water is on the Hermé River."

"Oh, I know that somehow"

"Yeah. So, there's no doubt there's volatile water in the basement of Kaina Village. I checked it out."

It is also the benefit of this turbulent water that the hot springs rise.

"It's a huge amount of water, so I don't think it's weird that it's pouring deep underground into the Shama Great Wetlands."

"... somehow I understand"

Licia's face became a little brighter because Jen was getting a faint idea of what she was going to say.

"I mean, there's also some volatile water in the basement of Toka Village, right?

Jen makes me snort.

"That sort of thing. But I don't know how much water I can take out without looking into it."

If you take it out too much, it naturally affects the environment.

"Still, I see hope"

"All right, let's just find out"

That's what Jen said and tried to get out, and I remembered.

"Speaking of which..."

Four hundred years later in the world, I made the magic props for "Mine Exploration".

"Looks like you could make some magic props for water and hot springs exploration."

Jen remembers looking for a hot spring in Reinhardt territory.

Jen, who flew out, headed to 'Conlon 3', which was parked outside the village.

The repair materials loaded in Conlon 3 will then be used to create the magic props for Water Exploration.

In addition,

(You may want to be able to explore hot springs, ore, and magic crystals (Magi Crystals) with a switching ceremony)

I was coming up with an idea, for example.

"Oh, you know, Mr. Ginn?

Lisia looked surprised when she came after Jen, who jumped into 'Conlon 3' when she thought she'd gone out.

"Lady Lisia, your father is making a magic guide to finding water veins."


Lysia surprised by Reiko's explanation.

but soon, convince yourself that it's what Jen does.

"Okay, I got it"

Jen came out of 'Conlon 3' with a magic guide shaped like a large flashlight in his hand. It's early because I once made (400 years later in times) a magic guide of my own lineage.

"So you can look for water veins?

"Oh, yeah. If you switch this to the ground, the magic crystal (Magi Crystal) here glows green if you have a water vein. Then, when you switch this one on, this ultra-compact Magic Projection Window (Magic Screen) displays approximately the depth."

Acoustic exploration (sonar) is used to measure the depth of the discovered water vein. The error was expected to be around plus or minus ten meters and Jen.

"Wow, su, it's amazing"

"Come on, let's try it"

First try it north of the village of Toka, at the highest altitude.

Because if there's a water source here, it's easy to supply.

"I'll try to start it," he said. … oh, there is. "

"Was there!

Both Jen and Lisia are thrilled because they didn't think they'd find it in one shot.

"Depth is... 250 meters, huh? That's so deep."

Jen thought it might be a deep category if it was a water vein, but he decided to try and dig it.

"Reiko, I'll dig the hole, so you hang 'Melting' on the hole you dug."

"Okay. Leave it to me."

"Okay, here we go. …" Digging "!"


Digging (digging) and melting (dissolute) were used in the breath of Azumi more than they did with Reinhardt, and Jen and Reiko dug into the water in two minutes.

"We're out of here."

"What, already?"

Holes with a diameter of 20 cm. Lisia took a peek.

"Well, I wonder what the groundwater surface is around here....... hmm?


Suddenly, water erupted from the hole all at once.

Jen and Reiko were nothing, but Lisia, who was snooping in, took a direct hit and got soaked.

"Ugh... it's cold"

"Better get dressed fast...... no, is this faster?" Dry ""

Engineering magic basically doesn't work on living things, so I was able to dry only wet clothes without affecting Lisia herself. If this is' heating (heat) ', the water contained may become hot and burn.

"Oh, thank God"

Let it dry, and Lisia breathes a sigh of relief.

"Oh, so, but the water gushed, didn't it?

"Yeah. You're lucky you sprayed yourself like you're under pressure. Saved me a lot of time installing pumps"

Jen said so, hurrying to dig the storage pond.

"Ugh, that's it"

It's a pond about 25 meters away. It's about two meters deep.

"Reiko, we're gonna split up and cement the sides of the pond."

"Yes, Father."

Keep the bottom intact, but gently solidify the sides as they are dangerous when they collapse.

"And then build a fence because it's dangerous when a child falls..."

"Oh, we'll do that"

Even as Lysia, I could not help but notice how much she left it to me.

"Okay. And then I wonder if the water will overflow."

It will include creating and managing an outlet and a water gate.

"Yes, I'll do that here too"

It's still going to take about two days for the water to build up, so it's going to be ready in the meantime.

"Thank you, Jin. This will improve the water situation in Toka Village."

"Yeah, good luck with that"

With plenty of water, we can make a lot of crops. It was thought that rice could also be made.

It was on this year's border that the food self-sufficiency rate in Toka Village was set to be well above 100 percent.

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