Magi Craft Meister

51-29 Rouge and Nege Growth 2

Rubina is on tour next to Jen breaking down a large "Magi Puppet".

But there was no way I could just watch it in silence, and I started helping Jen a little bit.

"Master Jin, can I remove the parts here?

"Oh, that's good. Be careful, it's heavy."

"Master Jin, isn't this fixed?

"No, I'm just stuck with rust. Try removing rust with Reduced Dioxidation."

"Oh, really."

Master Jin, I'll keep it down.

"Oh, thank you"

"Mr. Jin, should I take this place off first?

"Oh, wait a minute. Because it's easier to take it off this way."

"Mr. Jin, I removed this, where do you put it?

"Give it to the Craftsman."

"Mr. Jin, we're done here!

"Oh, thank you.... what?

Jen, who had been obsessed with dismantling it, now realized that her voice had grown from the middle of nowhere.

"Nege, Rouge?


"I'm here to help you"

"Yes, when..."

"You two were here earlier, weren't you? I thought you noticed because you were giving instructions naturally."

To Jen, Rubina teaches.

"I'm here because Rubi seemed to have fun"

And, Nege.

"You should have more manpower, right?

And, Rouge.

"Well, okay."

Rubina looks like she's having fun, and it's not something we need to rush and scatter. I have no complaints because Nege and Rouge are looking to have fun.

Then Jen gives instructions as to whether to proceed with the work.

"Then the three of us will have to remove the inner chest cover."



"Leave it to me!

In that way, it took about an hour and a half to complete the disassembly of the large Magi Puppet.

"Uh, it was funny. I studied. After all, Master Jin's hands are amazing!

Three o'clock tee time.

Lamb and fried tea line up.

There are two kinds of lamb available: understated and sweet.

"You like this one with a modest sweetness"

Nege has a modest sweetness,

"I prefer sweet!

Rouge seemed to prefer sweet.

Pancakes with a fragrant scent of soy sauce are also served.

"Pancakes are delicious to re-mouth after eating something sweet."

Suzanne Randall seems to like special outer pancakes. Trihardt, on the other hand, is a sweetheart, eating sweet lamb.

"Hey Hitofu"

Malika had sweet lamb cheeks all over her mouth.

People seem to be twice as forgiving in places like this where they can produce vegetables, just because they are resolute in their clan territory.

"Tea...... yummy"

"That's delicious."

And Nege and Rouge, together, were having tea.

"Ho, interesting"

No. 700672 has no tea, no lamb, no pancakes, and is drinking Persica juice.

"Homunculus is made to be able to eat, but only basic free magic (ether) can live. Yet I didn't know you were taking substances orally in such a fun way. Again, are you saying that there are significant external factors"

Being close to Rubina and spending time with the humans seems to be rapidly becoming human, "Elder" 700672 said.

"So this is your first real example?"

When Jen asks, "The Elder" 700672 is a small voice,

"... because the 'masters' never treated the servants like humans"

And he shrugged.

The day ended with disassembly and analysis of one of those bodies.

"Master Jin, I've learned a lot. Thank you."

Rubina thanked Jen properly for what her grandmother Amanda had said.

"It's a good study to go through a lot."

"You'll let me help you tomorrow, won't you?

"Huh? Right..."

Sure, it doesn't make sense that I let you help me halfway through.

At this time, Jen thought it might be a good idea to leave the whole one to me.

"Okay, okay. I'll take care of one tomorrow."

Rubina rejoices in this word.

"Wow, really? Thank you, Master Jin!

"Rubina, I've been entrusted with it, so you're gonna do it right?

My grandmother Amanda also supported Rubina.

"We help too"

"Yeah, my friend"

Rouge and Nege also declare that they will help Rubina.

"Oh, that's good, but you're gonna help me out, right?

"Yes, Father."

No. 700672 was pleased that such an ego was born to the two of them.

Dinner that night at Jen's 'house'.

"I'm glad you're old, old, happy."

"Rouge, behave yourself, will you?

Nege is embarrassed about Shaggu Rouge.

At Rubina's sole request, Rouge and Nege were also invited.

"Elder" 700672 tells me, "I'm sorry, but thank you."


"I love this"

Dinner contributions include rice, simeji and tofu suckers, roasted sea urchin dried, braised vegetables, grilled sweet eggs, and fresh incense.

Rouge had a sweet egg roast, and Nege seemed to like Shinka.

"Oh, I knew the rice at Master Jin's was delicious"

Malika is also replacing the rice.

"I guess there's a trick to cooking."

Amanda also says she can't cook rice so well.

"I think there's something hidden about this new incense."

Suzanne said so by eating pickled cabbage.

"Correct. It's definitely marinated with a little chili pepper, apple peel, and kelp."

Jen explained that it was not just a result of shaking the salt and putting the weight on it, but a lot of trying to taste it.

"APPULL...... is it apple skin and kelp! I didn't know that. I'll try it again."

Thus, the time for dinner passed softly.

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