Magi Craft Meister

23-43 Request for immediate action/start of repair

"For my kingdom of Klein, I would suggest that Prince César reign in office and send delegates from all countries as a hindsight."

The first to speak was Prince Arthur's second prince.

"Um, I think it's okay to be my Egerea kingdom. And delegates know that the same number is desirable in each country."

The Duke of Blu also agreed with me.

And the Marquis of Florenciano also told him that it was in agreement.

"My empire, Shauro, agrees with that."

Marquis Gaelen Theoderick spoke on behalf of the Empress, the lady in the role of Speaker.

"... the only one left is Jin, no," Jin ", but do you have another opinion?

"Yes, no, I agree with that opinion myself. I think it would be a good idea to speak to Prince Wang soon after this."

Jen panicked a little when asked for his opinion, but his thoughts were clustered so he could respond immediately.

After all, as you said, Jen was also treated on an equal footing with national representatives.

"Then, unanimously, it was decided that His Royal Highness Prince César would be advised to take office."

As secretary, Reinhardt and Matheus, plus Fritz running the pen.

The number of secretaries is high in order to give seven copies of the same...... to the Empire of Shouro, the Kingdom of Egerea, the Kingdom of Klein, the Kingdom of Franz, the Kingdom of Elias, you, and the key Cellular kingdom.

I don't have a copy, so it's a little tricky but I can't help it.

The ones written up will be looked at and signed by national delegates on all seven of them.

Looking at how it was going, Jen thought it would be difficult in the future if we didn't do something about the preparation of these minutes.

"... definitely"

All seven pieces were sighted and signed for confirmation. redistribute that once again to the national representatives,

"I shall now go to His Royal Highness Prince César."

So the Empress stood up.

"Delegates, please come with us at least one person at a time"

Nevertheless, there was no choice but to remain here, so all those present left the meeting room behind.

Add the golem of the escort and take him with you out of the hotel. A guard soldier tried to say something, but when Fritz and Matheus explained, he saluted and pulled back.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what are you doing here?"

The Gyom outhouse had been half-destructed, so Prince Wang was in a medium-sized hall called the 'Sybere Hall', which was built further behind it. Therefore Sibere is the predecessor of King Rishar. For Prince César, it is his grandfather.

"I say with knowledge that it will be an interference in internal affairs, but we have come to advance that His Royal Highness Prince Prince César Valore will reign in order to converge the chaos of the Kingdom of Celluloa, and hence in the peace of his own country, to become César Valor de Celluloa"

It was Prince Arthur who opened his mouth as the representative of a line. It was a decision made on the road so far that it might be better to tell from him that he was in the same position as the prince than the empress said.


"No, I also understand that your father was shocked by that. But if you are royal, you must do your duty."

Prince Arthur stands quite a valve.

"I apologize for my disrespect. The current king's condition is that there is no prospect of recovery in the eyes of Elsa Himei here. And it's worrying that the country doesn't have leaders."


"If you say you have to follow the procedures necessary for your reign, you can do so provisionally. Your Highness, be king for your country, for your people."

Seems King César's prince has made up his mind whether there was anything to feel in Arthur's words that unusually waved his hot valve.

"Okay.... As you can see in this writing, ladies and gentlemen, could you help me?

"Yes, of course."

Everyone nodded loudly.

"Thank you. I will now move as far as I can to César Valor de Cellulois"

"Your Highness, I'll help you with anything we can."

To Prince Arthur's words, Prince Wang nodded slowly.

"First of all, we need to use the symbol of the King, the" Keys ", in this hand and make a declaration of reign in front of the Cabinet. Fortunately, because of this disturbance, all those who remained in the capital are gathered here, so I would like to thank you for your reign, although this is a brief ceremony soon after."

"What's that key?

Because of the first item I heard, Jen asked unexpectedly.

"Our country is proud of its magic engineering. For this reason, there are a number of magic tools that can only be activated by the King, but they are literally 'keys' to their activation."

The shape is not generally the key, but seems to be close to Jen's seal of knowledge. It looks like you can activate the dedicated Magic Instrument by pressing it.

Isn't that what Laoko said, the 'key' to entering the odd building, Jen thought?

