Magi Craft Meister

02 Divine Hidden

"Yeah, you were in an accident, and you were here when you realized it,"

Shukichi Tsui... Shuki, after introducing herself all the way through, Adriana thought a little. There, Shuki raises further questions.

"Speaking of which, I'm supposed to be weird that I'm not seriously injured, but what about that? Did you take care of it?

"Oh, well, you didn't tell me about when you got here. You showed up two days ago in the basement of my lab."


Adriana blocked Shuki from hearing it and trying to say something.

"Wait, let me explain everything. … I'm studying 'space' and 'metastasis' right now. So, there's a singularity right underneath here. That's why it's perfect for research."

That's right, Shuki can't keep her mouth shut anymore.

"I'm sorry, but let me just say one word, too.... I've never heard or seen" magic "outside of the gaga."


Adriana also seemed surprised by the information.

"Hey, let's sort out some information"

"Yes, I agree"

So first, Adriana decided to do the whole explanation.

"I'm Adriana. A magician. A magician is a human being who can use advanced magic. Those who can only use elementary school are simply called wizards."


He is a shuki who wants to pinch a lot of his mouth, but he just shut up and hammered him.

"So, a lot of magicians are studying to develop their area of expertise. I'm studying space and metastasis."

"I thought you said this land was rich in free magic. It's convenient because it seems that free magic (ether) is closely related to the state of space."

So Adriana cut off her words and, uh, deliberately coughed to show them.

"Uh, it seems that this' world 'is floating inside an even bigger world. It's like a bubble in water. That bubble is the world."


It was a theory that Shuki couldn't even understand. He was realistic, for better or worse, and he had never read many fantasy science novels.

The only thing I knew was about a TV Mandarin (not saying anime at the time) robot that started in January of the same year in Japan where Shuki was.

And there's no way you can buy a TV or anything like that on your own.

I have only seen that several times in my landlord's room with my landlord's son, who will be a sophomore in elementary school.

I was just interested in the fact that the original author was a cartoonist and at the same time an MD.


Adriana's explanation continues.

"Bubbles in the water can get stuck, right? Sometimes, just like that, separate worlds rarely stick together and leave again."

In the case of bubbles, once they stick together, they don't leave, but in the case of the world, the boundaries are so strong that they leave without sticking together, Adriana explained.

"You... in the case of Shuki, didn't you get caught up in it?

"Hmmm...... and even if you say so, it's refreshing to me. Whether it's right or wrong, I don't even know how appropriate that analogy is."

"Yes...... Right. You said there was no magic in your world. But..."

Adriana, who tried to say something, apparently came up with something else.

"Um, if you'd like, could I magically examine your body?


You said, "Look, you're injured. Because you might find out something if you look into it."


After a little trouble, Shuki nodded.

"Fine... you don't hang up, do you?

On the contrary, Adriana was surprised.

What do you mean, cut? I don't have that hobby! Magic, I told you, magic!

So, with Shuki's consent, Adriana was to use magic to find out.

"" Analysis "…" Examination "…"

After several repetitions, Adriana sighed.

"... thanks, Shuki. There was no difference between you and us as creatures. At least I didn't get it."

So I cut the word once, Adriana, but then I said something amazing.

"There's no magic in this world," I told you. But your body, almost all of it, is a mass of magic?


"I feel magic from my head, face, torso, hands and feet, almost everything.... don't ask me why? I can't believe it either."


Shuki has thought about it. Doctor...... No, as a medical student, what happens to me when I should have been grinded to the body of a train, albeit urban power.

Secondly, when I look at my left wrist, I don't have a watch. I recall even more.

"What happened to the watch that was supposed to be on my left hand? And then there wasn't a bike or a book with you?

Adriana immediately answered the question.

"I don't know what that udedokay or jitensha is, but I have a book wrapper. It's like a heavy metal frame with two distorted rings attached to it. Oh, and the one that was in my arm is at that table."

When I was told and looked closely, I found a watch under a molten white shirt.

"... it's broken"

There was a crack in the glass, and it stopped. They thought it was broken in shock because wrapping Zenmai around it wouldn't move.

"The book was dirty, but I left it over there."

Adriana pointing to the next room.

"Really?... And the bike?

"Those are the deepest basements as they are."

"Then show me later"

Schuki was a little relieved to find out that all his belongings were coming this way then.

"But then again, it wasn't weird that I was dead."

"Huh? What do you mean?

So Shuki explained in detail what happened during the breakdown of consciousness.

The first explanation only said I was involved in an accident, so Adriana was surprised to hear more about it.

"What, it! Underneath a giant iron box!? I can't help you, normal!

And think.

"... maybe when crossing the world, the magic vegetables complement the broken...? But that's what really happened..."

After the bump squealed, I turned to Shuki again and started explaining.

"You know, my master's master said that the world is floating in something with higher magic than free magic (ether), so something should happen when crossing the world..."

"That 'something' makes up for the missing flesh," he said?

"That's all you can think of, isn't it?

"Hmm... I'm sorry, but I can't say anything."

"Well, right. I don't remember that time."

Here Adriana said in a meeting of hands as she remembered.

"Oh, I'm sorry! You're hungry, aren't you? 'Cause I'll be right over for dinner!

And he leaves the room in a hurry.

Left alone, Shuki lay down in bed again, trying to refute what he had heard so far.

(How did I know this was a different world? Wouldn't it be strange if it was a distant country?)

Snake feet, but in Japan by this time, international travel was still not common. Therefore, it was said that there were still unknown areas on the planet, monsters that had never been seen in the secret, and spell tribes that survived, and that people believed in them more than half of the time.

(But that language. Of course it's not Japanese, but it's not English or German either. I barely know French, Italian, Russian or Spanish...)

Intonation and vowel consonants were intuitively not the language of the planet.

(I knew it was that magic that was decisive. Was it "Send Knowledge (Send Info)"? I've never heard you do that.)

If there was such a thing as magic, it was a shuki that I think the public could know a little more about.

(I should have been crushed by the city electricity that fell on it. Being pimped like this means, after all...)

Thinking about it makes my spine a little cold. At the same time, I wonder if I can go back to Japan.

(Will it be treated like death over there? Or missing?

If there is no bicycle or body I was riding, I still think Shuki is missing.

"Divine Hidden......!

In ancient times, missing cases have been crowned with the name 'Divine Hidden'. The majority of them are said to be unsolved kidnappings......

"Maybe some of them have moved to different worlds this way?

"Hmm? I wonder what's in there?

He had accidentally put it out in his mouth, and Adriana just came back there to blame me.

"Oh, oh, you know..."

Since it was not something to be kept secret, Shuki showed off the theory he had come up with.

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