"Hmm, they're not even in Blueland..."

I was still looking for Elsa on Penglai Island with Jen.

"What shall I say to Meine..."

It's eight o'clock in Penglai. The jet lag with Koh Chang is about an hour. It's seven o'clock over there, and it's a strange time to go home.

"Well, do I have to be honest..."

Jen can only imagine the consequences of being yelled at because the previous meane is burned in the back of his brain.

Still, Jen jumps to Koh Chang and meets Meine.

"Master Jin, Elsa seems slow, is something wrong?

Look at Meine with a worried face, Jen's hip can pull. but keep your mind back on it,

"Elsa's... gone missing."

and was Jen speaking honestly.

"Huh? Missing? Elsa did? What happened?

Thankfully, Meine accepted the fact without going backwards or grasping Jen. Warp your face worryingly, of course.


Jen also explains what he has done so far by sharing his assumptions. I heard the whole thing, Meine, squeaking.

"She must have been looking through the portal (warp gate) with curiosity..."

That was a pretty good guess, but that doesn't change the status quo.

"Anyway, I'm searching as hard as I can, so don't worry... I don't want you to worry too much"

And, Jen. It would be impossible for the dialogue to be somewhat ruptured.

"Yes, Master Jin is the one who helped that child and me out. They're looking for Elsa again, I believe."

That's what Jen said. He felt the pressure, but he didn't put it on his face. He moaned it big.

"Leave it to me."

That is why he left Koh Chang after him.

"Sir, how could Elsa have transferred?

Ann has been asking questions. It's like a question or confirmation to find the cause.

"Hmm, authentication didn't work well, or..."

"You had something with your magic."

Jen once struck her hand when she heard about it.

"Yes, it must be! I wonder why I didn't think of it sooner."

I just think Elsa was panicking when she was gone.

Reflecting, Jen gives instructions to Old Master.

"Old man, my magic as I searched for Elsa before..."

The instruction blurred my buttocks.

"My lord, what is it?

Old man asked in surprise. Jen figured it out, with a face that

"Well, maybe so! Elsa was wearing the brooch I gave her! Right, Reiko?

Jen basically doesn't pay much attention to people's outfits. In my outfit, too.

"Uh, yeah, I think he did have a brooch on his chest,"

Reiko didn't really care either. Something similar. I might say father and son.

Well, in Reiko's case, he may just have a weak interest in people other than Jen.

"You don't seem to be mistaken first, old man. Same brooch I used to look for Elsa. Find me a target."


Old man used a magic detector (Magilader) to begin his search for Elsa.

The exploration point is where the transfer gate (warp gate) is located.

Potlock, Blueland, the 8th Fort Trail, and….

"Your husband (My Road), there is a reaction in the village of Kaina"

About half an hour after you started exploring, a report of your discovery came in.

"It was Kaina Village!

Jen reassures me that it's not a dangerous place for now.

"You must have inadvertently gone out there and been prevented from returning by the junction."

As a characteristic of this hand junction, it is easy to get out of it, but you cannot get in from the outside. It's mainly related to the magic flow that activates, but I won't go into detail here.

"Nevertheless, the village of Kaina..."

Jen looks away.

"It was definitely last December when I left Kaina village, and it's April now, so it's about four months..."

Four months I don't know if it's long or short. A lot happened in the meantime. No, there was too much.

Now that he has earned the title of Honorary Magician of the Kingdom of Egerea "Onorali Magicraftsman", he will not be able to do any more harm if he returns to the village of Kaina.

But I really just want to avoid bothering the village.

"Anyway, I'll have to go tomorrow morning,"

But Elsa is also worried. I don't care how many people in Kaina Village say they are good people.

So Jen contacted Gong and Gen in Kaina Village, as well as Hannah's dedicated covert mobile unit (SP).

"Yes, it's Illis."

Iris of the Concealed Mobility Unit (SP) responded on behalf of the Jen made it easier to talk about Elsa's disappearance and asked him if he saw Elsa going that way at the end. The answer is:

"Yes, if it's the woman you think she is, she's definitely here."


"A 16- or 7-year-old woman named Elsa is staying at the house of Mr. Geebeck, the village chief. Hair Is Platinum Blonde '

I was definitely Elsa.

"He seems to be welcomed by the niece of a village chief named Barbara. Hannah is with you. '

Jen relieves me when I hear that.

"Okay. I'll pick you up tomorrow. Until then, Hannah, of course, be careful to make sure nothing happens to Elsa."

'Yes, let Gong guard the area around the house'

Then I'll get through to you.

It's after 9pm in Penglai time now. The jet lag with the village of Kaina is about two hours and a little, so around 7: 00 at night. It is already dark. It's time for the family to go to sleep.

I can't help it if I go at that hour. It would be more annoying than that, and it could be a fuss.

Jen let down his inner grid that way. And talk to Reiko.

"Reiko, Elsa was definitely transferring to the village of Kaina"

"Kaina Village, is it"

"Oh. Tomorrow, right, eight o'clock local time, then you'll be fine. I think I'll pick you up."

That's what Jen said with a determined face.

"Father, are you going back to Kaina Village?

Reiko told me to check.

"Oh. At least show everyone a safe face, and then we'll start with that"

Jen is not afraid to deal with one country right now. But I wanted to avoid a fight. That's the village of Kaina, so it's a shame.

"I'm going to go dressed as Honorary Magician of the Kingdom of Egerea, Onorari Magicraftsman."

It is a one-off self-assertion.

"Yes, I'll have peach blossoms and magic cannons"

"No, because I don't want either"

I don't think Kaina Village needs that, and I hope it doesn't.

And Jen fell asleep, half anxious to reunite the next day, and half-hearted.

"So, Mr. Elsa was in a runoff at the Transition Gate?

This is Kaina Village Chief, Geebeck House. The time is evening.

Barbara and Elsa are having a chat after a little early dinner. Most of them are schematics where Barbara talks a lot and Elsa answers.

"Mm-hmm. Runaway, maybe a little different than"

"Really? But the transfer gate (warp gate)? Is that common?

"Huh? What do you mean?

Barbara explains to Elsa, who looks surprised.

"Someone flew through the Transition Gate last year."

Elsa was a little thrilled to hear that.

"So, what about that guy?

"I'm not here anymore. It was a misunderstanding, but my lord around here, the Earl of Walter, put me on suspicion, so I left the village. I've already solved the misunderstanding, but I can't tell you because I'm not coming back."

"So that..."

Geebeck came when Elsa tried to say something. There's a little girl on the side.

"Oh, Hannah, what's wrong, at this hour?

It's almost 5pm. That's not why Barbara asked.

"You know, Elsa, I'm worried about you"


With a slightly surprised face, Elsa saw Hannah's face.

"Yeah. I thought you'd miss coming here alone."

Elsa smiles when she hears that.

"Thanks.... Hannah, right?

"Yeah, well, I'm sorry I didn't give you a name,"

That's what I said. Hannah lowered her head with a pepper. Look at that. Elsa laughs furiously.

"It's okay. Thanks to Hannah for saving me."

That's what we talked about. Barbara brought another chair.

"Hannah, please sit here. I've been asking Elsa a lot now. Hannah will talk to you too, won't she?

I said. Hannah cheers up.


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