Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 53 53, Eight Ether Realms of Chaos

Lymph died peacefully. From now on, the Great Unclean One will return to nothingness and embrace eternal silence.

Before his death he left the Primarch with a great mystery.

But Duker had no time to think at the moment.

On the chaotic battlefield, the war did not stop with the death of the Great Unclean One.

Nurgle's Blighted Legion was completely violent due to the death of the great demon. Although the few remaining Plague Lords were not enough to command this huge army, their offensive was still fierce.

Dukel brandished his chainsword, and the fire of his mind spread wantonly.

Until the last plague zombie fell, the planet completely returned to the control of the human empire.

The war is over.

Some people cheered, but more people were silent.

This war is not easy to win. It can even be said to be full of crises. It is the most difficult battle that the expeditionary legion has encountered so far.

Use the World-Purge Plague Army warband as bait.

Ambushed by the Blighted Legion with hundreds of thousands of units.

The great unclean person is Lymph.

Nurgle's seven soups.

Every step is extremely thrilling. In order to achieve these goals, countless creatures are controlled and played by the gods, and countless lives suffer for this.

The weirdness of the evil god is as shocking as ever.

The gods' only mistake was to misjudge the Primarch's power.

Despite all the tricks, the final decision must be made in battle.

It was clear that this time Duker won.

But this is just an appetizer for the gods.

More conspiracies formed a web, snaring the Primarch and his expeditionary legions.

But now is not the time to worry about the future. We still need to save those who are still alive.

Countless Imperial aircraft patrol this world.

The skinny citizens of the empire were rescued from the bottomless underground shelter. Their faces were pale and without a trace of blood.

Tortured by chaos, long periods without sunlight, and malnutrition caused by lack of supplies, these children were extremely thin and weak. Many women's shriveled bodies seemed like they could be blown down by a gust of wind.

But luckily, these survivors made it through.

Duker rarely came forward to appease the people of the empire.

After the war, the original body remained silent and silently returned to the Fire of the Heart. After returning to his room, he never left the house again.

It was difficult for anyone to see him during this period.

If Efilar hadn't confirmed that the original body was in good condition after a brief exchange with him, I'm afraid rumors that the original body was injured would have spread again in the expeditionary legion.

At this time, Duker was alone in the room, deep in thought.

"The Great Unclean One has been destroyed."

"It completely dies and returns to nothingness."

"Even the essence has been absorbed by myself and transformed into my own power."

With the blessing of the calculation power of the Heart Network, no matter how many shortcomings he has, stupidity will not be among them.

But now, no matter how much computing power he has, he can't figure out why this situation occurs.

What is the nature of the Great Demon?

The existence of the Great Demon itself is not a living creature. In essence, they are an extension of the authority and essence of the dark gods. Although they have independent thoughts, their existence is semi-independent.

They are ultimately just fragments of a greater being!

It is the clone of the gods and the manifestation of the godhead!

Regular demons are easy to destroy, but big demons cannot. They represent the authority of the gods. Their demise is essentially the erasure of authority!

No matter how confident Duker was, he didn't think he had such ability.

But now, part of Nurgle's authority has been eliminated by him, or to be more precise, eaten?

Eaten and digested, even if Nurgle comes in person and decomposes it into dregs for the original body, digested is digested, integrated with him, and even if he wants to vomit, he can't vomit it out.

This is undoubtedly an advantage for Dukel.

But why?

He also imagined the realm of God in which he would walk based on his own essence.

But it seems that in every field, it is difficult to have such an effect.

In his memory, the seemingly bizarre chaos actually had eight divine realms.

——True North, erosion and destruction

[God position: Lord of Darkness. Status: Disqualified - addicted to cos, stuck on the golden throne. 】

——Northeast: Hellstorm

[God position: Tzeentch. Status—in office]

——Zhengdong, vicious skills

[God seat: vacant. Status - Vacant. Bushi Vashtor is actively working in this field, and looks forward to one day ascending to the throne of God. 】

——Southeast, ecstatic perception

[God position: Slaanesh. Status - in place. 】

——Zhengnan, greed dissolves

[God seat: vacant. ——Status: Vacant. The Great Devourer of the Tyranids may slither through this realm and become a serious contender for the throne. 】

——Southwest, corrupt and eroded

[God position: Nurgle. ——Status: In office. 】

——Zhengxi: invisible distortion

[God seat: vacant. ——Status: Vacant. Tzeentch seems intent on seizing this realm. When he masters both realms, he will be the most powerful among the gods. 】

——Northwest, killing without intention

[God position: Khorne. ——Status: In place. 】

In the realm of the eight gods, there are many 'secondary gods' or 'weak powers', and they all have the possibility of ascending to the throne and becoming the main god of a certain field.


Before Duker, based on his own subspace essential characteristics, that is, his talent for 'absorption and transformation', he thought he was walking in the field of 'greedy dissolution'.

After all, even the heart network he created unintentionally is somewhat similar to the Tyranid swarm network.

Full of a sense of destiny.

Originally, he had planned to compete with Tyranx's Great Devourer for the divine position in this field.

But at the moment, it doesn't seem like it.

Even if he is the Great Devourer, can he eat away at Nurgle's authority?

Duker couldn't be sure.

But he felt that it shouldn't be possible. Even the main god in this field may not have such power.


Dukel calculated based on the available information.

According to the memory of the past life, there are actually nine of the eight realms. This is actually not surprising, just like there are five of the four heavenly kings.

——The Center, the Prime Destroyer

His existence can even be said to be Chaos itself, and all demons and even gods can be said to be walking in his territory. He is the original truth, the end of all, the Creator and the Destroyer. It is truly supreme.

[Divine position: unknown. ——Status: In office (missing)]

Yes, the central god of the Warhammer universe has an owner, but his whereabouts remain unknown.

——Maybe when one day the chess pieces can no longer be sold, we can pull him out and have a grand finale.

"Isn't it possible that I am in this field, or even essentially a fragment of the original?"

"What kind of strange things did the Emperor get at the Gate of the Gods?"

Although the emperor received gifts from the gods, it did not mean that these gifts were within the control of the gods.

So far, only four fallen primarchs have shown inclination towards the Four Gods.

The other five fallen primarchs seem to correspond to different realms.

For example, Perturabo and the Iron Warriors under his command are obviously biased in the field of "evil skills", and Boss Pi and Wa Banxian are also the most compatible, and they often do great things together.

Even Luojia, who worships power, does not tend to the four gods, but worships the original destroyer, which is the original truth in his mouth.

Being in the center field, there's nothing fancy about it.

All chaotic existences can be said to exist in a central realm.

But if his subspace essence is a fragment of the original.

That would be great fun

"The last guy who got the fragment of the God of Creation has already penetrated hell and instilled fear in the demons."

Dukel muttered.

Of course, these are just his speculations.

As for the truth, he can only explore it in the future.

"There seems to be no point in thinking about this at the moment." Duker thought,

"It's better to capture a group of greenskins first and study the breakthroughs in spiritual cultivation technology and biomagnetic field technology. The chaotic water is too deep and too insecure."

"Kane said before that he seemed to have accidentally come to this world after chasing the green-skinned orc spaceship. I didn't have time to ask him before, so I asked him to come over."

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