Magi Craft Meister

58-31 Examination, treatment

Najas Khan's father, Viscount Astero de Khan, appeared to be in much worse shape.

"Father, this is Her Majesty's guest, Sir Gin Nido of Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz and Elsa, the healer behind it"

"Oh... I slept, I slept, I slept, I slept, I slept..."

It seemed spicy to talk, and the last one's words were quite cut off.

"" Diagnosis ""

Elsa used "Diagnose" before the examination.

"... after all, my lungs are barely functioning.... In the mine, what can be picked?

"Uh, he said it was aluminum."

It was Najas who answered. Viscount Astero de Khan is also nodding when he hears it.

"... dust lungs (min-yes)"

I also call him Himpa.

inhalation of dust, a condition that caused irreversible lesions in lung tissue by its retention in the lungs.

If you inhale voxel or aluminium powder, the symptoms appear fast.


Jen was also convinced.

The Viscount's feet from the blanket have also seen edema (fuchsia), or swelling.

"Quite, the symptoms are progressing"


It was when he tried to ask Elsa what she said.

"NARGEOUS! What are you doing!!

Momentum opened the door to the hospital room, little fat...... no, a round warrant ran in...... so I walked in.

"Sister... Sama"

In those words, a round girlfriend, Narun de Khan, three Khan women, also gave Jen and Elsa an idea.

"Ho... Ho..."

The Viscount seems to want to say something too, but he coughs up and doesn't seem to have a voice.

"I will not allow you to see your father, who knows no one!

Said Reiko, who could not be known anywhere, half-step forward.

"You're rude with anybody anywhere. This is Magicraft Jazz, a modern magician, an honorary citizen of the Kingdom of Franz and honorary advisor to the Crown, Sir Gin Nido."

"Oh... Shit, what's the proof!?

"That's really rude. … If this is a fake, I must say to Her Majesty the Queen."

Saying, Reiko took the misrill plate out of the apron.

"Oh, wow... I'm sorry! Remember, Najas!!

That's what she said, and the round lady left the room.

"It's quiet now. Elsa, please continue your examination."


Reordered, Elsa decided to leave the hospital room first.

Washing and revealing to patients sometimes works negatively.

"Okay, here we go"


Elsa, who was put through to the reception room, continued her words.

"Foreign matter sucked into the lungs… perhaps powder of alumina from voxels can be removed by engineering magic. But my dysfunctional lungs won't heal."


It was a nagging drop of shoulders with disappointment, but Elsa goes on to say more.

"... you need 'Full Speed (Ferrigenase)' to return a deactivated lung"

"I've heard of it. It's the finest healing magic, right?... that there are not many people in the world who can use it..."

"Mm-hmm. Besides, it can't heal in one go. Every day, every day… yes, I think we need to keep hanging for a month"

It also took a long time for Jen to restore the body made of Magyatom to life.

Listen to the period, disappointingly iterative nagging.

"Yes, a month... isn't there a healer who stays for such a long time..."

It was the norm in the Kingdom of Franz that healers were valuable people and that treatment would require enormous gratuities.

There's no way you can withhold such a healer for a month and pay a daily gratuity.

But Elsa said something about the diagonal side of Najas' mind.

"If only you'd do it"


"I've said this before. You have the gift of a healer.... I should have learned from the basics and spent two to three years mastering it..."

"On this occasion, let them master"

"Yea eh!!!

Round your eyes, Najas.

"Of course, you won't be able to name 'healers' because you haven't taken regular steps, and you won't be able to use any other healing magic as it is, and most importantly, you'll only be able to use it once or twice a day because of the enormous amount of magic you consume..."

It's full of disadvantages, Elsa says.

"... but if you can last a month, your father will be cured.... What do we do?

"I will!

It was a quick answer.

"Mm, that's what I wanted to hear. You do have a healer's talent."

And Elsa and the others headed to the hospital room again.

First of all, Elsa,

"Viscount, I will treat you"

and hung up,

"'Pain Relief (Schmelzmittel)'"

And, just in case you do the pain meds,


and dust such as alumina flour and voxel flour were removed from the body.

"Ko... is this...?

In red and black stained dust, the nudges go away.

"Foreign body that was in the body. This was eroding the Viscount's lungs."

If I hung 'Extraction' right after inhaling it, it wouldn't have looked like this, Elsa says.

"But there's more to that story.... good, watch carefully first. …" Full Speed (Ferrigenesen) "

A pale light wrapped the chest of Viscount Astero de Khan.


When that light subsided, the Viscount, slightly better-blooded,

"Easy...... now. Did you say, Master Elsa? Thank you."

And he uttered the words without coughing.

"Inflammatory bronchi and trachea should have healed"

As a precaution, Elsa saw how things were going at the "Examination (Diagnose)"

"Mm, it's okay. However, with more than 90% loss of lung function, we need the daily 'Full Fast (Ferrigenese)' from now on. And a dedicated cannibal diet."

"Full Speed (Ferrigenese)" is a magic that enhances healing power to the extreme. In other words, activate cells and encourage cell division.

However, nutrition for this purpose is supplied from the person's body. I mean, if you don't get nourished, you can't even cure what's cured.

"And then there's the medicine.... I'll give you this later"

Percica juice prepared in Penglai is nutritious and therefore suitable for invigorating the seriously ill.

I was always ready for 'Hurricane' so I was going to give a few bottles to Najas after this.

"Thank you, Master Elsa! You are the Messiah of the Khan family! I'm a big benefactor!!

But Elsa shook her head to the side.

"Yeah, healers, that's the job. I just did what I could. And then you, heal your father, give him."

"Yes...... yes!

Najas bowed his head deeply as he wept.

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