Magi Craft Meister

25-06 Destination

After careful examination, it was established that she had visited here anyway, as her brother Berials assured her that Ruby, which was undoubtedly attached to Alshell's hair ornaments.

The problem is then.

"I'll have to check this area first."

Jen Double used "Acoustic Exploration (Sonar)" and "Underground Exploration (Grand Search)" and decided to look into it, at that time.

"Please wait!

I waited from Reiko, but it takes a while.

"I feel the magic flow"

Such perceptions are higher in Reiko than in Jen Double.

"There could be a Magic Machine near here."

"What? What's the point..."

And Jen Double whispers.

Because many surveillance devices, such as those typical of radar, are more advantageous to install in high places.

"And then..."

The way in which the Magi Machine is handled varies depending on what it is. Jen thought as he stared at the magic projection window (magic screen).

A surveillance system, an attack system, or... a metastasis system?

If it was a surveillance system, you'd better assume you're already known about the Jen Doubles.

Even in the case of an attack system, there is a good chance that some kind of surveillance system will accompany it.

Even in the case of the metastatic system, it is necessary to check if there is anyone there or if there are any obstacles.

It's about acting on the assumption that there's at least a surveillance system, Jen concluded.

Tell that, through Jen Double, to Verials.

Berials thought a little before opening his mouth.

"'Someone' watching us, do you hear me? I'm Berials, Alchel's brother. If you can hear me, please respond."

I waited awhile, but I'm not responding. So Berials said the same thing again.

And again.


But I didn't get a response. The sunset is nearing, and thin darkness is beginning to cover the area.

"Berials, it's too late today. We'll see you tomorrow."

It was when Jen called out like that.

"Give me that!

When Reiko raises her voice and looks in the direction she points her finger.


Part of the summit was glowing a pale light.

Jen, staring at it over the Magic Projection Window (Magic Screen), borrowed Jen Double's mouth to make a guess.

"... Could it be the Transition Gate?

"In this shape, is it?

"That's right. It's probably stored inside, not on the surface of a rock. Let's see how it goes."

Jen Double developed a barrier (barrier) that enveloped herself and Berials when she called Berials.

And a few seconds later, a golem-like thing appeared in the place.

"Visitors, what is the purpose of these men?"

Berials responded to this question.

"As I said earlier, I am Arshel's brother. I'm here to bring my sister back."

The golem who heard this answer nodded loudly and showed it.

"I see, I understand that. So, what about the other two?

"I've come for information about demons underground. Also, my acquaintance" No. 700672 "tells me that it might be the followers of" Original Ancestors (Origins) "who are there, how?

As soon as I heard Jen Double's word 'Origin', the reaction of the golem changed.

"" Original "?... What do you know?

"Not too much. But can you look at this?

Jen Double, just here, showed me the "Crystal Cube" borrowed from No. 700672.

"Is that... Mitianite? Okay, I'll accept you. Come here."

Golem recognized the Jens and invited them.

Jen Doubles snorted and slowly approached the golem after seeing each other for a moment.

"I can't be so vigilant, but I won't let anything happen. Go ahead and wait."

Golem disappeared when he said so. It appears that the transfer gate (warp gate) has been rotated.

"... Lord Jin, let's go"

Berials seems stronger in the thought that he might see his sister Arshel than in the thought that it might be a trap.

I stepped first into the ground emitting microscopic light, which seemed to be the transition range, as if it represented that feeling. Then Jen Double and Reiko.

And the three disappeared from the summit of Mount Ellado.

"... that's an unusual specification"

The destination of the transfer is also naturally inside the transfer gate (warp gate).

Jen was observing the inside of the "unusual specifications" transfer gate (warp gate) through Jen Double's eyes.

"... Oh, is this the receiver? Yeah, that sounds efficient..."

Before Jen Double, who does not fail to make such an observation,

"... Welcome, Lord Jin"

"Who" appeared similar in appearance to No. 700672. The previous golem is holding back.

"I'm '600012'. He's probably got a point, but he's a squire who was serving his' master '. I'm an automatic doll now."

Indeed, his body, named "No. 600012", was an automatic doll (Automata) …, which was also not very well made.


When Jen Double opened his mouth, No. 600012 blocked it,

"Magic engineer Magicraft Jazz, you're Lord Jin. And that's Lord Leiko."

And I said things like I knew Jen and Reiko.

"This still leaves a scourge on the outside world. I know more about Lord Jin than I do. I missed you."

That's what I said and distorted my face.... Apparently, 'I laughed'.

"Well, there must have been someone here before us."

Since I don't see Berials, Jen Double asks No. 600012. Then his face clearly changed.

"It's about that..."

600012 said that in a whisper, he recommended the chair to Jen Double. Reiko doesn't say anything because she knows it's an automatic doll (Automata).

Jen Double is also the body of an automatic doll (Automata), so I don't get tired, but I don't need to dare to splurge, so I honestly decided to thank her and sit back.

"First, I must apologize."

Suddenly No. 600012 lowered his head, so Jen, who is piloting Jen Double, nodded.

"What the hell do you mean? Explain."

"Of course."

"... What is this place?

Meanwhile, Berials passed the transfer gate (warp gate) ahead of Jens.

"... well done"

What appeared before him was a man with a mask covering the upper half of his face. No, I just judged him a man from my voice, and I don't know who he is.

"What about you?

"I'm sixty...... no, call me 'Lochle'"

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