Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 67 67, victory, even if the war ignites the galaxy!

Only the orcs can fight against the orcs - when the Bonecrusher Legion entered the ground battlefield, they did not even need the assistance of the imperial soldiers, and easily quelled this protracted war.

While giving a speech, Salaka waved the battle ax in his hand, using the strategy of recruiting a group of people and hacking them to death, and soon the orcs in the Euroworld were subdued.

The nature of this war also stems from the racial war between the Orcs and the Empire.

It quickly evolved into an infighting among the orcs surrounding the question of which of the three orc gods, Go Ge, Mao Ge, and Du Ge, was more awesome.

For the Bonecrusher Legion, victory came so easily - after all, every orc warrior was thinking, we sprayed three kinds of paint, and you only sprayed two; we have the trinity of attack, speed and defense, and you rely on What can beat me?

And as the civil war progresses, many die-hards among the orcs who are determined to fight Brother Mao will also switch sides and join the Bonecrusher Legion because of inexplicable reasons such as "Your blood stripes are so waaagh! I want one too!" .

Looking at the world of Euro, where the orcs were fighting together as densely as the endless ocean, Duker once again felt the terror of this race.

Compared with technology, the orcs' seemingly shabby equipment can produce effects that are no less effective than the empire's technology; even in terms of space navigation, it is better than the empire's navy - at least the orcs can pull out a bunch of Huge battleships like battle fortresses, and super black technology like battle moons.

Comparing the number, if the corpse of an orc killed in battle falls on the ground, thousands of orcs will soon grow.

As Duker watches this orc infighting.

The soldiers of the empire were also watching with vigilance. They could not understand, but they were greatly shocked.

Although the soldiers of the empire were not sure why a civil war suddenly broke out among the orcs, they were relieved in their hearts; although they were not afraid of war and death, it was always a good thing that they no longer had to make sacrifices.

As one of the few insiders, the great sage Gris was also watching the war excitedly. His expression was almost crazy. His eyes did not look like he was watching a bloody battle, but more like he was admiring an item. Great piece of art.

He knew what a great undertaking this was, and he was extremely honored to be able to witness the birth of it with his own eyes, and what was even more honored was that he had a share of the credit for it!

During the long dark ages, the orcs have always been one of the greatest threats to the empire, shaking the foundation of the human empire several times.

Fortunately, this threat was temporarily lifted by His Highness Dukel, and if nothing unexpected happens, it will continue.

Even after the Bonecrusher launches "Dugo's Great Waaagh Expedition", it can still have a major impact on the heretics and aliens in the galaxy, relieving the huge pressure on the increasingly overwhelmed empire.

Different from the excitement of the great sage, some clergy of the state religion have extremely conflicting feelings about this civil war between the orcs.

Most of these people were staid old guys. On the one hand, they were happy that the expedition had achieved a major victory; on the other hand, they were worried about deviating from the emperor's will.

According to the dogma of the state religion, to put it nicely, we are now forming an alliance with the orcs to win the war - to put it worse, isn't it that we are colluding with aliens?

The Primarch was revived, the Imperium in darkness saw hope, and the Crusade was victorious.

It was three good things rolled into one.


No wonder they are worried.

Two resurrected Primarchs - Number Two and Number Thirteen.

One is in a relationship with the orcs; the other is unclearly with the Eldar.

Before the expedition, they all saw the scene where the commander of the Eldar Death Army obeyed the will of No. 13 and took the risk to come to Ophelia No. 7 through the webway.

Now No. 2 has formed an alliance with the orcs and single-handedly led the orc civil war.

what is this? The green skins guard the country, and the Eldar die in the country?

They have dedicated their lives to the empire, so what do they mean by these old guys from the state religion? Are they the aliens?

Under the guidance of this contradictory mood,

Many bishops even began to pray to the God-Emperor for this reason, hoping that the God-Emperor would respond and give them answers.

However, the God Emperor ignored them at all.

Therefore, these fanatical old guys from the state religion could only sulk alone. After they couldn't bear it anymore, they decided to continue to endure it!

They are pedantic, but not stupid. Although they are not aware of the existence of the Heart Network, they can also sense that the current expeditionary army is united and united.

Do you dare to criticize the behavior of the original body under such circumstances?

Thinking about it, forget it. If they dare to say anything, they don't need to be heard by the original body. They will be shot eight times in the back and commit suicide in the room the next day.


"Huh, humans, Du Ge's expedition will never stop. I hope you won't be unlucky enough to become an obstacle on the expedition." After unifying the orcs on Eurostar, the Bonebreaker Salaka said this. Then he left in a hurry.

In many nearby worlds, there are hundreds of millions of orcs waiting for it to lead, and there is no time to waste here.

Perhaps in the future, it will meet up with Duker in the vast galaxy. Of course, the Ork warlord may not want to encounter the Primarch again at all.

Salaka the Bonebreaker stood on the deck of the orc warship. He opened his huge palm, and an exquisite golden double-headed eagle badge of the empire was lying quietly in his hand - looking at this beautiful badge, A smile appeared on the face of the orc warlord unconsciously, but it was quickly covered up by it.

When it raised its head again, it once again became the roughest, most cunning, and craziest war warlord in the history of the orcs.

"Boys, let's go! waaagh!!!"


In the collective cheers of the orcs, the first and greatest waaagh expedition in the history of the galaxy officially set sail!

The Expeditionary Corps did not remain stagnant in the Euroworld for too long.

There are countless human worlds in despair, waiting for their salvation.

Chaos warbands, cultists, aliens, and countless enemies are all waiting for their conquest.


Even the weakest mortal soldier,

When he saw the majestic figure standing at the front.

Infinite courage can also grow in his heart, and he firmly believes that victory will belong to mankind!

Victory, everything is unstoppable!

Victory, even if the war ignites the galaxy!

Victory marks the dawn in the eternal night!

Dukel's progress will never stop until all enemies of mankind are torn apart.

At this time, the expedition fleet set sail again and encountered new troubles.

Deep in the vast and deep starry sky, the original body is commanding the expedition fleet and engaged in a fierce space battle.

Facing Dulquer was a fleet of Khorne's daemons.

"Fucking Captain, move forward at full speed! Let the Fire of the Heart crash directly into it and kill these bastards!!!" The original body's furious voice came from the expeditionary legion's voice.

"Yes, sir!"

The older captain was sweating profusely.

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