Magi Craft Meister

52-58 Fighting everywhere

The anomalous golem released a moratorium on Reiko.

but not Reiko who stops at something like that.

"Why?" Eat my magic. Why can you move?

Yes, the anomalous golem used the magic that also used the Unified Party (Unifiler), Overwrite, to shut down the automotive golem engine.

Even though I used it for Reiko and Manon, I was surprised (a lot) because they didn't stop.

"Such old-fashioned magic, it was countered 400 years ago!

Reiko first gently punched the alien golem that was out front.

That alone makes the alien golem split.

What is it?

Wind Hammer! Thunder Javelin!

The anomalous golem who was hit by his companion continued to release Reiko's "The Great Hammer of the Wind" and "Thunder Javelin".

Two advanced magic strikes directly at Reiko... without being able to play in front about five meters and disappear. It is the effect of Magic Barrier and Physical Barrier.

"Oh my God!!

"It won't work."

And Reiko kicked the one nearby out of the two left. Naturally, the alien golem shrugged to such an extent that it left no shape.

"Wind Hammer" and "Thunder Javelin" were also confirmed to be released from separate arms.

Jen, who was watching how it went, gave an idea of what the alien golem was like.

(I see you're a golem specializing in magic, just drawing on the flow of the 'Magic League'. Do you have six arms because they have different magical attributes that you can release in each? Thunder, wind, and 'overlapping (overlighting)'. The three remaining arms... fire, water, and earthly attributes?

And for a little while, think.

(So to show things to the guy who dropped this one off... OK!

Jen, who decided what to do, gave instructions to Reiko aloud.

"Reiko! Magically deal with the one left!

"Yes, Father."

Reiko was on the verge of beating up the remaining alien golem, but he listened to Jen's instructions and thought to himself. And take a distance once.

"Ugh, busy!" Flaming Spear "!

A lump of bright red flame strikes Reiko as a spear... but it also disappeared after being bounced four meters in front of Reiko.

"It was five meters earlier, now it's four meters. This time the magic is a little more powerful."

"A little...! Can you still say that? Thunder Attack!

Different digits of electric shock struck Keiko. but this also scratched out three meters in front of Reiko.

(Hmm, is the amount of magic that can be put into magic something like 1,000 to 2000 parts of Reiko? That barrel-shaped torso is probably 'Magic Reservoir (Mana Tank)')

Jen continued to analyze the attack on Reiko, but when he got an approximate idea, he now used the "buddy bracelet" and contacted Old Master.

By the way, the car drivers had escaped a long time ago, and the knights of the escort had all lost their minds in the aftermath. Therefore, there is no need to worry about being asked.

"It's me, old man. It's a different golem that Reiko is dealing with right now, but do you know who's manipulating it?

The answer came right back.

"Yes, my lord. The three sent are being manipulated by those in the royal castle."

"Oh, the royal castle"

"Yes, I'm the chief engineer at the Ministry of Magic and Technology."

"I see, is that why you have so much technology"

'That's right. This golem seems to be the latest in the Magic League.

Jen felt that there was still nothing technically to see as a contradictory organization when this was the latest type.

In front of such Jen's eyes, the anomalous golem that remained until the end had become a mass of iron melted with the fire attribute 'Primary' magic 'Fireball (Fireball)' unleashed by Reiko.

"Is that it?"

Not too bad, but this was now the kingdom of Elias.

Meanwhile, waiting for the new king, who arrived at the Royal Castle one foot away, was a separate task force of the 'Magic League' remnants.

"Your Majesty, stand back!

It is Bartolo Eldiaice, the leader of the Kingsguard Knights, who defends the new king.

Now the carriage in which the cabinet members rode was severed, and here there was only the carriage in which the king rode.


"Lieutenant, were you a traitor?"

Standing before them was Hugas Unlock, Deputy Commander of the Kingsguard Knight.

"You think you can do this and just do it!

The chivalry chief Bartolo shouts. But Deputy Commander Hugas Unlock flushed the wind to Willow and it.

"No, no, I don't think it's just going to be fine. There's no more Magic League."

All I can do is reward this world with one arrow, Hugas replied.


Knights Commander Bartolo distorted his face to remorse for failing to realize that his deputy was hiding such madness.

Until recently, I don't like my dumbness additions and subtractions for trusting this capable man.

"Guard Your Majesty!... Yes, no..."

What if the subordination was a traitor, although he tried to hang the decree to order the subordination and make it protect the new king? I think about it, and my voice gets butt shuddered.

At that time.

"Your Majesty will protect you. I will eliminate the enemy."

I heard that voice. Not a subordinate voice, Baltro sees the Lord of that voice, it was a warrior golem dedicated by the Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz on this day.

"... Volk, can you?

The new king confirms.

"Yes, if you command me"

"... All right, get rid of what you hate against me (Me)! Bartolo, protect me."


"I'm going!

The Knights captain stood between the new king and his enemies, and Volk popped out.

"Well, in the simulation earlier, I know your performance.... intercept."

Deputy Commander Hugas Unlock ordered ten combat golems that were lined up behind him.

Volk clashes with one of them… he turned himself in just before and hung his foot payment. I can't wait because they paid my legs at the start of the speed ride. The combat golem hit harder and fell, rolling as it was for about ten meters and stopping.

The direction is 90 degrees away from the carriage of the new king, so there is no danger there.

And Volk succeeded in taking away the mace that the other one had in his hand. He struck down one more with a blow. There are eight left.

Volk furthermore moves to pull away from the subtle carriage of the new king. Before I knew it, the battlefield was moving away from the carriage of the new king.

When this happens, Volk can do everything he can.

Originally tuned for combat by Jen. That fighting power is high.

One wave of mace blew one up. It is an untouched blow. As for Volk, I hated taking too much time. For, of course, we know that it is a bad idea to be long away by the king to protect.

But there is no way that Mace can stand Volk's power, and when he defeated the second body, it broke from half and became useless.

Still, Volk doesn't stop.

Light silver fists, "hardened" and "toughened" by Jen, easily shaken the exterior of the battle golem, which is just an iron plate.

Throwing moves rolled out at full power throw battle golems weighing more than 400 kilos by as much as a few meters.

In an instant, the combat golem reduced that number.

"Duh... what do you mean! How could that golem be so strong!?

Hugas Unlock couldn't understand what was happening in front of him.

Because they are just knights and underestimate magic engineering, they don't even have the eyes to identify the function of the golem.

"You idiot. Rely on the golem while you say you deny magic technology, magic engineering. Don't you notice the contradiction?"


To the words of the new king, nothing can be said back Hugas Unlock.

Right now, in front of him like that, the seventh combat golem was rendered inoperable.

"Oh, this is amazing! That's Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz!

The Commander of the Kingsguard Knights, whose roots were simple, was impressed by Volk's battle gesture.

"Again, along with the Knights of Man, we also need a guard or a warrior regiment by the Golem!

And he also felt that the armament of the kingdom of Elias today was distorted (snoring).

In addition,

(Hmm, that's Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz. I stepped on that earlier mock fight was pretty out of hand, but you were right)

Adalberto Nemo Elias I, the new king of the kingdom of Elias, nodded satisfactorily.

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