Magi Craft Meister

24-30 Ann's turn

"Anne. Right..."

Anne is now remodeled and enhanced, and at the beginning of her discovery, no, she has many times more performance than when she was manufactured.

It has roughly half the power of Reiko and is not an issue such as a regular combat golem.

"Some of it is missing, but I also have memories of the time. I know I'm in charge here."

"My Lord, I don't know if I can take care of this place."

"Father, I recommend you too."

Old man and Reiko also push Ann, so Jen decided his heart too.

"All right, then let's ask Anne. Don't just be impotent, okay?

"Yes, leave it to me"

"Let's do a check"

Jen asked Elsa, Reiko, to help him, and ran Ann's checks on every part.

Later added functions such as transfer devices, force field generators, and barrier generators (barrier projectors) will also be taken to full condition. Of course, the transfer device for returning to Penglai is already built in.

Finally, give them a transfer gun and a plasma sword for protection.

"Okay, this will do. Go easy on me."

"Yes, I'm going"

The old transporter you operated moved Anne to where Leggles43 was, or the cell underground.

There lies the disoriented, tied nine.

"Is Leggles43... outside"

When I go outside the room, I notice that the door to the next room is open. Take a peek and there was Leggles43. He found Ann coming in and nodded small.

"Leggles43, do you have any new information?

"Especially. Inside the fort is a quiet thing."

We have a short exchange, and Anne finally goes underground.

The path cannot be lost if Sam and the others continue as they have followed.

For some reason there was no security, such as a golem, and soon came to the third basement, near where I thought there was a demonic brainchild.

(Lord Ann, this way)

Sam 1 came to guide Ann. It does not speak to voices, but is communicated by a built-in magic communication machine (manacam).

(Copy that)

Ann also responded with a built-in Magnetic Communicator (Manacam).

Guided was the third basement floor of the fort, where it seems central.

Suddenly my voice echoed there. Somewhere, I guess, there are boundaries like that.

"Who's there?"

Just like when Sam and I were together, who was going to do what? This time there was no saying 'I don't see him, though'. You'll be looking at it from somewhere.

"I am Ann. I serve you, my husband."

"Hmm, I see. Automatic Dolls (Automata) do serve my husband. So who's the master?

"I can't answer that at this stage"

"Then let's change the question. Like Anne, what's your purpose?

"It's the liberation of a captive human being."

I can't approve of that. Because it's too dangerous. "


That's right. It seems that the spirit is broken, such as strife among fellow countrymen. You can't let such a person go wild. "

"Really...... too bad. Now, let's change the question too. Do you have someone you can call your husband?

No. I can only order the Commander, but he's not here right now. "

It was useful information. The old man, who is getting information through Ann, gave Ann instructions to ask more questions about the 'Commander'.

"'Commander'? What kind of person is that?

"The Commander is the chief officer of the fort."

I immediately assumed not in this way of asking, Anne changed the way she asked the question.

"Can you distinguish 'Commander'?



Easy. "The Commander has a staff."

"Command wand, is it?"

That's right.

It is easy to imagine that a command wand is not just a wand. I guess there's something that will be the key to authentication.

There was also a lack of information on this, and it was unlikely that a solution could be reached in the short term.

Old man gave Anne instructions and decided to let her pursue another possibility.

"What is the significance of your presence?

Naturally, it's a service to humanity.

"So what is humanity? What's that definition?

"The group to which my producer belongs, that would be humanity."

"But it's been over 300 years since you were made, hasn't it?


"Then naturally, the producer doesn't exist anymore, does it?

That's self-explanatory, too.

"So what do you define as humanity?

"What... is that..."

"Can't you define that and not take decisive action?


"What do you think?

"... a blue-haired automatic doll (Automata), did you say Anne? Admit it."

"Really? Then one more thing. Do you want information?


"That's right. You seem to have analyzed the prisoner's knowledge, but you have more extensive and in-depth information."

If that's what you have, it's what you need to know.

"Really? Then let me go a little closer to you."

"Because of what?

"To give you information,"

To this word, 'brains' used plenty of five seconds to think, then they responded.

"I can't approve that. I follow self-preservation orders to avoid sending disturbing molecules."

"Am I a disturbing molecule?

"Exactly. You're telling me to unconditionally trust someone like that, who can get inside the fort without my knowledge?

"… I can easily destroy you. Can you trust me for not doing that?

"It's no use trying to deceive me. Blue-haired automatic doll (Automata), I know how you guys perform. You can't put one scratch on me."

But Ann denied it.

"That's already the lack of information. I am not the Automatic Doll with Blue Hair (Automata) you know. It has been modified and enhanced by Ojo."

"Hmm, well, let me prove it. Thunder Baptism

Before that word was over, a 50-million-volt lightning strike struck Ann.

"Did you hit him directly? Looks like it was just the tip of your mouth."

"What are you talking about? You don't have to avoid that, do you?

Ann was quietly sitting there looking no different than before the lightning strike.

Ann's skin is the same as that of Reiko a while ago, the pterygoid of 'Sea Dragon', which at about 50 million volts doesn't even feel as good as being stabbed by a mosquito.

Natural lightning can be a billion volts at times. A sea dragon is an organism that withstands it.

What is it?

For the first time, 'Brain' reacted like a wolf.

I'm going to ask you now.

Ann walked out.

"Uhm... then" Wind Slash "

It is an attack magic such as over the intermediate wind attribute. Of course Ann looks cool and keeps walking slowly.

Stay away from me!

"No, not unless you trust me."

We're gonna destroy it.

"If you can, go ahead"

Did you say that? Don't regret it, okay?

"My raison d 'être is to be of little help. I will never regret it if it serves that purpose."

"Hmm, I'm ready.... Then break it. Magic Explosion, Mana Explosion.

"I don't like it."

You should have had the ultimate offensive magic, "Magic Explosion", unleashed by "Brain," but Ann doesn't explode and doesn't stop walking. "Brain" didn't make sense.

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