Magi Craft Meister

52-24 Na Arrest and Discussion

"" Magic Engineer "Magicraft Jazz"? What, what the hell?

The thief's leadership didn't seem to know the name.

"It's the culmination of a magician! Golem or automatic doll (Automata), but I'll make anything, the best magician in the world (Magicraftsman)!"

The thief's technician once learned in "Avalon," albeit in about six months. After not being able to go and drop out about the lecture, unfortunate events overlap for the present situation. And I still hadn't neglected to gather information from the technical world.

Therefore, he also knew that the third generation of Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz had appeared.

"If he's with us, it's no use doing anything, we'd better surrender here."

"What a fool. Do something to escape..."

The speed of the airship slowed down while I was playing it that way.

"Hey, what? What's the matter!

"Hey, the thrusters have stopped!!

"Oh my God!

The airship where the propulsion stopped is just a balloon.

In the wake of the resistance of the air, the velocity dropped dramatically, eventually only flowing into the wind.

"No more, too"

Seeing a 'hurricane' approaching a distance of about twenty meters, the tech thief threw up the words of a give up.

"You idiot! Don't give up!

The man in chief,

"If this distance... eat it! Fire Bullet!"

and tried to unleash the strongest offensive magic he could.


"Hey, why aren't you answering!? The magic... I can't use it!!

It should also be that their airship was covered with fluctuations caused by the Magic Disabler.



Four thieves passed out after receiving the Paralyzer radiation.

"Dj, Lord Jin, are you okay to approach inadvertently?

"It's okay."

"Hurricane" now has a line between physics and magic, and Old Master is looking into the fact that "Peep Peek Telescope (Peeper)" no longer has any means of attacking thieves.

"It's a hassle to do a lot here, so let's pull it all the way to Blueland"

Since it is now over the Kingdom of Celluloa, the Duke of Bourg feared that it could be a breach of airspace in the first place.

In fact, Jen's "hurricane" is a free pass across national borders, so I don't need to worry about it.

I could also use the "Force Rod", but I hesitated to use it in public, and after approaching it further, I decided to brace the rope and pull it.

"Attack... don't come"

"Yeah, I'm stunning you with a Paralyzer."

"Nah...... when!

The Paralysis Gun (Paralyzer) is a weapon also used by the 'World Guard', so the Duke of Blu was not so surprised, but surprised that he did not know when he had used it.

The Paralysis Gun (Paralyzer) used in the World Guard is bulky in size and takes a little while to use.

However, during this period and,

"... is Lord Jin."

It was the Duke of Blu who decided to think that

As Reiko flew to the thief's airship and bracketed the rope, 'Hurricane' was set to tow straight back to Blueland.

Though the load is increasing over outbound travel, the minute distance required for travel on one side was short compared to outbound travel on two sides of the triangle, arriving in Blueland in time as long as outbound travel, although the speed dropped somewhat.

Incidentally, the gold coins and silver coins stored in the thief's aside were to be recovered by the Duke of Bourg and returned to the stolen ones.

"Lord Jin, you must be overlapping."

The Duke of Blu bowed his head to Jen D.

"I never thought I'd be able to catch you lighter."

A cross-border arrest play, which would have been a job originally undertaken by the 'World Guard', the Duke says.

"No, I'm glad I could help you."

"So that's it, it's already night. Why don't you stay in my mansion for another night?

The time is 8: 30 PM. Jen D and the others decided to take the offer.

"Old man, how was that airship?

Jen is asking you in Penglai. While I was towing, I was being investigated from corner to corner by Old Man's Peek Telescope (Peeper).

'Yes, your husband (My Road). There was nothing in particular to see. But compared to the current era, you're making some progress.'

"Well, what's the place?

'Yes, first in the form of an airbag, but to reduce air resistance, or much slimmer than world standards. Though you won't be able to get around for that matter.'

"I see. They can give you 250 kilometers an hour for a short time."

"Yes. At the same time, the wind magic thrusters (wind thrusters), the propulsion engines, were highly efficient."

"Right. Then I wonder if I could have it picked up by the 'World Guard' through the Duke of Blu"

'I think so. If you build a synchronous aircraft because it's a high-speed airship, there will be many occasions when it works.'

But don't leave me with one big question.

I agree with Jen's words, old man.

"Yes, my lord. Who, when, and where did you make it?"


I know I'm not in charge of the thief's technology. Then did you ask someone, stole it from somewhere, or found it in some ruins?

"I think it's very likely that I found it in the ruins."

With all that technology in the world today, we should be talking more about it, Old Man said.

"I'll get more information once I've finished placing the fifth column (quinta), but it's gone around the back."

"No, that was my fault too"

Jen said we could stay behind because we didn't intend to get involved in the world so far.

Information was, at any time, Jen who deplored the importance of any era.

"Probably just before the rise of the" Magic League, "I think it's about the time."

"Oh, I guess that's right"

That is also likely due to the fact that technologies that are not the same in this day and age were used everywhere.

"That's a shame..."

Between my predecessors and Jen, the Magic Wars. And between the original Jen and the complex Jen, there is the Magic League.

"You can't quite honestly develop this star..."

"No, my lord, that may have been something similar on Earth where your lord was."

"... floods of Babel towers and Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, Atlantis and Moo...?


Because you inherited Jen's knowledge, you know only as much about such legends on Earth as Jen.

"Incas, Mayan civilizations, Lemuria, that sort of thing."

"Oh, you did"

It's all legendary, but if supercivilization existed in the past, how could it not be communicated to the present? is a mystery.

"Have you perished yourself, or are there external factors"

Jen also feels romance in such ancient civilizations to the crowd.

"This star knows all of those histories..."

Though there are some mysterious parts, the approximate steps have been revealed in previous investigations, as well as a living witness named 700672.

"Well, let's follow up on that one. Tomorrow, Reiko will be back."

Now it was Jen who wanted to relax a little.

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