"But my father, the king, is in that state, and there is a little resistance to taking his own hand..."

They are originally awarded by the Predecessor in front of the Cabinet and the people, along with the throne.

"It's an emergency, though. What do we say, but don't worry too much."

Prince Arthur is nine years younger, but he was quite in the hall to forgive César in that calm atmosphere.

"Your Highness!"

Here comes the cabinet. It is composed of four members: Lambrough, Secretary of the First Ministry of the Interior; Rattant, Secretary of the First Ministry of Technology; Beaujorie, Secretary of the First Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and Laguede, Secretary of the First Military Ministry.

The wound seems to have healed completely.

"Oh, everyone, come to a good place"

"Your Highness, I heard His Majesty was suddenly ill and flew away"

said Lambrough out of breath.

"To the importance of such a nation, unless you were wounded and asleep."

Secretary of the First Military Ministry, LaGade, tells the story of a boneless man.

Prince Wang looked over the four before opening his mouth quietly.

"Mm-hmm. Exactly. And no recovery is expected for the time being. Therefore, I have decided to reign"

"What is it!!

Water in his sleeping ear, and four others who panicked all the time.

but when he understood what it meant to have national representatives gathered on the spot, he knelt (knelt) before César in a respectful manner.

"... I pledge my allegiance to His Majesty the New King"

"Uhm. Nice to meet you"

"Ha ha."

"Then I give the first order. Good with the easiest ceremony, so be prepared for the reign in the near future"


I bowed my head deeply, and the four of them went down.

"Now, tomorrow or the day after, a thank-you for your reign will be executed. Until then, what you do is pile up. The problem is that I can't hear the words of the concession from my father. My mother is already in the other world."

The new king, César, looking back, smiled lonely.

"As promised, we'll do everything we can to help."

The Empress of the Emperor Shouro contracted with a gentle slap on the shoulder of the new king.

Jen and Reinhardt were to work on restarting the golem, which stopped working, as Jen had expected the day before.

And a magician (Magicraftsman) was also sent by the Kingdom of Cellular.

"Are you Lord Reinhardt? It's a pleasure to meet you."


Reinhardt was shaking hands with a magician (Magicraftsman) from the Kingdom of Cellular.

His name is Yarmer Baltz Gamma.

He is the magician (Magicraftsman) who created The Vajra Warrior.

That ranking is gamma, or third place, because he was demoted at the triennial selection meeting this past January because he suffered defeat by the Black Knight of Reinhardt (Schwartzlitter), but he didn't even take such a bite out of it, and Yalmer was laughing and shaking hands with Reinhardt.

Yalmer Baltz Gamma is 27 years old and three years older than Reinhardt. He had grey eyes on scorched brown hair and was as small as Jen.

Reinhardt was surprised that the person who created that 'Adamas Warrior' was so young. Put your own thing on the shelf.

And he introduces Jen to Yarmur.

"This is Sir Jin Nido, Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz."

Yarmur revealed his joy like a child when he heard it.

"You! I hear you! I am a magic engineer. I'd like to take this opportunity to beg you to teach me a lot."

To that thing that doesn't make you feel behind it at all, Jen just...

"I'm afraid."

I just replied.

"Now let's get to work"

"It would be comforting to have Lord Yarmur, the producer, with us."

Their job is to change the owner of the Golem Automatic Doll (Automata), who has set his predecessor Richard as his sole master, to the new king César.

Another person will be in charge of the stopped Magic Instruments.

Elsa also has enough skill to help, but since it is needed by the treatment unit, it is up to you. All I'm helping is Reiko.

Ann and Lao Zi also plan to gather a lot of information under the guise of a wind that helps remove debris and confirm the outhouse.

Lily and Rose are 'Conlon 2' guards. Because it doesn't necessarily mean that no one will try to steal it out of confusion.

Fritz uses' Goliath 'to help with reinforcement work to prevent the broken outhouse from collapsing any further.

The majority of the other representatives of the countries had exchanged various consultations in order to prevent the confusion associated with the new King's reign.

Some of them were as shabby as Marcia, Jessica, and Cynthia.

In the meantime, Prince César seemed to be searching for a key seal (kenzi) to bear witness to the king, but had not yet found it.

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