Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 43 43, Combat Deployment

As Duker's fleet approaches outer orbit.

The ground war on Na Lai Star has reached a fever pitch.

The people of the empire who had been infected by the poison and turned into zombies were now being driven away by the war gangs of the Plague Army, becoming human shields standing on the front line.

In front of the majestic and tall steel fortress, the corpses of the Astra Militarum and the forces of Chaos overlap like mountains.

The political commissar of the Astral Army endured the severe pain of being infected by the virus and stubbornly hindered the opponent's flank advancement.

Looking at these rotten and dirty virus zombies in front of him, he suppressed the anger and disgust in his heart. He had been lucky enough to survive countless battles, and hoped that there would be no surprise this time.

Being killed by the Nurgle virus is something that any loyalist warrior cannot accept.

His former comrades-in-arms have now become walking corpses infected by the virus, launching a fierce counterattack against his former brothers.

The desecrated corpse stared blankly ahead.

The body becomes a plaything of chaos, the noble soul cannot rest in peace, and the soul without face returns to the golden throne.

The Astra Militarum watched all this with pain in his heart, but he would not relent.

The fooled corpse laughed meaninglessly, and disgusting mucus flowed from the sores on its body.

Intense bullets and artillery fire drove these filthy creations back again and again.

As time passed by, the hearts of the imperial soldiers became more and more desperate.

Their enemies were endless, but there was no sign of reinforcements arriving.

The once familiar faces of their comrades have now become disgusting and rotting zombies, and the cruel scene destroys their hearts.

Impacting their souls, driving them into the abyss little by little.


In the outer orbit, the light spears and macro cannons emitted by the Soul Fire exploded in the dark and boundless universe like thousands of star rays.

The Chaos warship of the World Purifying Plague Army warband encountered this sudden blow and was easily smashed into ruins in the void.

The powerful weapon system roared with the roar of the machine spirit, easily penetrating the opponent's energy shield.

The warships of the Chaos forces were evenly matched when facing the old antiques of the Imperial fleet.

But encountering the Soul Fire as the expedition flagship, with its cutting-edge weapon systems armed to the teeth, was enough to tell them what cruelty is.

The bodies of the Chaos warriors left behind on the Chaos warship were floating in the outer orbit.

Just in case, Duker ordered Thunderbird fighter jets to dispatch to completely destroy these corpses.

Make sure that these fallen warriors have no chance of getting up again.

Duker stood on the bridge, his face illuminated by the macrocannon's fire, and his eyes reflected the fire exploding in the universe.

Appreciate the violent aesthetics composed by starships and giant cannons.

At this time, Efilar came over.

"Your Highness, the enemy fleet has been cleared. This is the battle plan sent by the think tank. Please take a look."

During the war, Duker respected the opinions of think tanks.

After all, neither he nor others have times when they are not controlled by reason.

But a think tank composed of a group of think tanks will not make this mistake.

After carefully reading the battle plan and confirming that there were no problems, Dukel nodded in agreement and said,

"Then come up as planned and prepare to start airdrop ground operations!"

As Duker's order was issued, the entire Imperial warriors on board the Soul Fire began to take action.

With a length of twenty-eight kilometers, the ship resembles a small space town, echoing with various sounds.

The various teams selected for the battle have gone to the preparation position. They will take the landing pod and go to the ground to fight.

Fighter planes of various types, their engines roaring at this moment, the pilots are already in position.

The military servitors moved slowly on the deck, and the thick mechanical arms carried cannonballs or bullets.

On the console, the meditator biocomputers began to flicker.

These brains, composed of sinners or clones, were blessed by the Mechanicus and became biological computers immune to the invasion of electronic demons.

Under the analysis of these biological computers, various data are sent to the think tank to provide information for the next tactical arrangement.

Duker stood on the observation platform, next to Efilar, who had been promoted to a living saint.

After being promoted, this living saint completely took over the work of secretary and guard beside the original body.

At this moment, she was on the communication channel. After receiving feedback from various departments, she reported to Dukelhui,

"Your Highness, everything is ready!"

Dukel nodded, and the communication system built into the power armor was tuned to the same channel as the Space Marines.

"Glory to the Golden Throne, victory belongs to you, warriors, follow my footsteps, I will fight side by side with you!"

Dukel was obviously not the kind of commander who would cower in his headquarters. In every battle, he would take the lead and tear through the opponent's defense like a sharp knife piercing cheese. In the hearts of the Space Marines, he was as brave as a god.

Upon hearing his words at this moment, bursts of cheers and slogans of victory came from the communication channel.

"There is news from the think tank. From the data analysis, this war is somewhat unusual. The specific reason is unknown, but it may be a trap set by Chaos. Please be careful, Your Highness."

Efilar, the bodyguard and secretary, reminded him immediately after receiving the summons from the think tank.

"Trap?" A smile appeared on Duker's marble-like face.

"Then I hope this trap can bring me more fun!"

The never-extinguishing fighting passion burned like a flame, and the fighting spirit that never flinched in the face of any enemy made the worries that Efilar just mentioned disappear.

Then, the original body looked at the captain of the Inner Fire, an older and experienced captain who was also a member of the Heart Network.

"Always check the subspace transmission channel. This time I will make sure these bastards of chaos never come back."

"At the same time, fire in the outer orbit to suppress the fire network of the Chaos forces and ensure the safe landing of the Space Marines."

"After confirming that their air defense system is disabled, the carrier aircraft will be activated to launch the Ultramarines and Dreadnoughts into the battlefield."

Duker gave the combat order, then looked at him, "Is there anything I didn't hear clearly?"

"Promise to complete the mission!"

After hearing the reply, Duker came to the airborne pod.

After confirming the military supplies and weapons inside, he got into the airborne warehouse.

With violent shaking in the airborne cabin, he was ejected and thrown towards the ground of Na Lai Star.

"Fighters of the Empire, the battle begins!"

"Let us tell these heretics whose home is this!"

Dukel was gearing up in the drop pod.

"Must win!"

After he was first released, a large number of Space Marines, Battle Sisters, and Imperial infantry were released.

The densely packed airborne pods were released collectively, falling at high speed and causing friction with the planet's atmosphere and catching fire.

Like a dense fireball, it dragged a long trail and hit the battlefield on the ground.

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