Magi Craft Meister

58-04 Little trip

On December 4, Jen was reporting to everyone in Penglai.

"... so I went through with this request. We're going to start construction next year."

"So Jin, do you hire a vendor over there?

Reinhardt asked to confirm.

"Don't be. Well, I'm going to leave the foundation work to the artisans."

Foundations are literally 'foundations'. I don't want to leave all this to human vendors, Jen said.

"Isn't that nice?... but when humans are going to build... two or three years to complete?

"For once, I've been thinking about getting Craftsman (Smith) to help me out for six months."

To this word,

"Well, it does matter."

and Reinhardt.

"No, that's not all. I asked the Minister of Magic and Engineering if he had used the Golem recently since the Magic League disappeared."

"Kufu, so you can shorten the construction period, right?

"No, it's not that simple."


Saki looks surprised.

"I'm glad I used the golem, but it doesn't seem to operate very well."

"Ha ha, I see.... carry heavy goods, you only use them enough?

"Reinhardt, correct. That's what it looks like."

Therefore, it also means that Jen will tell you how to use the golem.

"I hope so."

"Oh. Finally, I'm wondering if I could lend it to you by making a magic guide that can use engineering magic for civil architecture."

Using magic tools that can be hung such as "digging", "joining", and "toughening" will dramatically increase the service life of the building, Jen said.

These are the basic engineering magic of Penglai when it comes to building.

"Well, if we can't use that much, we won't talk."

Reinhardt seems to agree.

"So, we sent an on-site supervisor of a golem or automatic doll (Automata) to educate the builder while building..."

"Yeah, I know what Jin thinks. Isn't that nice?

"Right? The Empire of Shawulo asked me to do it."

"Oh, really?"

Apparently, the Imperial family of the Shawlo hears what the former Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz did.

And the modern age is no less than that... well, it's natural because he's in person... so he expects these enlightenments.

"But don't be free all year"

"Oh, construction starts at the beginning of the year."

In the meantime, I'll make a golem for site supervisors and a magic guide for civil architecture, Jen said.

"It won't take you half a day."

"Well, that's true."

Jen snorted bitterly at Reinhardt's penetration.

"Brother Jin, any support for other countries?

Elsa asks.

"Yeah. The kingdom of Klein is currently in progress on the matter of the village of Toka, and the kingdoms of Egerea and Elias don't want to get too extra hands on it because Marcosias' disciples are being sent"

"Uh, and the kingdoms of Cellular and Franz?

"If you're going to say it in those two countries, I wonder if the Kingdom of Cellular is concerned about the Kingdom of Franz so far because it has national power"

Mitsuho was originally outside the forces of the 'Magic League' so there is no problem.

Speaking of which, I don't think I've ever met the upper echelons of the kingdom of Franz.

Four hundred years ago I would have known kings like Rotaro de Lafayette and Catherine de Lafayette and the former Duchess (later Mother of the King), but now I realize I don't even know the king's name.

"Old man, what's going on with the current state of the kingdom of Franz?

So I'll ask old man Jen.

"Yes, my lord (My Lord). Is there a situation in the kingdom of Franz that is neither possible nor impossible at present, or something like that?"

"I see."

'The' Magic League 'also seemed to put this country behind us, with less damage and impact'

"Kufu, you were a shadowy country."

Saki giving a spicy expression.

'But the country is peaceful, and less technologically degraded. Because it was originally a country not so technology-dependent.'

"As far as I know, it was an agricultural country."

Vivian testified.

'Yes, that country seems suitable for agriculture because it has a gentle slope towards the south and has (like) abundant water from Lake Asur to the south and snowmelt water from the Kruger Mountains to the north'

"Kufu, you sure do. There's a mine, but I thought I'd finally be self-sufficient and only be able to pick it up to a certain extent."

'Master Saki is right. We've been importing resources a little lately.'

Jen tilted his neck at this report.

"Old man, is that because of the reduced amount of mining from the mine? Or because of the increased consumption?

"Yes, my lord (My Road). After the threat of the Magic League has left, we are consuming more"

"Is that technically used?

"Now you seem to be using it to rebuild the technological facilities destroyed by the Magic League."


The kingdom of Franz seems to put together quite well within its own country.

I thought Jen would be interested.

"If that's the case, I'd like to take a look at the kingdom of Franz"

"I thought Brother Jin would say that."

Elsa, accustomed to Jen's personality and behavioral patterns, said with a laugh.

"I'd like to go there for a little while during the year."

"Is that as a traveler?

Jen to Reinhardt's question,

"Right, I like that"

I replied.

"Let's go to the kingdom of Franz as just travelers"

Jen looked at Elsa and said so.

"Me too?

"Oh. It's not just research, let's go out together once in a while"

"Mm, glad."

That is why Jen and Elsa decided to accompany Reiko and Hope to the Kingdom of Franz.

I left on December 5th.

Of the three streets connecting the kingdoms of Klein and Franz, it was decided to take the northernmost road. It is the loneliest street.

I chose this place because I wanted to enter the kingdom of Franz avoiding people as much as possible.

He also didn't suddenly enter the kingdom of Franz because he wanted to make up the fact that he was' immigrated 'at the border, albeit bent.

"Once upon a time, Sion's sister... you went down the street in the middle when you went to rescue Istaris"

"Mm-hmm. Guilohe across the border from Stolsk, went"

"Oh, you did"

It was a carriage that I had my golem horse tow back then, but this time it's a golem automobile.

The town on the side of the Kingdom of Klein is Naise, and the town on the side of the Kingdom of Franz is Koko.

Incidentally, between Nyse and Coco is a path through a coniferous forest that is hard to see. Therefore, each Golem automobile has been transferred in the "Transfer Machine".

"It's almost the Klein kingdom border."

Cross-border checks are slower in this era than they were 400 years ago. That's all it meant to be peaceful.

"That's better."


It will soon be a border.

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