Magi Craft Meister

52-11 Repair after Repair

Jen maintains a maid golem length merine.

First remove the exterior and check the interior.

"Um, don't you have to check" Design Groups "?

The first technical position, 'Justa', who is a sitter, asks.

"Yeah, there's no problem at all with this structure"

There's nothing wrong with Jen because it's what Beana once made, or Adriana style. It doesn't matter if it's in another format......

"You're loyal to the basics. The effects of" reinforcement "and" stabilization (stabilisation) "also remain. The condition dropped... Oh, the Magnetic Converter (ether converter) is out of tune."


The first technical job justa only understood about half of what Jen was doing and was confused.

(What? What? What are you doing? Uh, dismantling is good. But "Strengthen" and "Stabilize"? What?

Seventy percent of the new technologies developed by Jens were discontinued as a result of the disconnection of technology inheritance by the Magic League.

"Reinforcement (Strengthsung)" developed by Jen and "Stabilization (Stabilization)" devised by Steerina were no exception, and had not been communicated until this era.

"Is the magical muscle okay?... The skeleton material is bronze." Strengthen (Strengthen) "is hung, but the original strength is low... Is this what caused the distortion?"

At least I wish I had made it out of light silver, and Jen was all alone. And

"Mr. Justa, can I recreate the skeleton with light silver?


"... Huh? Huh? Uh, if you don't mind, I think."

Justa, who was half relieved, gave permission, and then panicked a bit.

(Shit......! Replacement of skeletons? It will take at least a day. In the meantime, isn't it a bad idea if the maid golem length merine doesn't move...?

But Jen broke down the merine before saying 'I knew it wasn't going to work' again.

The handiwork was vivid, and Justa had to raise her voice 'ah'.

"RE... CO, get me some light silver"

"Yes, Brother Singh"

Reiko, known as Lecco, followed the instructions of Jen, who is named Singh, and removed a light silver ingot from the material shelf.

Light silver (titanium, not aluminum, in this world) had its unit price dropped to 20 torres per kilogram (about 200 yen) due to the magic conductor of refining made by Jen in its old days.

It is conceivable that this merine would have been made before the price of light silver dropped that far.

Using that light silver, Jen used the "replication process" to create skeletal members of the same size, in different dimensions, without giving Justa time to pinch his mouth.

"Replication" requires the ability to grasp space. We see objects as three-dimensional.

Next, grasp each dimension. Craftsmen say they capture the difference in micron units with the feel of their fingertips, but they are close to it.

It also uses the magic of the "Analyze" system and shapes it with "Deformation".

In other words, we modify the original and the things we make, in comparison to each other, but in Jen's case, the Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz, we do dozens of reconciliations almost instantaneously for reproduction.

There's no point in Justa doubting his eyes.

"Ko, this is..."

Jen's working speed is an awesome word. In addition, Reiko pre-divides the required amount of light silver in "Separation", so Jen can only mold, and the speed is beaten.

"Now, all right"


Reproduction of the skeleton ended in approximately five minutes.


It wasn't Jen who leaked his sigh, Justa. During Jen's work, he was holding his breath and staring at his hand.

"Now I have an adamantite coating on my joints..."


Justa surprises Jen for continuing his work without taking a breath. It's normal for Jen.

"Let's add another system to the Magic Nerve Wire."

Only one of the two wiring systems was completely disconnected.

"Hang" Strengthen "too, all the time."

Jen, who simultaneously performs muscle repositioning and neural wire wiring in parallel. Reiko will also help and finish in roughly three minutes.

"Shall I upgrade the 'Sealed Enclosure (Shield Case)' on the chest a little?"

Sealed enclosure for 'slave rewriting magic' measures (shield case). Increased purity of misrilled silver, two-layer construction for added effect.

Then put your hands on the Magnetic Converter (ether converter) and the Magic Furnace (mana driver).

"Oh, I knew it. Efficiency is important, and the tolerance for those with thick free magic hormone (ether) concentrations is narrow."

Jen gets the magic crystal (Magi Crystal) as she whines to herself.

"I can replace it...... we still have a lot of room, so let's make it twin"

Twin-type is a method in which two magic converters (ether converters) for low and high concentrations are used in parallel, rather than allowing one magic converter (ether converter) to accommodate low to high concentrations of free magic (ether).

Do not make it switchable. In such a case, operations in the vicinity of the bounded density tend to become unstable.

"All you have to do is add a Magic Storage (Manabombe) to help you cope with instantaneous power-ups and temporary free magic (ether) shortages."


Justa is about to peel his white eyes off already.

"Let's make the exterior light silver and keep the colors the same as before"

Thus, the maid golem length merine was maintained as new.

"Thank you, Master Singh. I'm doing very well."

The restarted Merine bowed her head to Jen.

"No, what. … yes, so let's also repair the maintenance golem that it broke"

"That helps. … here it is."

Merine led Jen to a crap storage site named... in the back of the workshop.

There lies one golem, mixed with some broken magic conductors.

It's a golem with a little resemblance to Jen's Craftsman (Smith).

(Looks like Beana modeled Craftsman (Smith).)

From what I've seen, it's done pretty well. This would also allow for fairly advanced repairs.

But I spared no effort to make only one, and Jen thought that if we had two or three, we could have repaired each other and survived.


"There were three, but two were given to the royal family at the time."

and Merine explained.

"It was about 200 years ago. We also supplied a repair golem because of the successive malfunctions of Wangdu's magic equipment and golem, and the Royal Magic Craftsman could no longer handle it."

"Did that happen?"

Jen gives instructions to Reiko and brings out the repair golem.

And they didn't return it.

After that, incidents like the emergence of Marchitas and the rise of the 'Magic League' followed, and those two golems were also destroyed, he said.

"I see."

Jen lay the repair golem on the workbench, listening to Merine.

"Hmmm...... how did you get broken?

There's no point in Jen tilting his neck. The repair golem has a shaky head and a missing shoulder to tip on the right arm. The right leg was crushed from the knee.

"The bandits who attacked the land 86 years ago... No, there was a group of mercenaries that broke down and they had a few battle golems with them, so they fought hard, and the repair golems were on the battlefield at that time..."

I was attacked by an enemy.

(Hmmm...... the repair personnel are so easy to target that they couldn't leave it behind?

And Jen thought, but he couldn't say anything extra, even though he didn't know what was going on at the time, and he kept his mouth shut. Move your hands instead.

"The material is relatively soft bronze because it's for repair... it's brass to the fingertips"

Jen thought it would be a consideration not to scratch the material.

"RE... CO, get me some light silver"


I think it's too much that I used bronze to the skeleton, but this is also from a time when light silver was expensive. Jen thought it would probably be a cost problem.

"We'll fix this again in the replication process"

Jen proceeded to repair Justa, whose open mouth was no longer blocked, on his butt.

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