Magi Craft Meister

51-31 Apprentice Malika

After lunch, Jens returned to the 'Central Basin'.

"Now, Rubina, are you going to try and get a different one from the one you modified this time?


One of the ten is for preservation, so nine can be modified.

Jen was about to modify a total of four of them to hit Hale's security.

Jen thought about letting Rubina do that one.

It is still an immature rubina, but the intention is if it will grow through this task.

"Do it! I want to try!

Of course, Rubina accepted instantly.

"All right, then, after this, I'll leave one to you"

"Thank you, Master Jin!

"Good for you, Rubi"

"Rubi, we'll help too"

"Yeah, thanks......"

I could honestly say thank you to Rouge and Nage for declaring to help.

Meanwhile, "Elder" 700672 went to his "house" with the adults, that is, Mr. and Mrs. Trihardt Suzanne and Amanda, to talk about a lot.

Now No. 700672 seems to be enjoying these conversations a lot. It has become human.

"Rouge, Nege, I (I) am going home first. Don't bother Lord Jin."

"Yes, Father."

"Yes, Father."

Malika, on the other hand, says she will be Jen's assistant.

Jen will now begin to remodel the Great Demon Guided Puppet (Magi Papet).

"If this is not the time, I can't take the time to look at Master Jin's arms."

Malika, too, is a Jen approved apprentice, who, like 400 years ago, said it would be a good study to visit Jen's work in this way.

Rubina and the others are strained.

"Keep it down there!

"Yeah, okay"

"Help me lift this way!

"Leave it to me!

Nege and Rouge were moving around tightly at Rubina's behest.

The big part is that Rubina keeps the weight down with "gravitational magic," and Nege and Rouge move it.

This method of hanging 'gravitational magic' on large, heavy parts was the method used by Rubina in making large golems.

"Well, now we can disassemble."

"Rubi's good, too."


Nege and Rouge don't look tired either.

"Well, we have a little more time for tea at 3: 00, so we'll even get rust removed"



Jen had just finished disassembling the ninth body of the Great Demon Guided Puppet (Magi Puppet), looking sideways at the three men.

This one shall also be preserved as a historical and technical heritage.

"... Mr. Jin's handiwork, it's Ok Yugi..."

Malika was half impressed, half frightened.



"I like this"

The tea time at 3: 00 is all over the fried tea, and the fried tea is all over the place.

As always, Nege has a subdued sweetness and Rouge prefers a sweet flavor.

"This fried chicken sounds easy to make, but it's delicious."

Malika is eating a polypoly of Odds.

"Oh, tea is delicious"

Thoughtful, I was able to do whatever I wanted with my people, and Jen was satisfied.

After tea time, another job until dinner time.

"Since the material is iron based, add the misrill and make it Magi steel..."

Jen decided it wasn't enough to make it Neo Steel.

I asked Reiko and Malika to help me with this, and it ends in about half an hour.

"Then there's the drive system."

Because it is not a bio-based material, Jen wonders what to do.

"Father, why don't you make a 'shape memory demon conductor alloy' out of neo-based materials?

"Yeah, that sounds interesting. Let's try it."

"Shape memory alloys" have properties that 'memorize', or reproduce 'shapes' at specific temperatures, but 'shape memory demon conductor alloys' have properties that return to their original shapes when they add a certain amount of magic.

Jen has also studied it, but does not use it for advanced (by Jen standards) golems because it does not extend to biological materials (demonic materials).

But what if I made it out of a 'neo' based material that has more affinity with free magic (ether) than a 'magi' based material...?

"Yeah, that's practical enough"

Although less efficient than the Ancient Dragon Leather used for Reiko, the highest output was higher than the Magic Muscle (Magical Muscle) made of other materials.

The drawback is that it is heavier than bio-based materials.

"Okay, let's try this"

After finishing the validation experiment, Jen rushes to produce "Shape Memory Demon Conductor Alloy" in large quantities.

Ask Reiko to arrange the materials and use "deformation" and "toughening (toughening)" to mass-produce the standard magic muscle (magical muscle).

Malika is a part of putting it together, but Jen definitely makes magical muscles (magical muscles) faster.

When the assembly was carried out so that he could be driven away, Jen, who had finally completed the necessary number of magical muscles (magical muscles), began to assemble himself.


Jen, who started later, at some point assembled the same number as himself, and more......

(Oh, yeah. This is Master Jin......)

It was Malika, who completely took off her helmet.

All assembly work was completed before dinner.

"All right, the control system is tomorrow."

Jen was satisfied that he was able to finish the work to a good point in Kiri.

"Thank you, Malika. Thank you."

"... I'm tired"

That's Malika, too, seems to have eaten at Jen's pace.

"... but it's fun, like this"

It was Malika who remembered with nostalgia when she started learning engineering magic from Jen.

"Well, let's take a bath before dinner"

Jen, who returned to "The House," declared so.

"Yes, yes!



Not only Rubina, but Nage and Rouge totally seemed to like bathing.

(... Damn, I have to make a bath in the 'Elder' house too)

was Jen, who felt

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