Magi Craft Meister

10-13 Blue-haired automatic doll

"Is that an automatic doll (automata) you want me to fix?"

"Bye. Unfortunately, there are magicians (Magicraftsmen) in my kingdom of Klein. Everyone throws a spoon."

Princess Reeschen said that unfortunately.

"Anything tells me there's a brilliant magician (Magicraftsman) in a remote village, but he could have escaped because of an idiot named Uncle Walter."


It was something I heard somewhere.

"Yeah? Have you heard of your Lord, too? … at all, the old aristocrats are absorbed solely in defending their rights, and do not consider the interests of the country, the interests of the people"

With that said, the princess looked at Jessica next door,

"This Jessica is also a new nobleman. Sometimes I wonder if I could replace all the nobles."

"Her Royal Highness, around..."

Jessica slowly blocked it.

"Um, yeah. It also makes customers from other countries listen to foolishness. So Jin, I'm going to ask you to go to the royal palace with your concubine."

It seems unlikely at the earliest stage that it can be rejected. Jen gave up and accepted. But...

"If I don't have the ingredients, I can't fix what I can."

I won't forget to say that. Then the princess,

"Ugh... what are we going to need?

and looked difficult. Jen explains.

"It depends on where it's hurting. I need to check all this out."

Anyway, check-up first, so the carriage with the line set off. On both sides are accompanied by four Kingsguard knights.

In a spare room with the princess, Jessica, Jen, Elsa, Hannah and Reiko on board.

That, too, should be a four-headed carriage. However, the ride is not very comfortable. but the road is cobblestone, so it's helping. Mostly Jen.

The carriage was headed for the building, or royal palace, that lies ahead of it, which stuck Central Avenue.

"Is it okay if we go together?

And Jen asked, and Jessica answered this.

"It is the Royal Palace that is on its way, but even the same Royal Palace, because it is the equivalent of a detached palace, security and management are loose compared to the main palace. Not to mention that this carriage is for royalty only, so it's easy to check."

And Princess Reeschen will also provide a supplementary explanation.

"A concubine is a third princess. I have two older brothers and two older sisters upstairs. Moreover, a princess who is not an adult has no right to inherit the throne. So royalty is not easy to deal with."

Prince Ernest was also a concubine, Jen recalled. Somehow, I feel like such a royal would be better done, but I just can't get it out of my mouth.

The outhouse was a building on the left, or west edge, towards the front of the royal palace. It's a little different from Jen's imagined out-of-house, but I'm convinced it might be something like that if the world were different.

Hannah is obsessed with looking out the window because it is the first carriage she has ever ridden. Elsa was looking out the window with a face she said was a little interested.

"Here we are, here we are"

The carriage door opens from the outside and a stepping stone is provided for getting off.

First of all, Reiko descends and is alert. Of course nothing happened.

Jen pulled Hannah's hand off, and Elsa went down alone, a little envious of it.

"Jessica, thank you for your hard work. You can back off now."

That's what the princess said, but Jessica shook her head.

"No, I'll be with you till the end of the day"

"Serious guy, I wish this handled magic well...... okay"

With that said, the princess crept through a rather huge entrance to the building, albeit out-of-house.

Jens continues later with Jessica's lead. The Jessica was a little grumpy with a word from the princess.

There is no more popular (one person) than I thought. Looks like we're understaffed here, too.

What caught my eye was an automatic doll (Automata). I could see she was wearing samurai clothes and making up for the shortage of manpower. But.

"Hmm, why is there so much crap coming?

This is Jen's impression of seeing the Samurai Automatic Dolls (Automata). Elsa, too,

"Brother Jin, there's something wrong with the automatic doll here (Automata). It's creeping."

I said. I'm used to seeing the golems made by Jen on Penglai and Kushiro, so I guess I can see the difference in that movement now.

Whether she heard such conversation or not, the princess walked silently and stopped in front of one room.

"Not here."

Hands on the door, turning around, the princess makes a sad voice.

"Jin, please, I want you to fix her (...)"

And I opened the door myself.

The walls of that room are hung with tapestries with flowers and butterflies, and soft young grassy carpets on the floor. It looked like a children's room from the atmosphere.

"Wow, pretty heya"

I guess Hannah got the same impression, she uttered those words.

"Well, this is the children's room when the concubine was little."

The princess's eyes, who said so, were only moisturized by her heart.

"Take off your shoes and come in."

With that said, the princess took off her scorched brown shoes properly and stepped on the carpet. Jens also continue. Only Jessica stood guarding the entrance.

Look around the room feeling the feel of a soft carpet on the soles of your feet. A crib is placed in one corner, with one shadow sitting beside it.


