Magi Craft Meister

27-06 Advice No. 700672

May 11th, which dawned overnight from Reinhardt's birthday.

Jen had checked the progress of the spacecraft in Penglai.

The location is the flat behind the lab.

It tidied up what was originally a flat spot and turned it into a space port.

It measures roughly 18 square kilometres, has a rectangle of 3 kilometres by 6 kilometres and a construction dock is built at the eastern end.

A huge containment facility was built at the western end, and the aircraft was stored here, and the stripping of 'Frost Dragon' was also on display in this building.

It is compelling to see the giant heavy work golem, Daedaras 1 through 50, being tackled in total within its construction dock.

"The outer shell weighs a lot."

"Yes, Master (My Lord), because it is most important."

Lao Zi comes and explains.

"From the outside, it is Magi Inver, Foamed Underground Spider Resin (GSP), Mithrilled Silver, Magi Resin (Magi Resin), 64 Light Silver."

Foam Underground Spider Resin (GSP) is insulated and Magiledine is used for first aid repair when holes are empty.

"I will add more hyper-adamantite tension to the Command Room and your husband's (My Road) private room."

I am an old man who is thorough when it comes to Jen's safety.

Other explanations continued, such as the presence of five emergency escape transfer gates (warp gates) and the installation of a barrier generator (barrier projector) five times the required number.

"I wonder if there's anything I've missed yet"

After hearing the explanation from Laoko, Jen went back to the lab and was thinking about Reiko to his opponent in the workshop.

"Father, what's going on with the brains for spaceship control?

The Reiko pointed it out to me.

"Oh well.... old man, what's going on over there?

Soon you replied.

"Yes, your husband (My Road). I plan to put a dedicated demon guide brainchild on it, but if I can, I would like your husband (My Road) to make it"

Old man has a few limitations, so it doesn't mean anything can be made.

In particular, Jen's permission is required for new things, things beyond what has been done.

This does not apply to combining existing technologies.

"Okay. Anything else I can get you?

'Yes. For once, I was wondering if you could talk to No. 700672'

No. 700672 is, to the best of Jen's knowledge, the most knowledgeable being.

"I see. Maybe we can get some advice on the spacecraft. Let's go."

So Jen took Reiko and flew to base 700672 at the transfer gate (Warp Gate).

"Well done, Lord Jin"

No. 700672 welcomed Jen in the same way. On both sides of it, "White Girl" Nege and "Red Eyed Girl" Rouge were leaning in.

"You look good"

"Mm-hmm. I get Persica juice regularly. Aren't you completely tamed with your flesh?"

Yeah, thanks to you.

Jen got to the point after having an unusual conversation, for example.

"Actually, we're building a spaceship now."

"Hmm. That's it at last"

"Yes, so I was hoping if you'd let me ask you something like precautions"

To that word, No. 700672 showed a slight gesture of contemplation.

"... Hmm, right. What are you talking about? Come here."


Jen and Reiko reached the table behind the room, still led by No. 700672.

"In the first place, this room is part of the Sky Ship."

No. 700672, which speaks to Xu (Momouro).

"Imagine, what if you were blindfolded and diving into the deep ocean?

Jen imagined that situation and thought about what No. 700672 was going to say.

"… it's important to identify your location, isn't it"

"Ruri. Correct."

"This Ars, and then you need to always know where the sun is."

"That's right. And even if we lose them, we have to be able to find them again."

"I see."

I'm still glad I came to talk to No. 700672, I think Jen.

"Then it's still autopilot. It's awkward not to be able to steer to bedtime or something you can't let go of."

It was also a nodding story.

"Gravity-free… we also need to consider the possibility of a weight-free state to be exact."

"Keep the equipment basically stationary."


Some objects will sometimes use magnets, 700672 added.

Jen nodded, saying that it was necessary not only to rely on barriers (barriers), but also to detect them beforehand, because there was a lot of damage when they hit space dust and meteorites during a high-speed flight in space.

"You need something like an objective radar."

"Mm-hmm. It might be hard, though. Then, sometimes it's better to destroy big things than avoid them, so it's good to have some of those weapons."

"Oh, right"

There are Magicanons and laser cannons, but there are no systems of weapons that explode.

"Bomb using 'Magic Explosion', Magic Bomb (Manabom)... No, a missile with a warhead..."

Jen's willingness only increases.

Then I was told that if you were to land and investigate an unknown object, such as the moon, it would be useful to have a dedicated vehicle.

"Some things can't be found from the sky alone."


Capricorn 1 or Tortoise, but I just want a vehicle that is actionable even in vacuum. At the same time, we need a reconnaissance aircraft.

Plus, you should have a lifeboat for escape, 700672 said.

"Needless to say, space is dark. Enough lights on board."

other advice, such as designing sufficient margins for securing lifelines, that is, water, food and air (oxygen), and finally,

"If you get stuck, you can always visit"

Getting the word, Jen returned to Penglai.

He was satisfied that it was a meaningful moment.

"Welcome back"

When Jen returned to Penglai, Elsa welcomed him.

Recently, Elsa was in the village of Kaina in the morning, often educating her children with Meine and helping Sally in the clinic.

"I'm home."

"Old man told me you went to 700672?

"Yeah. I've been getting all kinds of advice"

So Jen explained the advice he received from 700672 as he built the spaceship.

"Always, his advice is appreciated.... one from me, okay?

"Of course."

"If you want to build an emergency room, or an infirmary, I want you to have another system of air conditioning, gravity, lights, etc."


Jen agrees that it is absolutely necessary to increase the reliability of such life-threatening facilities.

"... If you do that, it sounds like it would be a good idea to ask a lot of family members too"

Jen exhorts herself not to be alone.

"Yeah, I agree"

Elsa also agrees,

"My Lord, please go."

Old man agreed.

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