Magi Craft Meister

51-19 Crystal Disk Analysis

In the end, there were 121 discs found. Seventy-eight of them were broken. I mean, 43 of them are safe.

Also, 30 of the 78 broken pieces were not found and remain missing.

"Um, someone, I just think something broke"

I didn't even think Original would do anything illogical like deliberately cracking a "crystal disk" for backup.

"Father, here's a bone."


I rushed to the voice from Reiko and the bones of a medium-sized animal were rolling for two.

After 20,000 years, it's going to melt and shatter even now.

"Did you get mixed up...?

Or work for this place? I'll imagine Jen was someone's pet who was. It is likely that this animal cracked the 'crystal disc'.

Speaking of which, some dogs went to Antarctica.

You should have been helped by the Antarctic observation team you visited the following year, but here... Jen made it even harder to imagine.

"You look like an animal not in my memory."

Look at the skeleton, says 700672.

"Although there are only about five species of animals that my masters have known."

The animal bones were left intact, and Jen also decided to examine the magic machine (Magi machine) located in the next room, which separated the passage.

As we went through the passage illuminated by "Balls of Light (Lightball)", we went out into a space of similar size and had a magic conductor (Magi machine) of similar appearance.

"Is this the same feature?

As for Jen's idea, I don't think so, but I can't say enough because there is also a method of recording the same data on multiple media, called 'mirroring' on a hard drive.

"Well, look it up and you'll see?

Jen D works with Reiko to remove the exterior.

It appeared in the same format as the next room (Magi Machine), but it cannot be assumed that this is the same function.

While Jen D was doing a lot of research, advice from No. 700672 came in.

"Lord Jin, that magic machine is probably the same thing. but the information stored will be different. '

"I see."

Jen and Reiko looked for a 'crystal disk' for backup, thinking about whether it was like using the same type of storage side by side, etc.

But I can't find one here.

"Something like that, I guess."

I stopped detaining Jen.

Originally, I found this place when Jen was looking into creating his own base, so if there's no danger, you just have to look into it carefully.

"Maybe you can save this magic machine as a relic."

Having thought about that, Jen decided to install air conditioning for now.

The air conditioning must have been done naturally at the time it was used, but I don't see any such equipment now.

"Weren't air-conditioning magic guides brought out because of their good application"

and No. 700672 guessed.


Jen agrees with that opinion.

"Then we'll think about it once we get back."

Jen was concerned about the "crystal disc" she got.

Jen D goes to Penglai Island. And Jen himself went to the 'Nord Federation'.

To analyze the Crystal Disk, of course.

So far, the only place that can be analyzed for less risk is the residence (Sumika) of No. 700672… the 'White Room' equipment.

"Welcome to my base, Lord Jin."

700672, who returned one foot at the transfer gate (Warp Gate), welcomed Jen.

"I'm sorry to bother you"

"... so is that the 'crystal disc'?


Jen handed "The Elder" the "Crystal Disc" that Reiko was letting him have.

"Hmm... seems a little different from what I know... let's find out"

Even for CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs used on Earth, there are several standards that sometimes cannot be read if they do not fit.

This "crystal disc" is nearly 20,000 years old and uses even more of the technology of the past than the "masters" who made No. 700672.

"Let's find out first"

There are 43 safe 'Crystal Discs'. They are given control numbers.

Thousands of years ago, the "Elder" 700672 took the one with the biggest number of it, or the most recent record...

"Let me start with something a little less degraded"

That said, No. 700672 headed for the Magi Machine, which is located at the corner of the White Room.

From Jen's point of view, it's a magic machine (Magi machine) like a DVD player.

Open the top cover of the magic conductor (Magi Machine) and fill in the 'Crystal Disc' in the round crease… I've already done this but it didn't fit the size.

"... Again"

No. 700672 sighed small.

"What do you mean?

"My (my) 'master' calls this' crystal disc '... no, I guess I have little contact with the' masters' who built that facility"

That's what Jen remembered when he said it. that "Original Ancestors" is individualism.

"So you're saying it's not 'standardized'?

"That's what I'm talking about"

Jen sighed too.

Apparently, "Original Ancestors" made standards for each narrow community: themselves and their companions.

"I guess not in the first place."

Units, letters, etc. are common, so I guess everyone has shared the same information by then, Jen thought.

I was a little interested in Jen wondering what that history was like when such an 'Original' became individualistic.

"... Lord Jin, is there also a cracked 'crystal disc'"

"Huh? Oh, there is."

I don't know what format the information is recorded in, so I want to find out first with something that can fail, 700672 said.

"Well, give me this"

Jen gave No. 700672 thirty pieces that were missing and unlikely to be restored. No. 700672 removed the smallest shard from it.

"Then let's use this"

No. 700672 placed the shard in a different magic conductor (Magi machine) than earlier.

"Now, this looks at the crystal structure and molecular structure of the subject."

No. 700672 will carry out the operation while explaining to Jen.

"This' crystal disc 'is artificial... sounds like it made a colandom crystal over a sintered aluminum"

In addition,

"'Crystal disk' is a medium for recording using the crystal structure of a surface."

With that said, 'The Elder' tweaked some lever-like knobs.

Jen is intrigued to see these magic guides (Magi machines) for the first time.

"Hmm... this is a video recording"

In the monitor section in front of No. 700672, some video was shown, albeit unclear.

"Well... apparently this is a topographic map"

It's information from fragments, so I don't know where the topographic map is.

(I guess it's like a microfilm)

Apparently it's not a digital record, Jen thought.

"I don't know about this one"

When No. 700672 analyzes another shard, it looks like an exterior view of the building.

All the other 28 were video recordings.

"You also had this way of recording. It's really interesting."

A record kept by the people who hit the ancestors of the 'masters' who created themselves. It could be taken for granted that No. 700672 would be of interest.

"It's going to take a while. Lord Jin, could you lend me these 'crystal disks' for a while?"

The results will undoubtedly be reported, but the analysis will take a while, said Elder 700672.

"Okay. Best regards,"

Jen agrees. I wanted to return to my original purpose of creating my own base.

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