Magi Craft Meister

57-39 Settlement, and

The simulated battle between Rubel and Reiko is still ongoing.

but the surroundings are dictated by the aftermath, rock masses scattered, burnt, scorched, and melted ground is right there.

"Again, Mr. Leiko was who he thought he was......!


Rubels who speak fervently and Reiko who answers calmly.

"I haven't put everything out yet....... From now on, I will bet everything about me to try!

"Take it. Let's stand."

Rubel stood at a little distance,

"I'm doing my best!

and started the rampage screaming.

Reiko doesn't take it, but turns her body around and turns her half.

And using the momentum of that rotation, he unleashed his back fist towards Rubel.

but the timing was slightly slow, or the rubel was fast, the back fist just ended up plundering (scuffing) her red hair.

The rubel was kicking the ground with his feet, wrapping up the stone rubble with Reiko.

But Reiko is not already in the place. He was chasing Rubel by turning himself over.

"I won't let you get away with it."

It was a one-tempo late pursuit, but Reiko, who exceeds it at speed, quickly catches up with Rubel.

Rubel felt the crisis. You can't run away like this. And it takes a lot of damage, he said.

So the avoidance method she took was to deliberately fall to the ground.


Sliding from speeds exceeding 300 km/h, so even though Rubel didn't do any damage, it's a decision that it's much more insignificant than being attacked by Reiko.

Rubels that roll irregularly while winding up dust and dust with dust and dust.

"But I'm far enough away from Mr. Leiko."

Enough? What would a distance of ten meters be to someone who can give a speed far exceeding the speed of sound?


At the same time that Reiko's voice was heard from behind her back, Rubel had been feather-tightened.

"It's over."

If Reiko raises the output by another ten percent, Rubel's arms will be lifted from his shoulders.


"I was waiting for this!

And Rubel activated some magic.

"Wow... that's an awesome fight... this is a mock fight? You're lying, aren't you?

Theon D watching "Magic Screen" was so fierce that it pulled a little bit.

The surrounding ground seems rough and difficult to repair, Jen D. also thinks.

And more than that, Reiko and Rubel are amazing.

It moves endlessly around the wasteland that set the stage for simulated warfare.

"... make this many automatic dolls (automata), satisfied"

Marcosias had also narrowed his eyes and found himself in battle.


"Oh, Leiko's got Rubel."

Scion d pointer.

"Hmm, that can also be my first contact.... what did Rubel... is that, engineering magic!?

Looking at the magic ceremony of light (Magi formula) that rose between Rubel and Reiko, Jen realized what was going on.

"Well, are you going to make contact and attack with engineering magic"

"That's right. That's the last thing I taught Rubel."

Use engineering magic to 'deform' or 'separate' the touched opponent's area.

That was Rubel's last resort.

Engineering magic cannot be applied to living beings.

The reason for this, now being studied by Elsa and not yet elucidated, exists as a strict fact.

And the hypothesis also existed that the organism is guarded by 'Free Magnetin (ether)'.

Reiko's skin is' Ancient (Enchanted) Dragon (Dragon) 'leather, and her clothes are' Underground Spider Silk (GSS) ', both biological materials.

Reiko herself meets and strengthens the "Free Magnetin (ether)" placed under her control.

And that is.

"Oh no! Doesn't it work!

One hand of Rubel, who bet on a quick throw, did not go through with Reiko.

"Magic Disabler Activated"


Keiko temporarily suspended Rubel using the Magic Disabler (Magic Canceller) when he decided that if he continued the simulation any longer, he was likely to develop into a breakdown.

Then he held the stopped rubel and slowly returned to beneath Jen D.

"... it didn't end well."

and Scion D says,

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

and Jen D put the penetration in.

"... at that time, it must have been Rubel who was broken"

Marcosias also says. The face was filled with satisfaction.

"Lord Jin, no, Master Jin, thank you for listening to me so much"

Slowly Marcosias bowed his head toward Jen D.


There, Reiko, who held Rubel back, and Ruff, who was filming the whole thing, came back.

"Thank you, Reiko"

"Miss Leiko, thank you for doing my best."

Jen D. and Marcosias spoke to Reiko.


Reiko, who answered briefly, lay gently on the spot the rubel she had.

"Restart him, Mr. Marcosias"

"Um, okay...." Activate (Wake Up) "

"... ah"

Rubel's eyes opened.

"This is... oh, I lost, didn't I?"

And I realized that Marcosias was there,

"My apologies, Father"

and apologized.

whereas Marcosias,

"No, it was enough. Well done, Rubel."

And praised him, and stroked his head.

Rubel suddenly opened her eyes to surprise her, and Reiko and Jen D stared at the look with tender eyes.

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