Magi Craft Meister

58-08, on schedule.

After the fireworks talk, 9pm.

As per the meeting, Jen decided to take action.

"At this hour, the Inn will be in full swing."


So Jen and Elsa, Reiko and Hope headed to the innkeeper's office.

The janitor's office is on the ground floor.

I knocked, and when I was put through, there was a bookkeeper, Alana Becker, of the damsel, and Gregoras Pecker, of the uncle (sire).

"What's up, customer?

Apparently the other employees are still cleaning up the dining room and eating their own meals.

"Yeah, I actually had a consultation..."

Jen first explained that he wanted to hang a "toughening (toughening)" for preservation in this building.

"I want to thank you for listening to me during the day and protect this historic building."

With that being said, they naturally look at me with a surprised (a lot) shiny face.

"If you...?

But that's assumed.

"Yes, even if it looks like this, it's the end of Magic Engineer."

And Jen pointed to Hope,

"This Hope was made by me."

Speaking of,

"Oh......! Wonderful work."

And you seem to have recognized Jen's arm.

"Don't you mind if I leave it to you, stepfather?


So Jen, to make another push.

I decided to try it and have it hang on the walls, floors, and ceiling of the room.

"" Toughened "…" Toughened "…" Toughened "

Once on six sides, multiply six times to complete. Nothing changes what it looks like.


"Oh, this is amazing indeed"

Gregoras Pecker seems to have some magical engineering skills, and I saw Jen hanging 'Toughening (Toughening)' definitely working.

"Customers are definitely top notch 'magicians (Magicraftsmen)', aren't they? Are you referring to the Empire of Shawlo as" Magic Engineer "?

"That's what I mean"

Jen was relieved that this seemed to convince me.

Here goes yet another errand.

"Uh, I'd like to ask you one thing, isn't this town a healer?

"... Yep. I have a pharmacist, but the healing home disappeared about 20 years ago."

"I knew it."

That's why Gregoras' leg hasn't completely healed, Jen guessed.

"Uh, my wife...... Elsa is a healer. Let me check on you if you like. Oh, don't worry about it."

Both Gregoras Pecker and Alana Becker were surprised by this.

In the kingdom of Franz today, both healers and healers demand very little and hence a high cost for check-ups and treatments.

"Oh, that's..."

So when they said, 'I'm fine with the money,' I couldn't trust that all of a sudden, could I?

"Well, I've been on my own, but I don't have a healing home yet, so I'd like to take this opportunity to gain experience."

That's what Jen added when he came up with it.

"I see, I thought you were still young, was that what you meant"

Surprisingly this seems to have been accepted,

"Shall I examine you then? Please."

And they were to see his legs.

"First, let me examine you"

Gregoras is asked to sit back in his chair, and Elsa sits in its front for an examination.

"…" Diagnosis ""

It is the magic of the Imperial Examination of Shawlo.

"…" Diagnosis ""

As a result of a number of visits, the site of the examination was changed.

"Okay. The ligament of the right knee is chronically inflamed."

According to Elsa's description, the intestinal tibial ligament (ginger) is under intense tension, and for this reason, it rubs with the bone around the lateral right knee, causing inflammation.

"You have the illusion that your pain meds have temporarily improved, but your symptoms have not improved. If the cause is not removed, it will recur."

Intestinal tibial ligament (ginger) flame is also a symptom of Runner's Nee, Runner's knee.

An iliac ligament is a fibrous bundle of fascia that leads from the iliac (gingikotsu) (= bone of the pelvis) to the fibula (hikotsu) (= bone outside the tibia (shin)) through the transverse exterior of the thigh.

The ligament is inflamed by the convex area of the femur at the knee and rubbed (rubbed) area of the femur.

Surgically, the convex part of the femur may be scraped, but it is often dealt with by relieving tension in the iliac ligament.

In other words, it loosens the iliac ligament itself by relaxing the muscles connected to the iliac ligament.

"'Pain Relief (Schmelzmittel)' … 'Allowance (Behandern)'"

After reducing the pain in the affected area, Elsa applies treatment to relieve the overall tension.

If you care too much about the affected area, nothing will heal.

And furthermore,

"'Recovery (Heirng)'"

The entire body was conditioned as a finish.

"How about that, right?

Asked by Elsa, Gregoras, when he stood up, his right leg malaise was gone like a clean, refreshing melt.

"Oh, it's better! Thanks! Hey, you're a famous doctor!

And I was thrilled.

Elsa is

"No, welcome. We have had a valuable experience."

and humble.

The general, Alana, who watched it,

"Well customer, thank you. Let's thank you."

And how I was thrilled.

"No, I had a good experience with this one."

And Jen, who says no as planned.

"Don't say that."

"No, really."

Don't hesitate.

No, not this time.

After the push question of…

"We will now offer free accommodation today and tomorrow."

It settled on a line that was not difficult.

After that, Jen hung "toughening" over the entire inn, thus fulfilling his original purpose.

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