Magi Craft Meister

46-04 Evacuation and counterattack preparations

"Damn! I can't keep my airbag anymore! We're gonna be late!

Continuing to be attacked, the airship on the 'World Guard' side was filled with holes and unable to float.

"World Guard," Gaju Tsuga, deputy captain of the Duchy of Mimaka garrison, made the decision.

Copy that, sir. Emergency landing.

The only achievement is that the battle zone was slightly south, so much so that it was not on the town but on the wilderness.

"Put out a generic golem too!


On the approaching earth, we saw a few enemy golems.

"All hands, prepare for battle and prepare for the impact of the landing!

Gaju Tsuga giving instructions one after the other. I can't see the other bureaucratic ship from here, but I can only hope it's safe.

A few minutes later, an impact ran into the ship's cabin.


crew to withstand that shock.

"Landing...... I did!

"This golem, I'll get it out!

"Are there any injured people? Get the safe stuff out there! But don't go far! Use the ship as a shield, harden up and respond!

Still painfully the junction is functioning. If we narrow that range, it will also increase in intensity. Gaju Tsuga said to stand in the line.

In the dark, only the footsteps of the approaching enemy Golem echo spookily.

"Go, Golem!

It's not a good idea to let them get too close. Tsuga ordered the two general-purpose golems he brought in to launch.

The battle began immediately. The safe lights of the airship illuminate and you can see the thin blur.

There are four enemy combat golems. These are two. However, the performance was higher in the 'World Guard' generic golem.

"Now don't take a breath"

Tsuga looked up at the sky. The moon (unique) has just risen.


In the national research dormitory in the capital, the Mahareague, Kathea was alone, squatting (udder kuma) with her head and trembling.

Apparently, the junction has been broken, and I can hear something being destroyed from the premises. At that time.


The door opened and Eira jumped in.

"E, Mr. Eira?

"Good, were you here? Hurry up and evacuate!

"Evacuation... where are you going?

"It's an underground warehouse! Look, let's go!!

Eira pulled her hand, and Kathea stood up.

Break through the hallway and go to the back stairs. If you rush down there with the momentum of rolling over, it's the entrance to the underground warehouse.

"Eira! Kathea! Hurry!!"

Downstairs, Gloma was waiting for the two of us.

Eira and Kathea jump in. No, Gloma shut the door.

"Looks like we've got everyone in the research building."

Aside from Kathea and Eira and Gloma, 21 people are sitting around with their ragged faces.

"Kathea, Eira, you guys are unlucky, too. If I'd stayed pulled out by the Duchy of Jags, I might not have had to see this."

Someone called out to the two of them, who had been sent back to their old nest, the research dormitory, a week earlier.

"Now is not the time to talk like that. Together, we have to do something about this situation."

Gloma Tray is embarrassing.

"Gloma, what happened to your golem?

Eira asked at the usual rate.

"Yeah, we dispatched each of the four bodies we could move to the east, west, north and south main gates, the back gate, and the two general gates, but there were too many opponents. A lot of people are passive. We need to be outnumbered."

"Say it yourself..."

Usually the discourse begins here, but neither Eyla, nor the light-hearted one, seemed to emerge in this situation.

"But this is a trail, isn't it?

Kathea said if they attacked me here, I wouldn't be able to escape anywhere anymore.

"That's right. But I still have hope. I saw it for a while before I got stuck here, but the 'World Guard' airship came to me"

It was only two ships, so it's low as a force of war, but if you get in touch with HQ, there will always be relief, Gloma assured.

"My teacher was the one who learned from Avalon, who gave birth to the World Guard."

When Gloma showed up to the grounds, they all seemed a little calm.

"Well, that's what I need to buy time for."

Gloma pointed to the golem lying behind the warehouse.

"It's the latest kind of golem. It's incomplete, but fortunately this is a warehouse. We have enough material."

In other words, let's complete it here and make it a force of war.

"Help me, Eira"

"Of course I am."

They're usually just two people fighting, but the job does it right as a job. Especially this time, because our own destiny is at stake.

"Let's hang 'Hardening' here"

"The Magic Guided Nerve rays should be more reliable with three in parallel"

"You should use adamantite to reinforce it"

"Well, let's put two systems on the Magnetic Converter."

Because of the abundance of materials, I usually even use materials that I would never get permission from.

Forgetting the passage of time, Gloma and Eira continued their work towards the completion of the Golem.

"And then you're armed."

"Your shield is imperative."

The use was natural because it was our own defense.

"Then I'll make two, one as a spare."

"That's good."

The weapon is up to Mace.

"You have to weigh in one hand."

When Eira says a little sorry,

"No, this guy's more powerful than the conventional ones, so it's okay"

Guaranteed by Gloma.

"So let's make it a normal level mace"

Thus, a special golem, arguably their hope, was completed.

and, at the same time, the door of the warehouse made a roar.


Someone screams small.

"... are you finally here"

Gloma groaned bitterly.

"Hopefully after the golem is done, I hope you won't find it"

"I agree."

Again while I'm saying that, the sound of the door being knocked. No heart or the door seems to have been distorted.

"It's a door overlaid with" hardening "and" toughening "? What an idiot."

If you are punched three more times, the servant door will also be distorted, creating gaps.


The special golem is already activated.

The moment the door is broken, it strikes out.

Another blow, so the door was completely distorted, leaving just enough clearance for the golem to go through.


Under the command of Gloma, the special golem popped up.

Hit your body first. There was a roar that exceeded when I knocked on the door, and the door and enemy golem blew away.

"Okay, that's good. Stay on the attack!

Something easier to fight with, albeit autonomous, detailed instructions. So Gloma released The Ball of Light (Lightball) outside.

It was dark. I get a good view out there. There......


The kachair breathed.

Outside the door stood twenty enemy combat golems.

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