Magi Craft Meister

52-16 Replacement and Return

Nobody understood, Donna's remodeling by Jen took five minutes to finish.

Jen restores the head exterior.

"RE... CO, that's enough"


Reiko stopped the Magnetin Remover (Ether Eliminator).

In about three seconds Donna moves out.

"Was I stopping?

Jen answers that.

"That's right. In the meantime, I tried to optimize the control system a little bit. How's it going?

To Jen's inquiry, Donna moves her body to perform a self-check.

Shake your arms, step, turn your neck, rock your trunk back and forth......

Donna, when she finishes a check considerably longer than Jen's, no Adriana-based self-check,

"There is an abnormality,"

And I uttered an unexpected answer.


Surprised Jen.

"Operating efficiency has improved by as much as 35 percent. We can only describe this as an anomaly."

"Oh, that's what you mean"

Jen was relieved. It meant more 'unexpected' or 'unexpected' than unusual.

"The control system of" Control Nucleus (Control Core) ", its parameters were optimized. So it's supposed to work smoother."

"Yes, indeed. Some of the operations that were heavy are smoother.... Thank you"

Knowing the improvements made to her body, Donna thanked her. This kind of thinking system is more sophisticated than expected, Jen thought.

"… so the improvement was a success"

Even when it came to the anomaly, it turns out it meant 'performance was improving before you knew it', and the row seaters, including the Marquis Kuzma, lowered their breasts or admired them.

"If you've made Donna, she's a very skilled magician (Magicraftsman)."

"Oh, oh, yeah, I guess so"

When Jen put in a slightly out of focus follow-up, Viscount Galana nodded in a hurry.

"Well, I'm going to be free."

Jen offered at the end of lunch, which also coincided with a meeting.

"... well, I feel sorry for you, but I can't force you to hold back."

A little bit unfortunately, the Marquis Kuzma said.

"Anna, send it to me politely."

"Yes, sir"

"I beg your pardon, Count Sethena, Viscount Lassard and Lady Vernon, Viscount Galana, for this."

Jen greets the visiting nobles.

"Lord Singh, Miss Lecco, Miss Reese, it was. Thanks for healing Logres."

"I wanted to show you some more skill, but I'll see you sometime"

"Lord Singh, how are you?"

"... Lord Singh, let's acknowledge your skill. Someday, again."

"Yes, then"

Guided by Marquise Anna, Jen left the courtyard behind. The maid golem length merine comes with it.

"Dear Sin, My daughters, especially Pamela, thank you for your help"

Anna thanks you as you walk.

"I would have liked to have called my daughters to a meeting, but, uh... with something that some people didn't like"

Jen thought, oh.

It means I didn't want to take my beloved daughters to Viscount Galana, who is after Pamela, seven, or where Viscount Lassard and his son Vernon, who are after my son-in-law.

"No, I know"

Jen also, somehow, smelled what he was guessing.

"Just a moment, please"

When Jens sat on the couch in the entrance lobby, he asked Merine for the rest and left the place once.

"... Dear Jin, Thank you for your help"

Using that time, Merine thanked Jen.

"No, that's okay. Beana made me. I couldn't watch you go wrong."

Soon Anna returned, bringing her three daughters.

"... Dear Sin, I would also like to greet my daughters"

"This, be polite"

Jens took a seat.

"Congratulations, Monsieur Singh, Monsieur Lecco, Monsieur Liese"

"Monsieur Singh, Monsieur Lecco, Reese, I'll give you a treat through the dugout"

"Master Singh, I blame you. Lecco, Leese, you're welcome."

The three daughters say goodbye to each of them. The tongueless lines are adorable.

"Dear Eileen, Mavis, Pamela, be well. Take care of your mother, Father."

Jen also said goodbye greetings.

After a brief but heartfelt farewell greeting, Jen went outside the Marquis' house.

"Oh, it's over. Reiko, Liese, thank you."

Relax, Jen.

"Good luck to your father."

"Well, let's just say we're going home."

Jens slowly walked out of Blueland in the afternoon.

I was going to go straight out of Blueland and go back to Penglai, but I heard rumors that Reiko was concerned.

"... there's an example bandit group out there?

"Oh. Last night, the big merchant Cedocus was hit."

"The caution sticks and escort golems didn't help either, did they?

"It seems so. I hear the rumors were true."

"The one where you're using super high performance golems?

Reiko, who knows that the word 'ultra-high performance golem' touches Jen's harp line, made an honest report.

"Hmmm... bandits using super high performance golems, or... just don't worry"

Jen wonders what to do.

"Father, it will be night even if you leave, so why don't you think about it once you get home?

"So is that."

I decided to follow Reiko's suggestion here, Jen.

There, a strange man came and bowed his head toward Jen.

"Chief, I'm Regulus 1 of The Secret Mobile Force (SP). His name here is Imings. Best regards,"

Old man says he's reviving and repositioning the 'Secret Mobile Unit (SP)', or 5th Row (Quinta).

"I'll take care of the information gathering"

"All right, all right. Regards."

That is why Jens returned to Penglai with confidence.

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