At this time, Tina stood up and faced Yanzhu with a blank face: "Miss Yanzhu, I don't want to sneak attack either, let's make it clear at this time - I'm serious about my brother, whether it's Miss Yanzhu or President Tiantong, I don't care. will back down."

  Yanzhu showed the expression of being attacked by her comrades: "Ti, Tina? ... But, but we just agreed that in order to defeat the enemy in front of us, the chest king Mu must be united ..."

  Tina nodded slightly: "I thought so too at first. President Tendo's big and elastic breasts are indeed a threat. Let's use Gundam as an analogy to Bigsam. But if you think about it, there is only one brother. Even if After I stole my brother from President Tendong, I still have to fight Yeonju-san in a bloody fight. So I didn't need a companion from the beginning."

  Shocked, Yeonjoo widened her eyes and pulled away the clothes on her chest, revealing a badge with "C O" written on it.

  "Then, what about the "counterattack boobs" organization established by others to fight against big breasts?"

  Tina shook her head again.

  "Let's disband today."

  Tina also threw the C.O badge on her chest to the ground and stepped on it with her heel a few times.

  "Wow wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! What are you doing? Tina. People finally made it!"

  Yeonju crouched at Tina's feet with teary eyes and grabbed the C.O badge.

  Tina sneered and looked down at Yeonju: "Besides, look, I'm bigger than Miss Yeonju."

  "Ti, Tina! You traitor, thief cat! Female leopard! Female cat! Hey ——————!"

  It's not like a ten-year-old girl's conversation at all.

  Witnessing the "Counterattack Chest" organization that split from within not long after its establishment, Nangong Xiao sighed...  

  The humid and warm night air drifted indoors, and the subtle chorus of bell crickets and golden crickets could be heard outside the window.It was ten o'clock in the evening, and the lights had been out for a while.

  Yanzhu's snoring could be heard on the quilt on the right, and the movement of the second hand of the clock sounded extraordinarily loud.

  "Brother, are you still awake?"

  A small noise like a mosquito came from the left hand side.That's Tina.

  It can't be her fault either.Tina, who has a nocturnal factor in her body, was originally the most energetic time.

  "Can you chat with me for a while?"

  "Okay, you're welcome."

  "I thought about it for a long time, and then I wanted to take sleeping pills at night and adjust my routine to daytime activities."

  "You don't have to force yourself to do it."

  "No, I want to do it myself. I also want to live with everyone."

  Since she said so, Nangong Xiao also gave up.

  Without waiting for his approval, Tina slipped into the bed

  I don't know what was making a rattling sound in the wind, Nangongxiao opened his eyes slightly and raised his head.The wind blew in from the slightly open windows, ruffled the folds of the curtains, and made the sunlight flicker.It looks like the weather is sunny today too. .

Chapter 175

  Several days have passed since the last report, and the situation has not only not subsided, but has developed in a more difficult direction.

  The resentment accumulated so far finally has a target to vent, and the "plundered generation" has stepped up its actions. It seems that the hatred is quite deep-rooted.The Son of Heaven, a supporter of the "Cursed Son", was also criticized, and there were even protest marches outside the Holy House.Due to the intensive reporting, the anti-"Cursed Sons" civic groups that had been reluctant before, and even more extreme ones, became active.

  In the past, the public defaulted to the outer area of ​​the non-intervention zone, and some guys broke in to make trouble.

  He took the time to call old Matsuzaki to inquire about the situation in the outlying area.According to the information, it may directly affect the safety of Yeonju and Tina who go to the outer area every day.

  From the next day, Tina began to quickly adjust her nocturnal routine.It seems that it is not sleepy during the day, but it should be somewhat effective.

  Nangongxiao raised his eyes inadvertently, but it made him very unhappy.I saw an advertisement hanging in the center of the roof that read "Bad-eyed evil! They may suddenly turn into gastritis on the street?".

  In order to prevent the advertisement from entering Tina's sight, Nangong Xiao secretly moved her body to block it.When she came back to her senses, Tina was looking up at herself with an incredible expression.

  "No, it's fine. Let's go"

  Tina was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head shyly.She said enthusiastically, "Date with my brother."

  He could only try to pretend he didn't hear.

  Next to the bronze fountain in front of the station, many people gathered to sit and rest, and the fresh green foliage that provided shade above was even more dazzling.The sweet scent of the ice cream shop that happened to pass by, the summer scent of juicy watermelons on the front of the supermarket, and the strong aroma of cinnamon released by the vendors of fried bread, these flavors are integrated and irritate the nostrils at the same time.

  Tina wrapped her hands around his and walked happily past the department store window.For some reason, she had a funny look like a new wife walking with her head up.

  If possible, I wish it would last forever.Yet the other self, somewhere in the heart, indicates that this situation is nothing but an illusion.

  The "Household Registration Deprivation Law" passed a few days ago has awakened the unforgettable resentment of gastronomy in the hearts of Tokyo residents.

  When Tina shows physical features that ordinary little girls absolutely don't have, she must prepare the awareness that the tender eyes cast around her will instantly drop below freezing point.