"... Ann?

Jen and Elsa speak almost simultaneously.

Sitting there was an automatic doll with blue hair (Automata), which at a glance was seen to be homogeneous to Ann.


The princess heard the whine.

"She's not by that name. 'Tier'. Of a concubine... one of the nannies."

Jen didn't miss hearing that voice sound sad. So, I'll go by the 'tier'.

It's definitely an automated doll of the same type as Ann (Automata). The save state was some more than it was at Ann's discovery.

But it's stopped. Before investigating the cause, Jen threw a question at the princess.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Reeschen, how did you get this tier?

The princess reacted perfectly when she heard it.

"Jin, from whom, not how. Well, the Lord knows, doesn't he? Surely Tia is not a recently made one. They found it from the ruins."

I still think Jen heard that.

"Tia was an automatic doll, but she was also a concubine's nanny. When I was a child, I heard that my concubine contained or even used her milk."

Sure, if it's Ann's homologous machine, it's got nipples, too. It may be a custom thing to say that you have breastfeeding.

"When the concubine was conscious, Tia couldn't move, even if she could talk. Still, it made me listen to a lot of stories and songs. Bye..."

A leaning princess.

"Three years ago, Tia suddenly stopped moving. I showed it to a magician in my country, but he told me that the structure was different from that of an automatic doll today and couldn't be fixed."

Tears shine in its eyes.

"Our country is a backward country in automatic dolls (automata) and golem technology. I have heard that the Kingdom of Egerea uses many golems and automatic dolls (automata) in this regard. Many of the automatic dolls that work here today were bought from the Kingdom of Egerea."

With that said, the princess gently touched Tia's cheek, which stopped moving.

"I remember. Tia, Tia's body was warm. Other automatic dolls (automata) are not cold, but not even warm."

And the princess stared at Jin, and took his hand,

"I know Tia is a special automatic doll (Automata). But the concubine wants to hear Tia's voice again. Ugh, Jin. Please! I need you to fix Tia!

I can see how serious Princess Reeschen, who was full of energy, is getting desperate.

"Oh, dear, please just give it to your uncle. You can do it, can't you?

That's what Hannah says and stares at Jen. Elsa won't say anything, but the more I see that face, the more I know what I want to say.

Jen himself hasn't changed his desire to fix it.

"Okay, I'll do what I can."

That's what I said, I decided to check on Tia.

Even though it was better preserved than Ann's, the magical skin (magical skin) is deteriorating and losing its elasticity, and the magical muscle (magical muscle) is several thousand cuts away.

There was distortion in the skeleton and considerable rattling in the joints.

However, the biggest cause of stopping working is the Magnetic Converter (ether converter).

According to Jen's view, the Magic Crystal (Magic Crystal) forming the Magic Converter (Ether Converter) had deteriorated, and it was too low at the Free Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic (Ether) concentrations in this era to refine Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic (Mana).

Now, there's no way most magicians (Magicraftsmen) in this country can fix it.

"What do you say? You think you can fix it?

Jen laughs at the princess asking worried,

"It's okay, you can fix it. However, you need Magic Crystals of all attributes."

I told him. The princess smiles when she hears that.

"Okay! Magic crystal of all attributes! I'll have it ready right away!

That's what I said, I ordered Jessica to do something to stand at the entrance and exit. The Jessica walks out into the hallway and will be back soon.

Instructions would have been given to other servants or automatic dolls (automata).

Keiko ordered Tia to lie on the floor for easy maintenance until the Magic Crystal was delivered.

"Your Highness, I'll take my clothes off to fix the tier, are you sure?

I'll ask that as a courtesy for once. Of course the princess nodded.

"Can Elsa take her clothes off and do it for me?"

I felt Elsa's gaze staring at me was cold, so Jen decided to ask for it.


Answer briefly, Elsa hangs Tia's clothes off. Clothes looked like recent objects and didn't get blurry.

Aprons, slippery underwear when you take off a piece. There is no bra as usual in this world. Underwear is Drawers tied with strings.

"No drawers for now"

Jen stopped Elsa where she made him take off his slip. Assuming it's the same as Ann, it's a lot of danger.

And stop trying to peel off the magical skin (magical skin) on your chest.

"Your Highness, you are about to partially autopsy Tia. I don't know if I can show you. I'll leave it to His Highness to judge."

Princess Reeschen leaned down and thought a little bit, but eventually when she looked up to see if she had made up her mind,

"Let me see. It's what my concubine asked for, and most importantly, whatever she looks like, Tia is Tia. You'll see the concubine."

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