Magi Craft Meister

48-15 On two occasions.

The same day Jens left Tatsumi Bay on the cruiser Starch, the scene was again in Avalon.

Deus ex Machina III and Elena line were still in the process of staying.

"... is that true?

'Avalon' chief executive Tomax Bartman asked Elena while suppressing her painful stomach.

"Yes, unfortunately."

"... um..."

Elena told him the fact that former Chief Executive Graham Derby was a member of the Magic League.

"This was revealed from the material we secured when we reclaimed our headquarters from the Magic League."

Similarly, such information had been communicated to the Heads of State, with the result that the influence of the 'Magic Coalition' was disappearing from national governments.

"It's late to tell you that all this information was encrypted."

Elena explained that important information had been encrypted and then stored in a storage device.

It took me a while to decipher it.

"… please understand that what Malika and the others told you when they returned was that they cared for them"

Elena lowered her head gently. Tomax took control of Elena like that by hand.

"You don't have to apologize. … I would have done the same."

Graham Derby is also Malika's godson. Tomax Bartman remembered the old days when he would have been a very handy godson because he didn't listen and was propitious.

To Graham like that, Malika was polite... no, that's why she taught politely and cared.

"Because if you find out he was actually an enemy spinner, your teacher will be saddened."

Graham and Tomax were in sync.

"Sure, there's a lot to explain if he was a spinner of The Magic League."

Still, how about accepting the fact that the classmates we learned together were the spinners of a hostile organization... no, there was considerable resistance.

Though, Tomax Bartman, too, is now chief executive. I can eliminate personal feelings and think logically.

"So this Avalon still has his influence?

Elena nodded.

"That's right. That's the subject of the day, and that's why I wanted Makina to be there."

"I see. If you exaggerate a little, you mean the crisis of 'Avalon' survival."

Makina nodded aloud.

"The Instructor," who is piloting Makina III, apparently set Makina's personality somewhat to dignity.

"… then it seems necessary to suspect many of its constituents, including those close to Graham Derby"

"It is. But you can't interrogate each and every one of them. It takes too much time and effort, and more importantly, the tie shakes."

"I know that very well"

In the dark, I want to know if there's a good way to do this, Tomax Bartman.

And Elena opened her mouth, apparently guessing it.

"I don't think it's a good idea to wash it out at once, because it can cause a shock."


Tomax's stomach doesn't seem to be free from the struggle yet.

Meanwhile, Jens was enjoying the sea on the cruiser Starch.

"Wow... I knew the horizon was round!

"The sea breeze feels good!

Kathea and Eira were looking out at the sea from the observation deck next to the bridge.

"From this height, it's extraordinary again."

"It's not like a small ship."

Theon and Malika seem to enjoy it too.

"Master Rhodotos, that's a nice view"

Lyudmila stands on the fringe with Rhodotos looking out at the sea.

"It's a pleasure to be with you, Big Auntie!

Vita enjoyed a sailing trip sandwiched by Theon and Malika.

"... a whole metal ship 100 meters long... it would be hard just to build a dock that could make it..."

And Gloma is Gloma, and there seems to be a lot to think about.

Where we enjoyed ourselves as one, arrange a table on the deck for tea time.

I served fried tea and lamb,

"Hey, this! Sweet! Yummy!

Eira liked the lamb.

"It's sweet... it's delicious..."

And kachairs, of course.

And Gloma, too,

"The lamb is delicious, but this tea is delicious..."

And, in the end, for the three of us, the fried tea and lamb were very popular.

"If you eat too much, you won't be able to get lunch in."

And Jen advised, but Eira's hand did not stop. Kathea stopped eating even as she looked like she had eaten some more...

Theon, Malika and Rhodotos, on the other hand, did not react so exaggerated because they had eaten, but looked at a glance at what they liked.


"It's delicious......!

But Vita and Lyudmila seemed to have eaten for the first time, and their faces were delightfully welcoming.

"Oh, but I guess Jin gave this away from his predecessors?

"Well, yeah"

The cruiser "Starch" was built 400 years ago by Jen, so it could be called a predecessor.

"Originally, Adriana Barbora Tsetsi, the first Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz, who was active 1,400 years ago, started by finding and maintaining Peninsula."

"Lord Adriana Barbora Zezzi... it's been a long time and I can't imagine"

That's how Eira smiled and drank up the remaining frying tea.

"But with those piles, we can build these ships."

Gloma told him to whine with an impressive, touching voice.

"Gloma was from Fuso, wasn't she?

To such a gloom, Rhodotos called out.

"Yes, master. But I haven't been home in over twenty years."

"Oh, really?

Asked as Ella was surprised. Seems like I've never talked about this before.

"Oh, yeah. I was an orphan when I was a little girl, and I asked the merchant who was just coming to take me to Mitsuho. From there, I asked another merchant to go to the Shawulo Empire, and there were many more things I could learn from my master."

"... you've been having a lot of trouble in Rome, too"

He looked like Eira was a little surprised.

"I'm not close, either."

Nearly a somber story, the captain, the Navy (Navy) Golem, Marine 31, has been making a report.

"Bowall spotted starboard forward. Determine it's not a threat distance. '

Everyone stared at the sea from the starboard side at the voice.

Sure, I see a black dot in front of the horizon.

"Is that Bowall? I'm not sure."

When Gloma says so,

"Use this one"

and the crew, Marines, handed out binoculars to everyone.

"What's this?

"This is how you use it."

Let Jen use it for those Eira who don't know how to use it.

"Focus here... adjust the way you look"

"Which... oh, it looks good. This is Bowall!

The magnification is seven times higher. It is a multiplier that can be used by hand. If the magnification is too high, the effect of the hand rash will cause the vision to become uncertain.

Incidentally, there is also a golem-type telescope, and that one also has a hand bump prevention function.

"Oh, is this Bowall?"

We enjoyed the timeless' Bowall Watching '.

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