  At the Wucha intersection in the city center, Nangongxiao, who suddenly heard the singing, stopped.It was a beautiful soprano that was unique to a girl.Someone is singing a hymn.I turned my head to look for the direction of the sound, and soon found a wide overpass coming from above.Halfway through, I saw a straw mat laying on the ground, and the sound came from there.

  No wonder the atmosphere is so different from the street performers.

  When I got closer, I saw that the singer was a begging girl in ragged clothes.

  The girl's upright facial features were filthy, and she wore a shawl full of oil, which gave the impression of a frail body.Holding the begging bowl in both hands, she sang in the direction of passersby.

  Beside her was a board with the words "I am the cursed son of the Outer Zone. Need money to buy food for my sister. Please also give me."

  Standing in front of her is a bit rude to a girl, but she does have body odor.

  Nangong Xiao was worried about whether Tina was hit hard, but unlike her guess, she was still very calm.Just showing serious eyes.There should be slums in her home country, and the situation in foreign countries may be very close to the Tokyo area.

  The girl's singing stopped, and she raised her face with a smile.Her eyelids remained closed.Although she was surprised that she was blind, Nangong Xiao immediately noticed something was wrong.The cursed son should have no chance of suffering from various diseases because of the gastroenterovirus.

  "What's wrong with your eyes?"

  The girl gently stroked around her eyes.

  "I'm blinded by lead filling."

  Is this done by a guy who uses beggars for profit?In order to gain sympathy from others, beggars are specially blinded, or their limbs are broken.

  Perhaps feeling his thoughts, the girl shook her head slightly and said, "No one else did it, I did it myself."

  "Because there is no other way to support my sister... Besides, I hate my red eyes for abandoning our mother."

  All gastritis have glowing red eyes in common.People who saw this during wartime were traumatized by their fear, and then just seeing the red eye caused symptoms such as horrific convulsions.This is the most widespread social disease after the gastrula war.

  Families suffering from gastrula shock, if they have a cursed son, are almost always in a miserable state.

  "Why are you still smiling?"

  Tina asked the girl carefully.

  The girl showed a smile that was beyond their imagination, and faced adversity with a tireless smile.A ten-year-old girl may not be suitable for such an adjective, but she looks like a saint.

  The woman didn't answer the question, but stretched out her hands in Tina's direction.Tina was startled at first, but after realizing that there was no hostility, she let the other party manipulate her.Instead of her invisible eyes, the girl stroked Tina's hair, facial features, neck, collarbone, and even the lines of her shoulders with her hands.Only then did the girl slowly raise her face.

  "Are you also the cursed son?"

  Pedestrians walking on the overpass hurried past indifferently, probably no one heard.

  "Why, do you know...?"

  Looking at the surprised Tina, the girl's smile deepened.

  "Because you're beautiful. It's impossible for boys to ignore you, right?"

  Tina glanced at Nangong Xiao instantly.

  ".~ I can only live by begging others like this, so naturally I have to keep a smile. Besides, I don't know what to look like."

  The girl smiled wryly, her shoulders drooping slightly.

  "But recently, there have been more and more cases of being beaten and swearing suddenly. I feel a little uncomfortable. What happened?"

  Just then, a passerby put a metal object into the girl's iron bowl.The girl smiled slightly and bowed deeply without saying a word.Looking at the drink ring in the bowl, Nangong Xiao's mood became very bad.

  Nangong Xiao informed the other party of the recent incident of the cursed son killing ordinary people.

  "Really, so there is such a thing..."

  The girl nodded with a complicated expression.

  "Let's go back."

  Nangong Xiao picked her up.

  "Now the citizens are murderous, it's dangerous to stay here."

  For the first time, the girl appeared to be hesitant to speak.

  "Let me fix it."

  Nangong Xiao guarded the girl where she was, and asked Tina to buy some food and come back.If he goes shopping and someone tries to do something to the girl (Lee's) in the middle, then Tina's identity will definitely be exposed.

  After sending the girl to the edge of the outer area, Nangong Xiao tapped the girl's forehead with her finger.

  "This is a little gift from me to you."

  The girl felt a slight tingling sensation in her eyes, followed by a ray of light that she hadn't seen for a long time.

  The girl watched the backs of Nangong Xiao and Tina go away.

  Presumably in return, the girl folded her hands on her chest, raised her chin, and sang in a quiet low voice.In the end, her volume became louder and higher, the solemn and bright soprano covered the noise of the street, and the elegant atmosphere spread to the surrounding.

  ——It is "Amazing Grace (Note: Amazing Grace. One of the famous Christian hymns)" ah.

  The girl's blessing song continued.The voice sounded a little sad for some reason.

  Unknown girl, please let me bring you a ray of light.

  Whenever, please remember.

  The world is not all about pain and hatred. .

Chapter 176

  Turning twice from the prominent road into the alley, it feels like entering another world, reminiscent of the deep sea that the sun can't illuminate.

  The musty alley is full of dull, sticky greasy dirt and rust.When pushing open the heavy rusted iron door of the building, it is hard not to wonder if your portable GPS is not working.

  But that conjecture easily fell through.Climb up the stairs of this ancient building without an elevator, and it won't take long to reach the destination.

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